Chapter 194
Chapter 194
Max staggered backwards, her back hitting a rough tree trunk. Riftan immediately closed the distance between them, and grabbed her breasts, pressing his lips against hers. His strong, warm tongue entered her mouth and moved ravenously.
It was the rawest and most savage kissing experience they ever shared. The heavy rain continued to fall on their faces, shoulders, and back mercilessly. The leaves drooping from the tree branches scratched and clung to their cheeks. Riftan drew back, kissing her cheeks, chin, and eyelids.
It gave enough room to Max’s chest to heave breathlessly. The smell of rain and the sweet scent of wet leaves filled her lungs with each deep breath. Riftan leaned over and licked the raindrops dripping down the tips of her breasts, then proceeded to rapidly suck her mounds greedily. It was as intense as being trapped under a fierce storm. Max clung to his drenched clothes so tight that they were at the point of tearing.
Riftan took turns caressing her breasts while pouring kisses, then pulled his soaked tunic over his head. Max’s eyes trembled as she gazed up at him. Raindrops bounced off his broad, marble-like shoulders, creating a faint halo around his tight naked torso.
An electrifying tingle ran all over her skin. Max wrapped her arms around his thick neck and Riftan lunged to spill ravenous kisses, then slipped one hand between her legs. Max’s whole body trembled as if her entire body was simply struck by lightning when his hand began to graze her sensitive area.
Unable to resist the overwhelming surge of pleasure, Max struggled to escape from his tight grip when a growling sound erupted out of Riftan’s throat.
“Don’t. I can’t hold back any longer.” Riftan’s face was earnestly distorted as if he was enduring extremely terrible pain. “Really…I’ve reached my limit.”
Max shuddered as she looked into his helpless eyes. He was submerged in the same desperate impulse as her. No, probably deeper than her.
His fingers slipped inside her depths and began his gentle ministrations. She crashed her lips against his shoulders, letting out intermittent moans. Her arms and legs seemed to melt, her nerves were so tight that her whole body jerked at his slightest stimulations. As if having had all his patience burned by her sensitive response, Riftan pulled down his trousers and sheathed himself straight into her.
She let out a suppressed moan when she felt her tight secret area accepting him. It was like a ship being hit by a burning fireball. She struggled from the sudden overbearing pressure, but he held her securely around her arms, like a mouse trapped by a snake’s body.
Max took a deep breath and groped his body tightly. His sturdy thighs pressed hard against the inside of hers and his smooth stomach lined with his muscles clung gently against her soft belly. Soon, Riftan held onto her waist and began to move rapidly. She bobbed up and down, clutching to him for support. Every time he dug into her, her body shuddered, and her lungs swelled like it was about to burst. Her vision was blurry as the rainwater seeped through her eyelashes and ran down her cheeks. Perhaps it wasn’t just rainwater, but tears flowed out as well from the intense passion. Max shook her head as if she was about to go crazy.
Riftan leaned her against the tree trunk, digging deeper and ramming faster into her depths. Her body was thrown to the edge and convulsed, unable to handle his movements. Max clung desperately to him, then he grabbed her hand and intertwined his fingers tightly against hers. Not long after, his body turned rigid, and she felt something tepid spread inside her. Max shuddered at the sensational experience, the sharp orgasm mincing her whole body.
“Damn it…”
Riftan held her in his arms as they gasped heavily for their breaths. She rested her cheeks against his shoulder, drooping from all the energy that was drawn out. Her thighs still shuddered from the feeling and there was no strength left in her legs. He carefully pulled himself out of her and hugged her to soothe her sobbing state. Then, he pulled up his pants with one of his rough hands and draped his tunic over her to cover her body.
The rain had subsided to a thinner sheet and now gently fell against their skin. Riftan hoisted her up and strode to the place where he had set up their tent. Max only then finally regained her senses and anxiously looked around. Fortunately, all the knights seemed to have finished washing themselves and had entered their tents, so there was no one to see them.
Riftan crawled into the tent on his knees and laid her down against the bed he made for them. It seemed like he didn’t care whether the beddings he had prepared were ruined by the wet rain. He came towering above her as he tossed the wet tunic off her body.
“Just one more time…”
Max stared up blankly into his black orbs, that were burning with passion. He then caressed her breasts with his mouth and positioned himself between her thighs again. A large flesh impaled deep into her body at once, earning a pathetic sob from her. Despite the orgasm having faded away from their climax, her private part still felt extremely sensitive at the stimulations, making sparks fly over her vision
Riftan leaned over, his elbows positioned beside her shoulders and began to pull in and out slowly. His huge, stone-like body pressed heavily against hers. Max sank her teeth tightly into his forearm to suppress the moans that were about to escape her lips. Riftan trembled as if the pain she inflicted even aroused his pleasures.
He soon began to drive her like he had let go of all the restraints he had been keeping. The pleasure that seemed to boil her brain into a muddled mess felt unending. Max couldn’t suppress the feeling of being at the edge of a strong climax, scratching and pounding on him like an angered feline.
Riftan continued to ram rapidly inside her, pouring kisses all over her lips, cheeks, and eyelids as if to soothe her, prolonging the time before they finally reached the top of their climax and ended his movements in a powerful thrust. Max’s head tilted back at the force that he inflicted on her body, like she was about to be broken.
Her lungs swelled up like they were about to burst, and her head spun, muddling from the sensation. Max glanced up at the dim tent’s roof with a blurry vision and her body drooped, with her eyes slowly closing. Drowsiness came over her and soon, the darkness engulfed her. Max fell asleep as if fainting beneath Riftan’s body.
Max squinted her eyes open at the sensation of a wet towel wiping her body. The night’s darkness had surrounded them before she knew it. She tried to sit up as she listened to the sound of rain pouring over the tent, groaning at the touch she felt between her thighs. Riftan pushed her gently to lay back down and wiped her burning private area with a wet towel.
“Lift your legs, I’ll dress you up.”
Looking up at his figure outlined against the dark, Max slowly lifted her legs, allowing him to put on a clean pair of underwear. Then, he lifted her torso and pulled a clean tunic over her head like she was a little child. Max lowered the tunic down to her knees and leaned back on the covers. She heard Riftan turn and rummage through the bags.
“We couldn’t cook any meals as the rain continued pouring. Eat this for now.”
Max carefully accepted the food he handed her, which was an apple the size of a fist. She crunched on the apple while lying down on her stomach, not caring about proper etiquette anymore. Riftan pulled apart a stale bread into small pieces and gently pushed them in her mouth like he was feeding a bird.
“We’ll spend the night here. As soon as the rain stops, we’ll start moving again.” Riftan sat next to her with one leg outstretched. He looked at her hesitantly, then finally opened his lips and asked. “Does your body feel alright?”
Max shifted her body to check for any discomfort, but quickly buried her face in the blankets with a groan. Her lower back was throbbing painfully as if she had been stabbed, and the sensitive area between her legs was sore and raw. Riftan seemed lost on what to do and caressed her back with a sigh.
“Did I hurt you?”
“N-no. it doesn’t hurt. Just… it’s a little… hard to move…”
Riftan cursed and groaned loudly. “Damn it, I have been holding it back ever since… I didn’t mean to do this. All of a sudden, I have lost control of my reins…”
“You have been h-holding back… all this time?”
A moment of silence passed through them, as if Riftan was surprised by her question. He remained motionless in the dark, then suddenly reached out and pinched her cheek.
“How can you be so oblivious to a person’s sufferings?”
Max dropped her mouth in shock at the accusation of her being ignorant to Riftan. She always thought that she was the one who had always been the delicate and sensitive one and that Riftan was an insensate man who had no slight knowledge about women. Max gaped at him, feeling the tingling on her cheek.
“Riftan… you are weird! Suffering all day… how am I supposed to know you fe-felt that way? On top of that… I didn’t appear… attractive.”
She didn’t know how to describe her mortifying appearance to him without embarrassing herself. Her hair was sticking out everywhere thanks to the wind, her clothes were covered in dirt and her face was stained with sweat. Who would assume that he would lust over a woman who appeared as such?
However, Riftan seemed to have a completely different way of seeing things from his point of view. He rubbed his forehead roughly with his calloused hand and replied.
“With your face flushed, your eyes shining vividly, your clothes clinging to your body’s figure from sweat, and your hair loose…” He moaned and turned to stare blankly at the ceiling. “This is the hardest expedition I had in my entire life.”
“I… I didn’t know you were having a difficult time…” Max muttered under her breath.
She had a good knowledge about his energy when it came to intercourses, but It was shocking to hear him admit that he was holding back his lustful desires despite them being under a straining march. That may be the reason why he had been sleeping outside the tent all this time. Riftan sighed and pulled the blanket over her as she stared up at him blankly.
“But still, I was planning to endure it until the end. I know you’re overwhelmed just following the expedition. I should have let you rest a little more…” He said and cursed softly. “I have lost my mind.”
“It’s n-nothing… I didn’t dislike it. It just surprised me… and… it was great…”
Max said without thinking and immediately turned red, but she didn’t say it just to comfort him, she was ecstatic that he was losing his mind because of his desire for her. Max would never forget the gaze he gave her under the rain for the rest of her life.
For the first time in her life, she felt like a breathtakingly beautiful creature, although it terrified her that such an exhilarating moment would never happen again in her lifetime. Max reached out and touched his arm.
Riftan laid down next to her and embraced her tightly. “Don’t say things like that. Do you really want to make me lose my mind?”
He grumbled and rubbed his cheek caressingly against her shoulder. Max giggled at the warmth of his breath tickling her nape. She was utterly exhausted, but she was content and exalted more than ever. Max burrowed into his arms and fell asleep again while listening to the sound of rain.
Note – LF: The wink wink ride is extra steamy HAHA. Meanwhile, the knights probably be like: /(>//n//
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