Chapter 2 \nChapter 2\n
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The gentle sunlight penetrated through the leaves of the trees in the forest, forming a lot of light fragments sprinkling onto the branches. The leaves looked like they were shimmering and shining, giving the forest a little dreamy color. The forest in the morning always has a relaxed environment. The bright flower petals carried some crystal dew on them, which radiated its own light in the sun. The green leaves carried their own dew as well, which looked like it is going to drop down soon.
A sudden coolness on his face caused the sleeping Lin Mu to wake up. Although he didnā€™t want to wake up, he still tried his best to open his eyes.
It happened that another drop of dew plopped on Lin Muā€™s face, who just woke up. Raising his hand, he gently wipe away the water from his face. He then sat up and looked at his surroundings with some confusion. All he can see around him were unusually tall trees. Because the leaves were densely covering the top, the sunlight that managed to shone down were divided into thin rays. Underneath his body was a bed of soft grass with some unknown little flowers beside.
Isnā€™t it already autumn? Why is there no dry grasses and fallen yellow leaves here? The mountain when he had fallen off seemed to be in full autumn though. Where exactly is this place now? Lin Mu inspected his body in doubt and realized that there werenā€™t any pain! This is all too strange. He actually fell from such a high place and not only he didnā€™t die, he didnā€™t suffer any injuries either. Lin Mu couldnā€™t understand such unbelievable thing so he chalked it up to his own luck and stopped thinking about it.\nRubbing his stomach, he felt a little hungry. He looked around and didnā€™t see anything dangerous so he pulled out the backpack that has fallen together with him and looked through it. There were some climbing equipment in the bag, a change of clothes, three packs of bread, ten packs of biscuits and two bottles of water, some seasonings for barbecue preparation and a few boxes of over-the-counter medicines. It has already became a habit for Lin Mu to travel with some regular medicines. Thinking of climbing, Lin Mu thought of Lin Yu. His mood become quite down. Lin Mu thought of how much Lin Yu wanted him to die, he didnā€™t know what to do when he returned.
Take revenge at him? Or. . . . . . escape far far away, never see him again? Right now, he truly have no loved ones anymore. A lone person, thinking of this description Lin Mu couldnā€™t help but smiling bitterly. So he made up his mind and decided not to think anymore.
Lin Mu felt very grateful when he looked at his own backpack stuffed with food. After drinking a few mouthfuls of water, he took a pack of bread and started eating. While eating, he inspected the trees around him but he couldnā€™t recognize any of them. This made him quite confused. He has been to Yunshan more than once but he doesnā€™t know that there is such a tree. Even this forest. . . this forest makes him feel very strange. As for whatā€™s so strange about it, he canā€™t tell.
Lin Mu stopped after eating half of the loaf of bread, he didnā€™t continue to eat because in this strange place, he subconsciously felt that he should save his food. Though, he donā€™t think heā€™ll need a day to walk out of the forest. Taking out his phone from his bag, there was no signal at all as expected. Then he remembered that an emergency call should be able to call out even in the absence of a signal. So he tried it, but the phone didnā€™t react at all.
ā€œHow could this be?ā€
The fact that Lin Mu cannot get through the phone make him little nervous. Everything here was very different from the mountain he climbed before. Where is this place? Although he had something in his mind, he didnā€™t want to believe it at all. Carrying his backpack, Lin Mu decided to go out and find the exit. Judging from the direction based on the growth of the shrub, he decided to go northwards.
Lin Mu walked for five or six hours, and felt like his legs were filled with lead. Only then he stopped to rest under a big tree and gasped heavily. At this moment, he placed his jacket into his backpack and wore only a shirt. When he felt that his body has calmed down, he drunk a few mouthfuls of water and finished the half of the bread he saved earlier in the morning. Looking at the forest that one canā€™t see the end, Lin Mu worried that he might never find the way out.
A few days later.\nAt noon, the sun became warmer and ā€˜passionateā€™, that even in the forest, he could still feel ā€˜herā€™ heat1. Lin Mu dragged his heavy body along, and drank the last bit of water he have. He began to worry whether he was going the right direction. He has been walking for five days now, and he saw more strange things in these five days. Various grotesque fruit; unknown flowers with petals the same size as a basin, ā€˜a long neck that milky white liquid flowed out fromā€™2; a rainbow-colored chicken lazily pulling at its colorful feather leisurely on a tree. He thinks that this thing that likes to be beautiful should be a chicken, although it is bigger than ordinary chickens. Though they dragged a long tail behind them, Lin Mu still thinks they looked like chickens. . . . . .
Even though he havenā€™t seen any dangerous animals, which in Lin Muā€™s impression, there are no tigers in the Yunshan Mountain, but Lin Mu felt that this forest is scary.
What he is most worried about now is his food problem. The food in his backpack has been almost eaten up, but he still couldnā€™t see the edge of the forest. Looking at the biscuits in his hand, Lin Mu sighed. He was too thirsty that his throat felt like itā€™s smoking. Although he saw some fruits along the way, he donā€™t recognize it. There was too much uncertainty in the forest so he didnā€™t dare to try it so casually.
ā€œNeed to hurry and find some water, or I will die from thirst rather than from starving.ā€ Lin Mu sighed and carried his backpack to keep going.
Lin Mu was thirsty and hungry. While walking and observing the surrounding trees, he wanted to find some fruits that he knew. His stomach felt very painful. He clutched helplessly at his stomach, and looked at the road, beginning to wonder if his direction was really correct. Just when he encountered a fork in the road, and he was not sure where to go, a bundle of white suddenly came out of a shrub and flashed by in front of his eyes.
Rabbit! Although the size was somewhat different from the rabbit he have seen before, but he will never mistaken that snow-white fur and the pair of long ears so he quickly gave chase. The strength of a hungry and thirsty Lin Mu is naturally limited, but he persisted. If he catches up with that big and fat rabbit, he would be able to have a good meal. So for the food, he gave his best. Following the trace of the rabbit, Lin Mu ran until he came upon a sudden open area and the sight he saw stopped him on his tracks.
An unusually wide riverside, with more than a dozen animals like deer drinking water from it.Those so-called deer were not important although they could be considered food, but in Lin Muā€™s heart nothing is comparable to water.
ā€œHa ha ha, water, I finally found water! Water, here I come!ā€\nHe picked up his clothes from the stone and saw that the clothes have completely dried. Looking at the clean clothes, he feels that he can finally end that feeling of wearing sticky and odor-filled clothing. He put on his sweatpants and T-shaped singlet then carefully folded the other clothes into his backpack.
Looking up at the fishes swimming in the river, Lin Mu can see that they are quite fat. Just eating a few biscuits a day naturally canā€™t last him very long. The rabbit has ran away, so he decided to aim for the fishes instead. He rummaged through his backpack and took out a dagger that he bought when he was traveling before this. He liked that dagger a lot and always brought it with him when he travels. Using the dagger, he cut a branch and sharpened the tip before bringing it with him to the river.
Lin Mu struggled in the river for a while, and caught two after some time. The fishes were much easier to catch than he thought. It didnā€™t take Lin Mu very long before he caught two big ones. The fishes were very similar to theĀ bassĀ he have seen previously, and they are very fat. Lin Mu used a knife to clean the fish on the riverside and put it on clean leaves. After carefully preparing the fishes with seasonings, he skewered the fish with the branches he prepared and roasted them.
After he lighted the branches with a lighter, he placed the lighter carefully in his pocket. Fire is very important in the forest, especially at night. It was because he had a fire that he dared to take a nap the nights before. Looking at the fishes roasting by the fire, Lin Mu can imagine that they would be very delicious and couldnā€™t help but swallowed.