Chapter 181
Chapter 181
As soon as Max finished her talk with Hebaron, she immediately headed for the infirmary. Medrick was laying out numerous sacks of medicinal herbs on the floor, preparing medicine for the knights who were leaving for the expedition. She rolled up her sleeves and walked over to the desk to offer him help. Medrick was filling a small bag with herbs when he looked at her, concerned.
“Madam, your complexion doesn’t look well. Please rest in your room for today. I can prepare the medicines by myself.”
“It’s… it’s because I didn’t sleep much. I’m fine.”
“Is it due to the news the messenger delivered yesterday?” He sighed as he pulled a jar of plaster from the shelves. “I’m really worried too. The monsters only seem to mysteriously increase over the years.”
“Medrick… have you… ever been on an e-expedition before?”
“I often participated in small-scale subjugation campaigns, but since I am a low-ranking wizard with no other abilities other than healing magic, I am generally a part of the rear support. When I was young, I participated in some long-term expeditions.”
He explained with a dark expression while mixing the thick ointment with a spatula. “It seems like they couldn’t find a wizard who could join the expedition. If that’s the case, then I’ll go.”
“Oh, n-no! I was asking because I’m thinking of going. I don’t mean to send you, Medrick… d-don’t worry.”
Medrick’s eyes widened in surprise. “Madam will? Did the Lord give his permission?”
Max’s expression instantly turned grim at his question. It seems that Riftan’s personality was so domineering, that even someone who had resided here for less than a month knew exactly how he would react to her plans. Max shook her head in defeat.
“I have b-been…trying to persuade him.”
“The Lady just started learning magic only last year, correct? Does the lady have any experience with expeditions?”
“N-not in expeditions…but I have encountered monsters several times…”
She did not say that she fainted both times, and swallowed her words down. Both had certain circumstances anyway. The first was due to the stress of a possible divorce, she wasn’t able to sleep and eat for several days, and the second time was because she completely depleted her mana. But now, she was healthier and she had more control over her magic.
“To be honest… I’ve never traveled far… W-what do wizards do on expeditions?”
“High-ranking wizards capable of attacking often fight alongside knights during a battle. But a healer like me would normally evacuate to safety and heal the wounded after the fight.” He explained, looking a bit embarrassed. “A weak wizard like me who has only mastered a few universal types of magic is practically useless in combat. If I am not healing the wounded, then I am helping with food preparation and caring for the horses.”
“I s-see…”
If she could convince Riftan, will she have to prepare food for the men and take care of the horses? Her face clouded at the thought, she had never cooked before.
“Then… when monsters appear… Do you hide until the battle is over? What if there is no place to h-hide?”
“Knights are usually accompanied by squires on long-term expeditions. When a monster shows up it’s like this… here…”
Medrick pulled out a piece of parchment on the desk and drew two lines with his quill. “The expedition is divided into two groups. The knights in the front fight the monsters, while the squires stand back to protect the food and the horses. The wizards can also stand back at this time. Because front-line knights are always on the lookout, they usually don’t worry about being dragged into battle.”
Somehow, Max felt subdued by Medrick’s explanation. She continued to question him while preparing the essential herbs that the knights would need to take with them. He patiently and generously gave advice based on his own experience, such as how to avoid being a burden to the knights when in combat, how to avoid nasty insects while camping, and how to use the stars for navigation. Max absorbed all of his teachings and was furious with determination.
She spent a long time in the infirmary and only came back for dinner after the sun had set. She wanted to talk to Riftan again, but when she thought about how stubborn he was, she became afraid to speak. It would be better to wait for Aderon’s report. She tried hard to sleep that night.
The next morning, she didn’t see Riftan anywhere. When she asked Rudis, he apparently had slept in the knights’ quarters. Max couldn’t tell if he was actively avoiding her or if he was busy preparing for the expedition.
She spent the day at Ruth’s tower, reading about monsters, maps, and familiarizing herself with the topography of the roads they would use on the trip. When she returned to her room, she asked Rudis to prepare some sturdy boots and leather pants often worn by apprentice knights.
The pants felt strange and didn’t fit very well, but they were surprisingly comfortable to move around. Plus, unlike dresses, she didn’t have to worry about tripping over her hem or letting the fabric drag across the floor or pay attention not to crease it when she sat down. Max quickly changed into her normal clothes and hid her pants and boots in a box, to avoid that Riftan could see them.
The next day, as soon as she opened her eyes, she quickly threw down a simple tunic and pants worn by the servants and ran to the training ground. The tension around the spacious field was higher than normal as they approached the departure date.
Max looked at the gentleman who was supervising the training. Realizing that it was a knight with whom she was not very familiar, she quickly turned towards the knight’s quarters. Looking through the conference room window, she saw several knights gathered around the long table talking seriously, a map spread out in front of them. Max looked around and found only Hebaron and Gabel, not Riftan. The moment she entered, everyone instantly calmed down.
“Sir… Sir Nirta, about what I asked you the other day… How is it going?…I came because I was curious.”
Hebaron looked at her outfit and got up from his seat. He approached slowly. “Lady Calypse? What are you wearing?”
Max blushed and rubbed her sweaty palms against her pants. “I… I think this is more suitable… so I tried it on… b-but, I guess it doesn’t suit me very well…”
“No, no, I think it looks pretty good on you.”
He waved his hands and Max walked into the conference room that was filled with awkward stares and tension upon her arrival.
“Am I… interrupting an important meeting? Should I come back later?”
“No, come in and have a seat. I was just talking about the lady’s proposal with everyone.”
Max looked around the room, the knights’ faces filling with discomfort as Hebaron extended the invitation to join them. A gentleman immediately got up and brought her a chair. Max sat down, dwarfed by the huge knights, and looked around anxiously. The large map detailing the western continent was spread out across the large table. It was covered in intricate lines, like a cobweb, and several wooden models were strategically placed around it. It seemed the knights were discussing the route of travel.
“Where’s Ri-Riftan? I heard… he slept here last night…”
“You just missed him. The commander returned to the great hall to send a message. He will be back soon.”
Hebaron scratched the back of his neck and frowned. “I brought up the subject of the Lady joining us on the expedition as soon as I got here.”
“It seems we failed to get one of Count Robern’s wizards.”
Gabel, who sat opposite her, nodded. “Unfortunately. Most of them have wives and children and cannot leave.”
“I s-see…” Max tried to control the tremor in her voice. “Then… I’ll be y-your wizard in this e-expedition.”
“But milady, will you really be fine with it? You’ve lived your entire life at Croix Castle.”
A dark-skinned knight sitting in the corner looked at her, his expressions filled with doubt. “We all know you are a decent healer. However, there are many monsters along the way and villages are sparse, we will have to camp most of the time. Can the Lady endure such hardships?”
“Those hardships have already been e-explained to me by Sir Nirta. I have also c-camped once on the way to Anatol… even if it’s difficult… I am determined.”
“It’s much more dangerous and difficult than you think. Thinking too lightly about it…”
“Her majesty the Princess can do it, so there’s no reason why the lady can’t.” A young knight who was sitting with his arms crossed to his left stood up. He was a gentleman who frequented the infirmary for treatment. “And we are all over the place, so what are you worried about? If you are so worried, then we will assign some squires as guards. Whatever the case, I am willing to volunteer.”
Max smiled at him gratefully for coming to her aid. “As everyone says… the journey will be difficult… that’s why I should go. The villages along the way are sparse… and there are many m-monsters… to travel without a wizard on such a dangerous month-long journey… it would be too dangerous.”
The knights exchanged glances, as if communicating just by looking at each other. Max smiled when she realized that almost everyone was on board, when a cold, dark voice echoed behind her. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Max turned to look at the entrance with a stern expression. Riftan stood by the door, his expression filled with murderous rage. He prowled to the head of the table and bared his teeth menacingly.
“Does anyone care to explain why my wife is here?”
“I’m the one who asked the knights. If you can’t get an assistant… then I-I…”
“You shut your mouth.”
Max immediately clamped her mouth shut at his icy gaze. Hebaron stepped forward, as if shielding her from his reverberating rage.
“Your wife came here for your sake. You shouldn’t look at her with such threatening eyes.”
“I have already made myself clear on this matter, I said no. But do you think it’s proper that she disobeyed me and went to conspire with my men behind my back?”
Hebaron frowned. “Why are you accusing her so harshly? Because the Commander is as stubborn as a mule, the Lady had no choice but to turn to us! Don’t act like we plotted something that utterly doesn’t make sense!”
“Whatever the reason, it is unacceptable for my wife to plot behind my back!”
The two men glared at each other with murderous intent, neither willing to back down. Feeling struck by the violent atmosphere, Max was on the brink of collapse if not for Gabel, who threw himself between the two angry wild dogs.
“Please, calm down! I understand your concerns regarding the Lady. Isn’t that why we’ve all been quiet until now? But as you know we need a wizard and she is an excellent healer. Please consider it.”
Riftan gnashed his teeth. “Are you in your right mind?! My wife is the daughter of a Duke, who grew up spoiled and pampered in a castle all her life. She can’t handle the roughness of an expedition!”
Max sprung up from her seat, her expression indignant. “I c-can do it too! Please give me another chance. I am a wizard… you should not walk away just like this!”
Note – LF: HEBARON FOR THE WIN! Anyone notice how Max is stuttering super less now? I’m proud of our baby Maxi
Nymeria: Don’t mind me, I’m super pissed off. Ughh, I wanna punch someone
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