Chapter 6: contradiction

The shaving water used by Shi Shanyan is very good, and its residual taste
runs down the tip of Yan Junxun's nose. The faint taste of
slipped into Yan Junxun's t-shirt, so that Yan Junxun's collarbone could feel
the coolness of Shi Shanyan.\nYan Junxun had no way to retreat in the enclosed space. He turned his eyes and
tried to find the direction of escape (tuo), but there were shadows of time
delays on all sides of the elevator. He was overwhelmed by Shi Shanyan. The
sensory center issued a warning that the presence of number 01ae86 was
rampaging here at Yan Junxun.\nBut Shi Shanyan looked so serious, as if he was asking his new colleague "Are
you eating?"\n"No," Yan Junxun finally stared at the slowly jumping floor number, "just do
\love normally."\n"It's a waste to say that," Shi Shanyan looked at Yan Junxun's tearing mole.
"Your perception ability is so (strong qiang), suitable for a more (thorn)
experience."\nYan Junxun turned his face and looked at Shi Shanyan: "Do you want to say that
Li Jianhua still has hidden sex?"\n"Giant babies generally don't want to be'daddy'." Shi Shanyan thought that Yan
Junxun's calm expression was very interesting. He took the research-like rigor
and didn't let Yan Junxun go, "Maybe he didn't Realize that people don’t
necessarily understand themselves, just like you."\nThe negative second floor arrived, and the elevator made a "ding" door opening
again.\n"Behavior comes from expectation," Yan Junxun took the lead in going out. "You
certainly don't have a girlfriend."\n<hr>
The parking spaces in the parking lot of Puli District are bound with the id
numbers of the residents. The only vehicles that can be entered outside the
residents are the vehicles of the moving company and the cleaning company.
There is no management system in the parking lot, only the management staff.
They set up gates at each exit of the parking lot to check the id numbers of
the vehicles entering and exiting.\nYan Junxun is sure that the murderer has a car, because the crime scene is not
in these three communities, and the distance between the three communities is
relatively far. Judging from the situation of the corpses in the drainage
ditch, the murderer did not provide protection measures for these corpses,
even plastic wrap and bags, which were thrown away directly, so he could not
rely on public transportation to throw corpses, nor was it possible He has to
own a bicycle to get a bicycle.\nSeparating the corpse also means that the murderer is the person in the
parking area. He has his own private space and knows the drainage channels in
the old building area well. The corpse was thrown not for hiding, but for
people to discover, otherwise he should stop throwing corpses into the
drainage ditch since Liu Xincheng's corpse was discovered.\nThe murderer is very contradictory.\nThe victims he selected had (sexual xing) aggression, but when he cleaned the
victim's home, he had avoided all elements of (sexual xing) aggression. This
contradiction makes the murderer very strange. If he moved because of "(sexual
xing) invasion", then he should clean up the photos and videos that recorded
the (sexual xing) invasion process.\n"You're right," Yan Junxun looked at Li Jianhua's parking space. "People don't
necessarily know themselves, especially the murderers in the series of
murders. His familiarity with the Puli community has reduced his Be wary, he
left too many personal traces here. He doesn't live here, but he likes the
environment here, can you understand? His love for Li Jianhua's family, let
him move inside, still inside (Shui Shui) had a nap. The community met his
fantasy from the inside out, so he wiped Li Jianhua away and tried to make it
his own home."\nIn the corner of the parking lot, there is a "di, di" punching sound, which is
very similar to the electronic watch that Yan Junxun put aside when he was
making a roll when he was a child. He remembered his little blackboard, but it
was empty.\n"He is good at cleaning and understands the lifestyle habits of Liu Xincheng
and Li Jianhua. He has a high probability of coming from the same place as Liu
Xincheng. He fed Li Jianhua's fish, but did not organize Liu Xincheng's
cupboard. This is his personal preference. He I hate Liu Xincheng's living
environment, and I don't want to live there at all, so he never went back."\nShi Shanyan followed Yan Junxun without interrupting him.\n"Li Jianhua has no hidden (sexual xing)\ addiction, his IQ does not allow him
to hide, he only has (sexual xing)\impulse to the adult female (sexual xing)."
Yan Jun Xun shook the empty water bottle, "you again That's right, Juying is
not a dad, the system sound is reset by the murderer."\nYan Junxun went to the trash can and put the empty water bottle in it. The
trash inside was neatly arranged, reminding Yan Junxun of the storage box in
Li Jianhua's bedroom.\n"He knows how to use space reasonably and is very careful when doing hygiene.
I think he has children, but he is not abnormal, he is not..." Yan Junxun
hesitated and looked back to Shi Shanyan, "Liu Xincheng and Li Jianhua Race."\n<hr>
The two of them came out of the parking lot and crossed the street to drive.\nThe entrance of the Puli Community was very lively at night, and the vacant
venue was left to the aunts as a dance hall. They set up a team to start an
activity, and they can dance with netizens who are thousands of miles away by
turning on the light screen. The popularity of the id-conductor allows
personal mobile optical screens to replace mobile phones. Its physical size is
only as big as an ear stud, which is convenient for carrying around. You can
set the wearing method by yourself. It is really no problem to wear it as an
ear stud. .\nThe parking area is more like the junction of urban and rural areas. Its urban
planning is actually not planned. The light rail directly runs through the
entire area, causing noise pollution to the living environment. The regional
center has also shifted eastward due to the penetration of Guangtie. The half-
dated buildings like Puli District and the shadows of development areas such
as Dianguangtong District. All areas near the low-temperature mountain coke
plant are unreadable.\n"You have paid the parking fee," the parking space lifting fence lowered
itself, and the system said rigidly, "Wish you a smooth journey."\nYan Junxun's id conducter lighted up.\nLittle Orange Dragon also wears Shi Shanyan’s sunglasses, holding his front
paws, and said, “The Special Inspectorate’s message, Jiang Li said that he is
waiting for you in ‘delicious and delicious.”\nYan Junxun held the steering wheel and said coldly: "There is no "we"."\n<hr>
"Delicious and delicious" is a private roast shop with a high degree of **
(sexuality), which is opened near the special inspection bureau, or his wife
Jiang Li's shop. He comes here with his briefcase every day after work Come
pick up your wife.\n"Resident investigation is continuing, and related property investigations are
also continuing. Neither Huihe nor the dams have surveillance cameras, and
Puli's cameras broke during the week of the incident." Jiang Li turned over
grilled (meat rou), "But many people know Li Jianhua's door code. His friends
said that all his passwords are birthdays. Whether Liu Xincheng, Li Jianhua or
Huo Qingjun, the murderers did not leave fingerprints and saliva in their
homes. He was too careful."\n"It's better to say that it's a professional habit," Yan Junxun shook the beer
glass with ice cubes. Amber (colored) beer was bubbling. "He cleans the room
very professionally."\n"Do you think it is a cleaner?" Jiang Li glanced at Shi Yanyan and then looked
at Yan Junxun, "Puli's property said that they have been working with a
cleaning company called "Just-in-time Cleaning" for a long time, and never had
problems. . One week after Li Jianhua was discovered, we checked the "Just
clean", they have a clear worksheet, can accurately record the time to the
door service, but Li Jianhua’s mother has a cleansing habit and is very clean.
Picky, the cleaning staff assigned to Li Jianhua have to personally review
them, and no one can make her satisfied, so before she died, she cleaned Li
Jianhua herself. However, Li Jianhua never changed the password, no one Can go
in."\n"The murderer did this job, it does not mean he is still doing it. He is older
than you," Yan Junxun looked up at the closed box door, covered with ukiyo-e,
woman lying in a lying position and Liu Xincheng. The graffiti in the corridor
is somewhat similar, "The victims he chose were all on the news ten years ago.
What about your investigation of (sexual) aggression victims?"\nJiang Li looked at Shi Shanyan again. Shi Shanyan had a quiet meal, not like a
person who had been detained for four years. He has done a lot of research on
the preparation of roast (meat rou) dipping sauce, and the fragrance has
crossed the boundary to Yan Junxun. He didn't even drink alcohol, the hot cow
(milk Nai) looked out of place beside him.\n"The victim of (sexual xing) aggression in Liu Xincheng's case has moved away
from the mooring area," Jiang Li made his eyes less obvious. "Liu Xincheng
followed her after she was released from prison. She reported many times to
the police, and the Inspectorate Bureau banned Liu Xincheng. Closer to
(sexual) victim's living area, but to no avail. His mental injury to (sexual)
victim has continued, and two years later (sexual xing) victim has moved
away." Jiang He carefully considered the words, "There are more professional
psychiatrists in Guangtong District helping her. Although her family applauded
Liu Xincheng's death clap, she was shocked at the same time. The investigation
proved that they had not come back, nor did they talk to Liu Xincheng again.
touched."\nShi Shanyan looked up at Jiang Li and asked, "Do you want to roast (meat
rou)?"\n"...No, thank you." Jiang Li sent the roasted (meat rou) tweezers to the other
side, he took a sip of wine and continued to Yan Junxun, "The (sexual)
invasion in the Li Jianhua case was victimized People’s lives are greatly
influenced by the news. After Li Jianhua went to prison, she did not have a
job. She stayed at home for a few years. When she heard that Li Jianhua was
about to get out of prison, she jumped off the building. Huo Qingjun...His
case is more complicated."\n"Huo Qingjun was a math teacher at No. 6 Middle School in the Mooring District
in 2154. He was sentenced to ten years for (sexual) invasion of students. When
he entered, his wife divorced him and took the child away. Huo Qingjun himself
He always denied that he had violated the students and expressed
dissatisfaction with the verdict. He appealed several times but failed. He
continued to appeal after he was released from prison, looking for work and
standing around. Finally he could only be a guard in the ** community. I
came to the Inspectorate Bureau at the end of last year."\n"What about the victim?"\n"I didn't stay in the parking area," Jiang Li said here and was worried about
the future of the parking area. "Now the talents are going to the development
area. Who stays in our place where the birds are not ** and they are gray?
Of course, Except for the two of you, you are good young people with
dedication, and I thank you for the parking area."\n"No need to thank you," Yan Junxun drank the beer, "It's all Fu Chenghui's
credit."\n"This case involves too much," Jiang Lian listened to the news playing in the
light screen of the hall for a while, and then pouted. "Reporter Liu Chenliu
jumped vigorously. Well, you listen, he put a few more A victim's (sexual
xing) infringement case was taken out and said that the real-time pushes of
his family these days are written as hatred (sha)."\nYan Jun turned back, opened the door, and looked at the light screen in the
hall. Shi Shanyan also turned around, and before seeing it, Yan Junxun closed
the door again. He turned his eyes to Shi Shanyan and said, "Sorry, I'm sick
when I see this man."\nShi Shanyan nodded: "Make me sick too."\nYan Junxun refused to open, he said: "The hatred (sha killing) will be more
marked (sexual xing), at least the information will be destroyed (sexual
xing)."\n"People will avoid some things subconsciously, not necessarily afraid, or they
may not be able to look directly at themselves who are out of control in this
matter." Shi Shan paused for two seconds, his expression suddenly mysterious,
and whispered, "This The mood can also be substituted for yourself during the