Chapter 143: 143
Chapter 143
Translator – LL
Proofreader – Nymeria
Max walked down the stairs with her maids with a colorful shawl on her shoulder. Her heart was beating heavily and her back was sweaty. The first guests who would meet her as the hostess of Calypse Castle arrived. However, the fact that the first guest was Princess Agnes increased her tension several times. What kind of person would she be? Was she as cold and arrogant as Rosetta? Was she the kind of person who would look down on her, saying she is worth nothing? She rubbed her wet palms on the skirt and waited for the guests to appear in front of the door wide opened.
Suddenly, people’s voices were heard from afar and people dressed in colorful costumes began to walk up towards the entrance. Max was able to find Princess Agnes in a heartbeat: she led two young women who appeared to be her maids, five or six men who appeared to be her attendants and many knights in silver armor, all stately walking toward the entrance of the Great Hall. Near to them there was a line of Remdragon knights and, next to the Royal Princess, Riftan stood as if he were protecting her.
Max watched the scene, astonished to the point of forgetting to bend down and bow. The appearance of Princess Agnes was truly unconventional. She was wearing long boots on pants that men would wear and a long cape on a knee-length purple tunic. Her long blonde hair shined without the need of any common accessory and she approached her cheerfully with a light smile on her golden face, which looked particularly good in the sun. Max was embarrassed to face such a simple yet energetic woman, very different from what she expected. Her clear blue eyes seemed to radiate brilliance, as jewels would do.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Agnes Drakina Ruben.”
“It’s an honor… to meet you, Your Grace. I am Maximillian… Calypse.”
Although she was a little tense, she was able to greet her calmly as she had been secretly practicing.
“Please feel comfortable… while you are here.”
She stood behind the sun as she bent slightly unfolding her skirt and the maids followed her politely. Princess Agnes gave a cheerful and dignified smile.
“You must have been abashed by the sudden visit, but thank you for welcoming me.”
Riftan took a step forward as if he were shielding the Royal Princess, his face looked more solemn and dignified than usual since he stood facing the sun and his dark blue tunic and silver-gray eyes, which were almost navy, seemed to stand out more than ever.
“I’ll guide the knights. Please show your Royal Highness to the guest room.”
“I… got it.”
Max looked up, expecting him to lightly kiss her forehead or even her cheek. However, Riftan just stared at her for a moment and then turned to the royal knights.
“Follow me. I’ll show you a room where you can rest.”
Then he began to walk ahead to the back door toward the annex. As the guards followed him, the servants standing by started one by one to serve the guests. Max hid her disappointment and instructed the maids to show the attendants to their respective rooms and they hurriedly began to move their luggage.
“I’ve prepared the guest room… on the second floor of the Great Hall. The attendants… are also on the same floor… will that be alright, Your Grace?
“Of course. Thank you for your concern.”
“I-I’ll show you your room.”
Max turned around and walked up to the stairs on the red carpet. The princess walked next to her and looked around the castle with an interested look.
“I heard it’s a castle older than the Drakium Palace, but it’s well-managed.”
“T-Thank you.”
Although she did not intend to do so, Max was showing an overly polite attitude because she felt overwhelmed by the natural dignity of the Princess: even though she was dressed like a boy, her royal authority overflowed. She watched as Agnes took a couple of steps in the wide hall, looking around without showing any signs of displeasure.
The royal princess was tall, which was rare for a woman: she looked like around 5 kvet and 2 henge tall (approximately 174 centimeters) and her limbs were long and slender as those of a deer. Moreover, her face was a little far from the classic beauty that Max imagined in her head. Her lips were thick enough to look a little too big for her face and the almond-shaped elongated eyes were slightly raised upward, giving off a cat-like impression. Her face was pointed and thin like an arrowhead and the nose was high and straight. The word handsome was more appropriate than the word beautiful. Overall, Princess Agnes gave off a provocative and intense charm that was different from Rosetta’s delicate and perfect beauty.
“Being here makes you feel like you’ve fallen into Roem’s fort.”
Agnes expressed her appreciation of the Great Hall in a calm tone.
“I’d like to take a closer look at the castle. Can you show me around?”
The Princess looked back at Max and narrowed her eyes. Her expression seemed friendly and at first glance easy, but there was a hint of something else in her blue eyes, as if she wanted to find out something. Max unknowingly shrugged his shoulders and nodded.
“Of course, Your Grace.”
“Thank you. I’d like to wash up and change my clothes before that. Where’s the room?”
“I’ll show you, Your Grace. This way…”
Rudis, who was standing behind her, came forward and bowed politely. The princess smiled and turned gracefully.
“Well, I’ll see you later.”
Max looked at her back as she walked away, feeling a little lost. After their first encounter, it felt like she had already been swept away by the spirit of the Royal Princess.
“P-Please prepare a bath… in the guest’s room.”
“Yes, My Lady”
Max gave strict orders to the remaining maids and then went down to the kitchen to check how the preparations for the welcome party were going. The spacious kitchen was crowded with servants preparing food for the guests. She wanted to see if there was a problem, but all she could think about was how well Riftan and Princess Agnes matched, like in a picture.
Watching the appearance of a blonde beauty, who gave off a dazzling charm like the sun, and a handsome knight standing side by side, creating together a beautiful and intimidating atmosphere, could make anyone think they had just popped out of a story book. Max thought it was not unreasonable that people wanted them to be together.
She nervously bit her lips. Was it true that Riftan felt nothing for her? The princess seemed a little unusual, but she was nevertheless a pretty and charming woman. Wouldn’t she catch men’s eyes?
“Madam, I’m about to prepare the lamb… Are you going to be all right?”
Suddenly, a servant asked with a worried face. Max hurriedly turned away when she saw a black bearded man with a lamb tied to a pole, sharpening a knife outside the wide-open door. She didn’t really want to watch the scene, so she smiled awkwardly and hurried out of the kitchen.
On the spacious hall where the sun was pouring, maids were busily running around with their arms full of white linen. The servants’ sleeves were wet as they moved hot water from the sauna to the guests’ rooms and the sound of the firewood rang loudly in the backyard. Even the stable keepers looked busy feeding water and food to the horses that the guests rode.
Max meticulously gave them instructions to work in an orderly manner. First, they were asked to bring bath water, soap, and clean towels so that the guests could properly rest, and then provide wine, biscuits, and pickled fruit if anyone wanted to drink or snack. After asking them to closely check if they needed anything else, Max went up to the banquet hall.
In the evening, guests had to be served a welcoming dinner. She called three or four servants and ordered them to spread out two long tables at the banquet hall, then she chose a tablecloth, candlestick and utensils with Rodrigo. Since high-quality tableware made of gold, silver and glass could be stolen, as the hostess she had to figure out the number of everything. Max took an expensive golden candlestick from the warehouse, then carefully recorded the numbers of silver trays, plates, forks, and knives on the journal. After checking it twice, she counted the number of candles, firewood, and alcohol and food for the banquet.
Alcohol and food couldn’t possibly be scarce at dinner, however, they also didn’t have to overdo it as it would have been a waste if the guests didn’t eat it all, in fact they would have to throw it away.
In the midst of recording the amount of alcohol in the journal, Rudis approached her cautiously and Max looked at her with a curious look.
“What… what happened?”
“The royal princess asks if we can show her the castle now. What shall we do?”
“I-I’ll take care of it…”
Ordinary guests were expected to take a rest right after arriving at the castle, however Princess Agnes seemed to be full of energy after a long journey from the northern end of Whedon to the southern end.
Max hurriedly finished the remaining records and handed them over to Rodrigo. When she came out of the banquet hall, she could see the royal Princess, who had changed into a deep blue dress, walking out of the hallway. Max glided in front of her.
“Thank you for preparing a nice room. The tapestry on the wall is wonderful.”
“O-Of course, Your Grace.”
Princess Agnes smiled as Max replied in a passive manner.
“You don’t have to be so formal. You can call me Agnes and I’d like to call you by your name too, would that be okay?”
Max stared blankly at her as she was speaking, then nodded mechanically. The Princess smiled, satisfied, then pulled her arm.
“I want to look outside the Great Hall. Can you show me around?”
Then the Princess started to go down the stairs without waiting for her and Max followed behind her like she was caught in a raging typhoon.
Note: Agnes is finally here! I see you guys wanting more of Riftan and Maxi, but you just need to wait a little more, trust me c:
Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!