Chapter 222
Chapter 222
“Come in here. You’ll get rained on.”
Standing behind her, Riftan wrapped his arms around her waist and Max leaned back on his solid torso. His jaw felt rough as it brushed against her cheek, making her neck shiver. His lips brushed against her temple and with his free hand, cupped her still tingling chest. As the air grew heavier and more humid, another flash of lightning filled the sky once more followed by a deafening thunder. The sound was so loud that it felt like the sky would fall right above their heads. Riftan sighed lightly and gently pulled her shivering body back to bed.
“I have to patrol. You must stay here until the storm passes.”
Max’s eyes widened at his statement. “Are you going out… in a storm like this?”
“The horses will be restless. I need to inspect the stables and make sure our defenses are intact.”
Riftan took out a new candle and lit it, creating a faint glow in the dark. He did a quick job putting on his armor while Max sat on the bed, listening to the heavy raindrops similar to that of thundering horse hooves. She could hear the winds roaring, swaying the tents, and the rumbling sound of thunder and lighting. From time to time, she would hear the urgent yells of the soldiers in the distance. Her heart pounded at the ferocious noise brought by nature that would seem to crack heaven and earth open. Max’s expression was plastered with worry as she asked Riftan.
“Because of what happened y-yesterday… won’t there be any problems?” Riftan, who was putting on a robe, paused and turned his head. Max lowered her eyes and continued to speak. “Because of me… there are disputes between the allied forces…”
“How is that your fault? Licht Breston was the initiator. That bastard has been causing trouble long before you showed up.” Riftan casually refuted. “As you have seen for yourself, the Commander of Balto’s forces have been hostile towards me for a long time. Even if you weren’t involved, he would have found other ways to provoke a fight.”
Max’s face hardened and soon, indescribable anger surged as she remembered the vulgar words that barbarian had hurled at Riftan. “Riftan didn’t do anything w-wrong…for insulting you like t-that… he is a really terrible person.”
Riftan looked at her with a strange look for a moment then shrugged as if he is used to such a lifestyle of hatred and hostility.
“Licht Breston comes from a prestigious family that has existed since the Roem era. His father is a knight branded as the reincarnation of Uigru in Balto. In that sense, he despises the idea of a humble man like me, on equal grounds with his father.” He explained with a hateful smile. “I have ignored his annoying antics until now, but this time I can’t just let it slide. I’ll make sure he’ll never be able to approach you ever again.”
“But… we are at war. If there are i-internal conflicts…”
“I have no intention of slashing a blade through that bastard right now. Merely a warning for him not to be able to cause any trouble.”
Hearing the cold tone in his voice, Max’s concerns only intensified. She didn’t know what he was planning, but it was obvious even to a three-year-old that he wouldn’t take a very peaceful approach with his warning. With pale lightning flashing through the skies and striking his face, his already sharp features looked even more grim and ruthless than usual. As if sensing Max’s fear, Riftan knelt in front of her and softened his expressions
“How is your body? Does it hurt?”
He drew gentle circles on her knees with his leather-gloved hand and Max shook her head with a blush.
“I’m f…fine.”
“What about your injury?”
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“My wrist is n-not… hurt to the point of injury.”
Riftan took her wrist gently and carefully examined it. When he noticed that the swelling had faded a bit, he released her. “I’ll summon Garrow and Yulysion so stay inside until the storm passes.”
Max nodded and Riftan kissed her softly on the lips before leaving. Max watched sadly as he walked into the harsh storm. It broke her heart thinking that he will spend the day under the raging weather. Moreover, she felt guilt biting her because she was inside the cozy tent all by herself, wandering around it idly.
After some time, Yulysion and Garrow, soaked to the bone, entered the tent. Max immediately ran towards them with a handful of dry towels.
“Thank you, m’lady.”
The boys gratefully accepted the towel and wiped the rain off their heads. They then took off their soaked robes, hung them by the entrance, and walked toward the only light that illuminates the space. Only when they got closer did Max see Yulysion’s disheartened face. His eyes dropped and his shoulders sagged as he looked at her.
“The lady must be very rattled because of what happened yesterday. I am deeply sorry. It was my fault, I should have stopped those beasts from harassing the lady…”
“N-No! As I said yesterday… It’s not Yulysion’s fault. You fought them off bravely for me. Rather… I should be thankful.”
“M’lady…” Yulysion was practically crying, and his face lit up to his usual bright face.
Max gave an awkward laugh as she recalled how he yelled at the men who were a head taller than him like an angry hound. The way he was looking at her now with gentle round eyes was comparable to a pitiful puppy, to the point that it made her wonder where was the dignified knight who protected her without showing any signs of distress despite the turn of events that happened.
“Are you hurt somewhere?”
Garrow hung his wet towel on the back of a chair and looked at her worriedly, and Max quickly shook her head.
“I’m f-fine. Just… a little rattled.”
“From now on, we’ll make sure nothing like that happens again and protect you with utmost diligence.”
Max smiled with great gratitude and led the two boys to the table. They lit another candle and ate together while listening to the sound of the roaring rain. After filling their stomachs with wine and bread, the two boys got up and began stuffing pieces of cloth between the gaps in the tents to prevent rainwater from leaking in. Yulysion and Garrow were adamant not to let Max work but she couldn’t sit idly while they worked in the tent so she insisted on helping them. Time passed by rapidly as the three of them tucked bitumen-lined cloths between anything that could let the rainwater seep inside the tent.
The storm continued for about half a day before the loud drumming of the water subsided and the roar of thunder gradually faded. Max rolled up the flap at the entrance and looked out. The dark storm clouds slowly receded, revealing the pale gray sky and allowing the faint rays of sunlight to peek through. The rain was still quite heavy as it formed large puddles everywhere, hitting branches and tents, but it has dwindled due to the calming wind. Max grabbed her robe and pulled the hood over her head. Seeing her about to leave, Yulysion, who was polishing Riftan’s armor, got up from his seat and ran towards her.
“Are you going to the infirmary?”
“I want to… check if the wounded are doing alright. May I go and see them?”
“Security has been tightened due to yesterday’s incident, so it should be fine.” He looked around outside, trying to find someone suspicious at will before nodding. “There is an emergency meeting at the headquarters. The Northerners are also there, so yesterday’s incident will not happen again.”
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“An e-emergency meeting…?”
“There have been some strange behaviors on the part of the monsters.” Garrow explained, answering before her question was finished. “According to the scouts who came in during dawn, some of the trolls have started moving west. They are trying to find out what the monsters are up to.”
“Will it be a-alright being gathered in the same place? The knights of Balto… I think they’re ve-very angry…”
“The Remdragon Knights are several times more furious than they are.” Yulysion’s icy purple gaze hardened. “But they won’t do anything stupid like start an argument when our enemies are up to something. Breston has at least that much sense.”
Max frowned, she seriously doubted it. The Commander of the Knights of the Balto Forces publicly insulted and acted with violence towards a woman. And if that wasn’t enough, that beast of a man publicly ridiculed Riftan and called for a retaliatory duel.
“He’s a horrible person… Will it really be a peaceful gathering?”
Max’s face clouded with endless worries. Fortunately, their worries were misplaced. Hours passed, and she had not heard any outbursts or news of a duel between Riftan and Licht Breston even when the sun began to set. That was because a more pressing thing occurred, an issue that eased any form of hostility between the two men.
As the night fell, Riftan returned to his room to quickly change his clothes.
“There is a battle at the frontlines. I must leave for battle right away.”
Max was sitting at the table, cutting herbs, when her eyes widened at the unexpected news. It was only a couple hours away before midnight, because of the thick rain clouds, everything outside was pitch black. She felt shivers run hearing that Riftan will be going into battle under the rain, in complete darkness.
“I-is it an all-out war?”
“Not yet. However, I’ll make it happen.” Riftan replied dryly as he removed his wet boots and put on a new pair.
“Make it happen… w-what do you mean by that?”
“This battle seems to be only a light provocation, but I’m planning to take this opportunity to bring about an all-out war. I will put an end to this damned war.”
Max couldn’t help but squirm in anxiety and fear at the fierceness and determination in his tone. “Please… don’t do anything r-reckless.”
In the middle of changing his clothes and putting on his armor, Riftan paused, and his head flew towards hers with a frown on his lips. Then he choked out a laugh as if he hadn’t heard anything more ridiculous.
“Now, look who’s telling who not to do anything reckless.”
Max stiffened at the mockery in his tone. Realizing that he may still be mad at her sneaking into this war, Max prodded him carefully.
“Are you still…mad?”
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“Do you think I could let this go so easily?” He snorted as he replied vaguely. “I still can’t forgive you for coming all the way here and I’m doing everything I can to control my anger. Until I can get you back to Anatol without a single scratch, don’t expect me to ease my mood.”
“B-But last night…” started Max but she quickly closed her mouth.
Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment at what she was about to say, and she shyly twisted the hem of her dress in her hands. She lifted her head in the strange silence that suddenly fell. It was hard to believe but there was a slight red tint that also formed around Riftan’s cheekbones. He awkwardly swept back his hair that was damp with the rain and looked at her.
“Do you have no idea of what I feel when you’re in front of me? I have been celibate for months in this barren place! How am I supposed to react when you’re lying next to me?!” He took big steps toward her, placing a small distance between their noses and groaned. “It’s like shaking a bone in front of a starved dog. However, I had no intentions of doing it with you in a place like this! I didn’t want to hold you in such a way that would make you feel like a mere satisfaction to my carnal desires. But even just looking at you, I couldn’t hold myself back…”
Riftan growled fiercely but closed his mouth when he saw the surprise on her features. He rubbed his face roughly and muttered as if he was completely drained of life. “I’m going to end this fucking war within a month. Until then, please… take care of yourself.”
Max was completely speechless at his outburst, and only nodded in response. Riftan headed towards the exit of the tent holding the hilt of his sword. Seeing his back recede, Max snapped out of her stupor and chased after him in a hurry. Riftan’s body stiffened when he felt her slim arms wrapped around his waist. She clung onto his side and looked up at him anxiously.
“You shouldn’t… leave angry like this. We don’t know when this b-battle will end… I don’t know when I’ll see you again…” Riftan looked at her helplessly and Max pleaded with him. She raised her hand to rest on his cheek. “Promise me that… you’ll return safely, unscathed. I will… be careful too. Pro-promise. So….”
Max’s voice dropped to a choke as tears began to flow. She quickly buried her face in his back when she could no longer speak. Riftan turned and took her in his arms. The hand clad in cold gauntlet swept through her hair, falling over her ears and neck.
He murmured with a trembling voice against her neck. “When an all-out battle begins, all allied forces will be concentrated on the front. There won’t be many troops left in Ethylene. Anything can happen, so make sure you always have Garrow and Yulysion wherever you go. Ruth will also be left behind. If anything happens, go to him.”
Max nodded, her face buried in his chest.
“…I’ll come back safe.”
Riftan kissed her on her earlobes and struggled to release Max out of their hug, like a child that clung to her mother. Max grabbed her cloak, wanting to see him off but Riftan stopped her by the entrance.
“Phil Aaron will be going into battle with us. Don’t come out.”
“B-But I want to see you off…”
“Stay inside.”
He ordered firmly and commanded Yulysion and Garrow, who were on standby. Max watched by the entrance as he disappeared into the pitch-dark curtain of rain.
Torches were lit along the castle walls, shedding light to the dark road and horses in their own armor were led to the gates. Finally, the knights mounted their horses, formed their lines, and began marching out of the castle fortress. The moment the troops left, everyone in Ethylene became very vigilant. The knights who remained to guard the premises were standing by the wall; their bodies tense and alert. The wizards also began to come out one by one to install their magic tools along the wall.
Note – LF: Gaaah Riftan has gone again Brace yourselves for the war
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