Chapter 218
Chapter 218
For some reason, the princess’s words felt like a scolding to Max. At the same time, she felt more confidence on her shoulders, like the words were also meant to support her. Agnes gave her shoulders a tap and smiled coyly.
“Anyway, it turned out well. Right now, there are twenty-two wizards here. We are swamped with tasks to put up barriers everywhere, creating magic formulas in preparation for attacks, and crafting magic tools. It’s a waste not to gain another newbie wizard.”
“Didn’t Sir Calypse make it clear that he doesn’t want his wife to be burdened?”
Ruth glared at the Princess as if he couldn’t believe what she was suggesting to Max, who looked at Ruth, unable to understand why he was against the idea. Wasn’t he the one who insisted that she learn magic so that he could unload some of his burdens on her? The wizard said his words so fluently as if he didn’t recall any of those times.
“Sir Calypse won’t sit still if he finds out. It’s hard enough to explain this to the other wizards, so just having her work in the infirmary as a healer is enough.”
“You’re making it sound like an awful plot!” Agnes glared at him and screamed, then turned to Max and took her hands. “I won’t ask much of you. I will never forget your graceful favor if you come to help me at times with making magic formulas.”
“I-if I can help… o-of course I will.”
Agnes looked positively excited by her answer. When she saw the Princess’s face light up, Max suddenly remembered the times when she had to help Ruth with his magic formulas from morning to night. She started to get a little worried that maybe she responded too hastily, but Agnes just pulled her towards the entrance.
“Well then, let’s go to my barrack right away. The lady needs a change of clothes.” At the mention of her looks, Max swept over Riftan’s robe, which was too loose for her. “Before that, I must stop by the p-priestesses’ barracks… I need to collect my belongings.”
“I’ll take care of that.”
Ruth, who has been looking for a way to escape the Princess, quickly seized the opportunity. He turned toward the barracks that housed the priestesses and was about to run, when Max stopped him.
“W-what are you going to tell priestesses? I suddenly disappeared… they must think it’s suspicious…”
“The lady wore a robe all this time. Even if the lady appears before them under the title of Wizard of Whedon, no one will suspect anything.”
Max was taken aback by how Ruth was thinking it so simplistically. “We’ve been working and traveling together for w-weeks, so of course some of them may have seen my face… m-moreover, my way of speaking… my voice, they will recognize it.”
Ruth threw his head back, looked up at the ceiling, and let out an annoyed groan. “Alright. I’ll give them a proper explanation.”
“That I was pretending to be a priestess… won’t it cause a big problem?”
“It’s not like the lady hid her identity to be a spy, you simply volunteered to nurse the wounded. There is no reason for this to become a problem. However, there are many unsavory people who like to misrepresent the facts and spread malicious rumors, so I would like to limit the number of people who know about this.” Ruth shook his head and sighed. “Fortunately, there are over 15,000 people here. If a newbie wizard from Whedon suddenly appears out of nowhere, most won’t even notice. Don’t worry too much.”
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He patted her shoulder reassuringly and left. The princess took Max directly to her barrack and brought out several of her own outfits for her to try on. She tried on a few outfits that would neither be drab or difficult to move in, but the Princesses’ pants were too long for her and too tight for her hips that in the slightest movement, it might rip. She became infinitely depressed, feeling like a duck with her short legs and wide hips. Her shoulders drooped as she looked at the princess’ slender deer-like figure with envy.
Agnes, a little uncomfortable, handed her a dress this time. “They may be a bit uncomfortable compared to wearing pants but this dress was made to cater for unrestrained movements, so you won’t have a problem moving around.”
It was a simple navy blue dress that came down to her ankles and provided good coverage. Max finished her look by tying the dagger that Riftan gave him around her waist and circling subtly. Since she had only been wearing swaddled robes for a while, she felt incredibly uncomfortable in her new outfit, like attending a ball.
“This will represent your affiliation with Whedon. Although Riftan said he will give you an escort, you should carry this around with you just in case.” With a firm expression, Agnes gave her a small wooden pin with Wedon’s crest carved into it. “As I told you before, men from Whedon, Livadon, Osyra and Balto have all congregated in Ethylene. Everyone wants to do things their way, so there may be conflicts here and there.”
“What else. Duels.” Agnes explained as if she was fed up with the subject. “Especially with the Remdragon Knights, who have gained recognition as the strongest knights in the world in recent years. They are always being thrown into disputes. If you defeat a Remdragon Knight in a duel, you will be immediately recognized as a first-class knight. And because duels are forbidden, everyone squirms with impatience.”
“Even during a war…you’re saying they’re still trying to fight with each other?”
“What a bunch of idiots, right?” The princess snorted bitterly. “Although duels are strictly forbidden, it’s hard to control because there’s no central command system properly established. If I would put it honestly, the Allied Forces right now could be compared to an unstable magic tool that could explode at any time. With Sejour Aren of Livadon, Riftan Calypse of Whedon, Quahel Leon of Osyria, and even Phil Aron, the deputy commander and strongest knight in the north… with all these strong figures gathered in one place, isn’t the current state comparable to mixing oil and water?”
Agnes frowned in frustration. “Don’t even get me started with the knights and soldiers following these men. This whole coalition is a huge mess.”
Max felt the blood drain from her face at the ugly truth that was buried beneath all the glory and glamor of these famous men. As if the army of trolls weren’t a big enough problem, now she learned that conflicts existed.
Seeing her face pale, Agnes added quickly. “Don’t make that face. There will be people who will use the fact that you are Riftan Calypse’s wife as an excuse to start a fight. I just wanted you to be extra vigilant, I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“I’ll be…c-careful.”
The princess gave her a soft smile and led her outside. Agnes showed her around the barracks belonging to Whedon’s forces. Max took note of where the wizards were residing, and where the Remdragon Knights stayed, as well as the areas she must refrain from entering, then immediately made her way to the infirmary.
Max simply wandered out of the infirmary aimlessly; knowing how awkward this was going to be and wondering how she was going to approach it. Just as she struggled with her thoughts and stood idly, Idcilla saw her and ran towards her.
“Madam, are you alright? Did he reprimand you?” Idcilla questioned anxiously as she hurriedly led Max to the back of the tent.
“I’m f-fine. But from now on… I don’t think it would be possible for me to disguise myself as a priestess.”
Idcilla looked at Max’s new clothes and sighed. “I expected that when I saw his face yesterday. Lord Calypse is truly formidable. The look in his eyes really terrified me that I couldn’t move.”
“It’s because of m-me… he’s shocked, that’s why he acted like that. Normally… he isn’t like that.”
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Max muttered in defense of her husband, but belatedly recalled how she also thought he looked like a lion who walked straight out of hell. Idcilla looked at her with interest, seeing Max’s fiery eyes.
“Seeing how he has quickly forgiven the lady, he seems more generous than he appears to be. A little while ago, the wizard came and explained that the lady will now work here as a healer from Whedon.”
“Wasn’t everyone… surprised?”
“Most were, but some seemed to have gotten wind of it.”
Max’s eyes widened and Idcilla explained with a smile. “Sister Nora and Sister Karen have known long before. They said that they have seen and recognized your face at the monastery.”
“How about you, Idcilla… did they discover your identity?”
She shook her head. “They have their suspicions, but I’ve been avoiding them.”
“How about r-revealing your identity as well, Idcilla? I can no longer stay in… the priestess’ barracks. If it’s alright with you, Idcilla, I can ask R-Riftan…”
“I’m alright. I want to continue my work here until the end.” Idcilla interrupted her. “After joining this support unit, I have realized that I am not as useful as I thought I was. Now I know how protected and pampered my life has been.”
A bitter smile spread on Idcilla’s lips. “I do not wish to receive the privilege of a noble status in places like this. I will continue working as a priestess here until this end. Because that’s what I can do to contribute.”
“B-But…I don’t feel comfortable… leaving you here alone.”
“Don’t worry about me. Selena is here with me so there won’t be any problem. All I ask is that you help me get information about my older brother.” Suddenly, Idcilla’s face clouded. “I still haven’t found anything apart from him being in the frontlines.”
“I understand. I will surely… look into it.”
Max promised in a firm voice. She felt guilty that she was now reunited with her husband, while Idcilla still lived every day with concern for her brother.
“Come on then, let’s get to work. The new patients who arrived yesterday are not doing so well.”
Idcilla took a deep breath and led Max inside. At first, the priestesses felt noticeably more uncomfortable around her, but when they started working together again, things returned to normal. Plus, there were so many things to do that Max didn’t even have time to worry about her discovered identity.
She naturally went back to her old routine of inspecting wounds and applying healing magic to some. As the hours passed everyone forgot that she was a noble lady who came disguised as a priestess. Princess Agnes’s words rang true, a battlefield is no place for a noble woman. The only thing that mattered in the battlefield is whether you could fight or work in support, and she fell in the latter category.
“M’lady, you must come back to the barracks now.”
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Max was in the middle of refilling the emergency medicines with mixed herbs, when Yulysion entered the tent. The young man looked uncomfortable seeing the wounded lying on the bed, and urged her on again.
“Lord Calypse has instructed me to bring you back before sunset.”
“B-But I still have to finish…”
“I’ll make the rest of the medicines.” Selena, who was gathering herbs nearby, quickly took over. “Leave it to me and go back.”
Feeling like she was being pushed, Max had no choice but to leave the infirmary. Yulysion took the place by her side and proudly took his strides.
“By Lord Calypse’s orders, I am once again in charge of protecting the Lady. I will always be by your side from now on.”
“I-I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”
“What are you talking about?!” The young knight beat his chest proudly and smiled cheerfully at her. “It’s an honor for a night to serve the lady! I am absolutely thrilled that Lord Calypse considered me capable and entrusted the Lady to me. I will risk my life to protect you whatever happens.”
Max looked at Yulysion, who seemed to have grown taller and more manly in just a few months and he had also become incredibly dignified. A smile spread on her face: the teenage boy, always ready to be a hero, was incredibly cute in her eyes.
“Th-Thank you… for your kind words.”
“Please listen to me, this is serious.” Yulysion looked at her, apparently a bit dissatisfied with her reaction. “When this war is over, I will be officially ordained as a knight. After the ceremony, I will challenge Sir Nirta to a duel and take his place as Lord Calypse’s second in command. So please don’t take my words lightly at once.”
“M-my… apologies.”
He narrowed his eyes at Max, as if trying to determine if she is sincere with her words. Then he smiled again with that same youthful tone of innocence. “Because it is the Lady, I will forgive you.”
Max had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from bursting out laughing at Yulysion’s sulky tone as he escorted her back to Riftan’s tent with the courtesy of a true gentleman. He even prepared a magnificent dinner for her, with trays full of all kinds of luxurious dishes. She washed her hands thoroughly and sat down in front of the table.
“When is Ri-Riftan coming back?”
“Lord Calypse is in a strategy meeting right now. It will probably end late.”
Note – LF: Yuri is so CUTE
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