Chapter 84 \nChapter 84 Baby\n
When Lin Mu woke up in the morning, he heard that Ria has given birth and both father and son1 was safe. The best part is that the baby is a precious little female. Not even bother with breakfast, Lin Mu wanted to immediately run over to see the baby. Patrik hurriedly stopped him and said, “I heard that Ria just gave birth in the morning so he must be resting now. It’s not suitable for you to go visit at the moment.”
Lin Mu thinks about it and said, “Hehe, I’m too anxious. Then, let’s go to see Ria in the afternoon. He should rest more now.”
Patrik nodded, “Huang Yuan and Phil helped Ria deliver the baby yesterday. So they must be resting as well. You can go with them then.”
Lin Mu nodded, “I also need to bring some food for Ria, it takes a lot of energy to give birth to a baby.”
Watching Lin Mu rush into the kitchen, Patrik laughed helplessly behind him. Ria gave birth to a baby, and now they have a new cub in their tribe. Not to mention the baby is a female cub, which is really a very happy thing. Thinking of children, Patrik couldn’t help but look at Lin Mu’s belly. He didn’t know when they would have a child, but it depends on the beast god’s blessing. Patrik won’t force it. As long as Lin Mu stayed with him, he is already very satisfied. After Patrik finished thinking about the matter, he then went to cook for Lin Mu.
At the moment when Patrik looked at his stomach, Lin Mu unexpectedly saw Patrik’s eyes. There was an expectation in them. This made Lin Mu feel a little disappointed because he couldn’t give birth to a child2. He would disappoint Patrik in the end. However, seeing Patrik looked happy and content afterward, Lin Mu didn’t know what Patrik thought of, but he felt relieved inside.
After lunch, Lin Mu took the freshly made fish soup and all the eggs he has to visit Ria and to see the baby. As soon as Lin Mu walked into Damon’s house, he heard Sasha’s voice, “Aiya, the baby is so cute, so cute! But he is so small and fragile, I don’t dare to touch him!”
“Children are like this, I don’t dare to hold them either.” Lais agreed.
When Lin Mu walked into the room, he saw several people sitting around the big bed looking down at the little baby in Ria’s arms. Casso and Qiuqiu also quietly lie on the bed and stared ‘as if the baby will turn into a flower if they stare hard enough’3.
Seeing that Lin Mu has arrived, Sasha hurriedly called out, “Lin Mu, come and see! Ria gave birth to a female baby. Look, he is asleep. So cute, just that he is too little.”
Hearing Sasha’s words, Ria said that he will grow up soon and then smiles contentedly at the peaceful baby sleeping in his arms. Lin Mu sat by the bed and brought the fish soup he made to Ria, “I made it for you. You need more nutrients.”
Although he has just finished eating lunch not long ago, Ria thinks his stomach can still accommodate a bowl of soup. He took it and drank it carefully, “Lin Mu’s soup is delicious as always.” Then looking down at the sleeping baby, he continued, “The baby is so obedient, he didn’t make any fuss even though we are so noisy.”\n
Being praised, Lin Mu still felt a little embarrassed, “As long as you like it.”
Then Lais said, “En, the baby is very obedient. I’ve seen other female babies cry at everything before.”
At this moment, Damon walked in holding a fresh fruit for Ria. Seeing that all females were present, he couldn’t stay in the room. Hence, he put down his things and went out, saying that he is going to Matt’s place to get the cradle they requested earlier.
As soon as Damon left, several people started to laugh, and Sasha said jokingly, “Damon is really considerate. It’s hard to find fruit in this season.”
Lin Mu also nodded seriously, “I have only eaten it once these days. Patrik said that at this kind of time, most of the fruit trees have not started producing fruits yet. If one wanted to eat fruits, it will take them a long time to find it.”
Sasha complained, “At least you have eaten it once, I haven’t eaten any at all.”
Lais stood aside and didn’t intend to participate in this topic.
Seeing Sasha with an expression that says ‘I really want to eat it’, Ria picked up a slice of the few fruit slices and gave Sasha one, “This for you.”
Sasha hurriedly returned the fruit slice like a hot potato to Ria, “I don’t want it. Damon found it for you. If I want to eat it, I will get Locke to find it for me.” It’s not a laughing matter, if he dares to eat Ria’s fruit, Lin Mu and the others will definitely tease him to death.
While they are talking, Huang Yuan and Phil come in with a smile. The two of them had a good night’s sleep and are now very energetic, so they came to see the baby. When the two saw everyone sitting around the baby, Huang Yuan smiled and said, “The baby is very healthy. Drinking more milk will definitely make him grow strong and healthy in the future.”
Lin Mu sweats in his heart and thinks that being healthy is enough. As a female child, it is better to be slender. Of course, this is what Lin Mu thinks. As the dad of the baby, Ria likes his children to grow strong instead. Hence, later in the future, the little baby grew up and became a slender and handsome man, which then ushered in countless beastman pursuits. After Damon came out and fought off wave after wave of suitors, Ria really regretted that his child didn’t grow strong enough4. Then, his child can spend more time with him. Of course, this is a story for later. Our current baby is just a baby in Ria’s arms, being teased by a few uncles who he doesn’t recognize yet.
Phil looked at the baby, and his skin is wrinkly, just like a normal newborn baby. Because he was full and felt comfortable being carried by his dad, the baby fell asleep, and he moved his mouth from time to time, giving the females a feeling of ‘meng/moe’.
When Damon came back, little Misha is by his side, and Misha rushed to see his little brother as soon as he entered.\n“Uncle Ria, I want to see the baby.”
Ever since Misha knew that Uncle Ria’s baby is a female, Misha is happy. In the past, he is the only little female in the tribe, so he has no friends of the same gender. Casso and the others were all little males while Lin Mu and the other females are too old to play with him. Now, a little female finally appears in the tribe. In Misha’s mind, when this younger brother gets bigger, he can play with him. Since they are all children, they can become good friends.
Misha lay on the bed and looked at the sleeping baby, “Uncle Ria, why is the baby so ugly?” Misha felt a little disappointed.
Ria smiled, “It’s always like this when the baby is just born, he will look better in a few days.”
Casso was unhappy when he heard Misha saying that his little brother is ugly. In his mind, he thought with dissatisfaction, “How is my little brother ugly? He’s beautiful, alright?! No, it should be he’s the most beautiful female. See, he can make bubbles with his mouth, so cute.” And so, Casso became a biased beastman; his own people are the best. Of course, no one knows what Casso was thinking.
Lin Mu looked at the baby, “Ria, have you two thought about the baby’s name?”
“This, we haven’t thought about it yet.”
Lin Mu: “Don’t worry, don’t worry. You and Damon can think about this slowly. Meanwhile, we can call the baby Baobao (Baby/Babe) first.”
In the end, the little baby’s name is decided to be Snowe, and his nickname is Baobao.
2 years later.
Some literary and artistic sayings are like ‘Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind’ or ‘Time flies in a blink of an eye’. But no matter what kind of saying it is, tomorrow is always a different day.
It’s currently summer, and Lin Mu is weeding his little vegetable patch in the backyard.\n\n“The sea?”
“En, have you seen the sea?”
“En, I have seen it. The endless seawater.”
“Yes, the sea is broad. I want to go to the beach to play, and I feel like I haven’t been out to play for a long time.”
Since the tribe is developing very well, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, it should be fine even if he(P) leaves for a while.
“Is the sea far away?” Lin Mu looked up at Patrik and asked.
“En, it’s not close, but not very far either. The sea is at the south from our tribe, and it will take over 20 days of journey.”
Hearing that, Lin Mu thought about the distance Patrik can fly in a day. The sea is really not close.
“When does Mu Mu want to go?” Patrik thought about it and felt that Lin Mu hadn’t been out for a long time indeed. They were so busy developing the tribe. Now that, Mu Mu wanted to go out and see the sea, Patrik naturally agreed. Moreover, there are only 2 of them traveling, which means a rare couple time for them.
Lin Mu heard Patrik’s question and thought for a while, “Let’s go as soon as possible and have a good time. I want to come back before the rainy season.”
“Alright, I will arrange it as soon as possible.”
“En, our house should also tidy up since we will be gone for a few months.”
Just like this, under the sky full of stars, 2 people lay on wicker chairs and decided on their travel plan. Lin Mu has been thinking about traveling and seeing the sea for a long time, and today his plan can be considered to have taken shape.