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Duke Spencer’s old age seems to slow down his pace as he headed toward his meeting.
” I still don’t understand why you would always need the presence of this old man.”
He sighed loudly, his back barely leaning on the soft velvet chair. It has only been a few days since he got credited for the war. And all he wanted was to be alone and relax that feeling the warm water rushing on his skin seems perfect.
” So, what will it be this time?”
Duke Spencer asked while tapping his cane to the ground. He peers onto the young aristocrats around him, looking on each of their faces, then his eyes back again on the Crown Prince. He gave them a grin, as he already has an idea where this conversation will take.
” Seems it was not just you who have a question today.”
The Crown Prince was sitting opposite him. His hands were trembling as he pointed the Duke escort’s position.
“Uhm… It’s about Ms. Knight Holton…”
” Oh, Good heavens, did that child do anything to disrespect you?”
” No, No. It’s nothing like that ······.”
The prince hesitated so, the knight commander beside him ask the question instead.
” Has Ms. Knight Holton’s assignment changed?”
” Yes. I guess you could say that.”
” How?”
” So the Duke can just freely hand her an assignment without the knowledge of the commander of the knight.”
Bang! The castle’s troublemaker hit the table of the desk so hard that all their eyes are focused on him. The wizard’s sitting stance was in a crooked position that his robes were loosely falling to his shoulders.
” Why won’t you just tell us! where she went!”
The priest of the temple pulled the wizard’s sleeve in astonishment. The Duke is still one of the most respected individuals in the country. Not being on good terms with him is still not ideal.
The Duke slowly rose from his seat. A grin plastered on his face as he was delighted with their deep intense glares. All are waiting for his answer. Ah, this is what he is waiting for, the start of the chase.
” Well, that girl. Ms. Holton decided to leave.”
The timid prince unconsciously sprang to his feet. The knight commander, who was always aware of his actions, jumps to his seat. He doesn’t even realize that the chair he seated on has now fallen to the carpeted flooring. The mouth that the wizard often lacks control because of his temper has gone frozen now. His lips were agape open.
Like them, the priest of the temple was astounded with the Duke’s revelations too, but unlike them, he was quick to assess the situation and asked the Duke again with his clenched fist.
” Where! Where the hell did she go?”
The Duke shook his head and look at them with a somber expression. Like it was letting them know that it was for them to find out. He knows nothing and if they want answers. They should find it themselves.
The Duke gave Clarence some silvers. Even if the number of silvers was only little or even if she could ask for some more, she didn’t say it. Clarence kept it to herself. She doesn’t want to live in luxury. And also for Clarence, who used to live her life as a commoner, it was already a lot. She could already find a small house and have enough amount of food for this money.
” Thank you. ”
” You might encounter a delay by the gates.”
” I know.”
Even if the war has ended, the officials need to have a close inspection who will leave and enters the capital. They need to identify their names.
” I’ll give you this.”
The Duke handed her the Duke’s identity crest.
” Getting out of the gate will be easier when you have it with you.”
” Duke. I am not busy. It will be alright for me to follow the proper procedures. ”
“I know, but this might serve as a break to a two to three military personnel. Don’t you agree?. They are probably busy all day.”
That’s true. And there was no way Clarence would betray her country.
“And also, this identity crest will serve as your identity to get the retirement money on the guild. I will give it to you so you can have some if you need it.”
“Uhm..about the money.”
“Good heavens, Clarence Holton. You will still make me feel bad until the end, don’t you? You are my knight. You are the knight of this family’s future generations. This retirement fee is just small compared to your efforts here, don’t you agree? ”
” But Duke…this money is already enough. With this amount, I could already buy myself the house I want.”
” This amount won’t even allow me to step into the entrance of the house I want! And speaking about the house, I want to give you a little villa as part of the final offer. The place is small and describes as common by some nobles.”
Clarence asked the size of the villa out of respect. She feels sorry for the old Duke.
“Hmm…Let’s see. Around half the size of this castle….No, the actual size is half! Half of this castle. ”
” half? Do you mean half of this castle where 500 army lives?! Duke, you don’t describe a place like that as small and simple. ”
The Duke drank the cold water placed in front of her. Wondering if he has disappointed her, but there was no way Clarence would be disappointed to him. She knows his intentions. She knows that the Duke is only doing this to make it easier for her and, she was happy about that.
” I will make sure to visit you here from time to time. ”
“You will?”
The Duke’s face glowed for a moment.
“That’s good to hear. Have I told you before about a crystal clear lake where purple flowers bloom? It’s a beautiful view. ”
” Yes, you also said about a cliff beautifully cut like it was God-given.”
“I did?”
“Yes, you speak about it for a hundred times when we are on the battlefield.”
“A hundred times? I believe that you are just exaggerating..”
“I did not. You said it.”
Clarence said sternly. The Duke sees the butler behind her, slowly nodding in agreement. He defeatedly heaved a sigh, wondering why not a single person in the castle takes his side.
” Go. Go ahead. I feel that I can convince you to reconsider. If you sleep here for one more night.”
” It’s okay. My answer will still be the same anyway.”
“It’s not okay with me! I’m not used to rejection. So if I were you, I would quickly go out of this castle now before I declare the start of the race. No, I mean the meeting.”
“You have a meeting?”
“Yes, I do. Now go and also watch out for the dumb ones.”
“Dumb ones?”
“Of course people like that exist. Young people these days are foolish. They lack motivation and purpose. Some of them blindly follow their heart’s contents. So, if you come across one, don’t hesitate to pierce them with your sword. ”
Clarence squinted her eyes at the Duke’s intentions.
” Duke, I won’t do that. I won’t use my old position as a knight to my advantage. But if ever I came across one, whose after your life, then I won’t hesitate to pierce him with my sword.”
“….Ah No. But if ever you come across one, you will report it to me, Alright?”
“Yes, I’ll even demand them to write a confession of offense then send it to you right away. ”
“You can tell me that… No, you should tell me that. I will be curious. ”
The Duke held his belly for a moment and giggled. He didn’t know how long it has been since he laughed like this. When his wife and child leave the capital, the Duke was left alone here. Trapped in the castle and glued to his duties. He even thought that he will die here and rot here alone. But then Clarence Holton came. The trainee of his old friend who was once his knight.
The Duke, like Clarence he even thought of her as his own. If it is possible, he would even raise her to be his heir and pass her his position as Duke. Of course, that was just his thoughts. No one sane enough would like the Duke’s job. In the capital city, the Duke’s job is the most demanding of them all, even much worse than the king.
“Clarence Holton.”
“My last order for you is.”
“Yes, sir.”
Clarence puts her hand over her heart. The Duke looks over the top of Clarence’s head, who was bowing now. What a shame.
“Make sure to eat your meal three times a day, and when darkness comes, sleep for more than eight hours.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Don’t get sick.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Don’t get hurt either.”
“Yes, sir.”
The Duke turns his body. He wanted to say some more. Nag her to eat something nice, to buy herself an expensive dress, to take some money out of the guild, to gamble, to not lose too much weight, to meet a good man who would fight for her and loves her, and a lot more. He wanted to say a lot of things, but he knows that once Clarence hears his nags, she would immediately stop him.
” Duke.”
He doesn’t turn his head when he hears his name behind. His face seems to be agitated again for being disturbed.
” I won’t forget it.”
Thump. The sound seems to echo in the whole mansion. It was from the Duke’s sword positioned on Clarence back. A knight’s sign of respect to his master and his master way of blessing the knight. The Duke looks one more to Clarence, one of her knees is on the floor, and her sword pointed to the ground.
“You will forever be my master.”
Her words are firm. It makes the Duke sway his decisions once again. How can he not be?. When Clarence has a lot of potentials when she doesn’t have greed. How can she say that no one would remember her? When her face alone is remarkable as well as having a cool personality.
“Go…You should go.”
That’s the only answer he could manage. He could have said something else like admiring how loyal Clarence is but, he couldn’t do so. The more he thinks about it, the more he wanted Clarence to stay.
” Yes, sir.”
She gave him a short, vague answer. And, soon after that, the two started to walk in their respective directions. And that’s also how Clarence’s life as a knight ended.\n