mused by Tang Feng’s expression of “utter disbelief”, the man lifted his head and laughed out loud.
“Tang Feng, are you really him? I don’t think you’ve lost your memory, but rather turned into another person altogether.” The man extended his gaze, staring at Tang Feng with intense, judging eyes, who was sitting across from him. “I haven’t seen you for only a month, but you give me a completely different feeling .”
“I lost my memory, so I don’t remember what Tang Feng was like in the past.” The man shrugged his shoulders uncaringly and responded naturally, “Not to mention, it’s like shedding a layer of skin after coming back out from h.e.l.l’s door. After such an experience, anyone would more or less change.”
Tang Feng had won countless acting awards. He’d already gotten used to remaining composed in any unexpected situation. Especially when you have heart disease, all the more reason to keep a calm heart, just in case that thing beats out of control, conks out, or stops beating altogether.
Want to extract information from him? That wouldn’t be easy.
“What did you think of me when you saw me a month ago?” Tang Feng scooped hot water onto his face, gently ma.s.saging it, then coolly combed his hair back with his fingers. Water droplets gathered, streaming down from the man’s face to the tub beneath. No flaws could be seen on his beautiful features.
“A pretty vase with a rubbish brain. A useless piece of trash.” Curling up the corners of his lips, Charles rested his arm on the tub side, supporting his chin. His eyes followed Tang Feng’s face, now softened under the warm light. “No matter how you were before, seeing you now, it seems like I struck myself a bargain from this deal.”
“But I think our agreement is plain stupid. Can we cancel it?” Although reviving was nice, having to live as someone else’s s.e.x buddy right away challenged his fort.i.tude a little too much.
“I really like you, so I don’t plan on voiding the deal.” The other promptly rejected Tang Feng’s request. “But…”
Charles’ words took a turn in direction, “I thought it was rather humorous when you actually agreed to this in the beginning as well. However, since I really like you right now, I’ll let this deal be altered a little, though only within a range that I agree to.”
Looks like he’s met a tough and cunning businessman. Tang Feng looked at the completely exposed man in front of him. He had fetching features, a top-cla.s.s mix. He body stood up to the very best Euro-American models. Aside from the fact that the word “deal” greatly disgusted him, Charles’ att.i.tude and tongue fully fit his tastes. For a bed partner, he’s a candidate that’s hard to come by.
“Director Li Wei’s new movie. You’re a sponsor?”
Director Li Wei was no stranger to Tang Feng. Same as Tang Feng, Director Li Wei often emerged into the Euro-American market, making big box office hits. He’s also directed feature films of marvelous artistic merit, all of which symbolize him as a great director. He’s a Chinese professional mastered in both commercial films and art films. No matter in Asia, Europe, or America, his influence was great.
Tang Feng could pretty much guess what movie Director Li Wei was making. Before he had a heart attack, Director Li Wei personally invited him to cast in this movie, but his body was already having problems and could only temporarily reject the offer.
“That’s right.”
“You’ve already recommended Ge Chen to the director?”
Charles raised his eyebrows: “Yes, on the same day you were sent here. If you want to try for the role, I could also recommend you.”
As for whether the director wants you or not, that’s another matter.