Jiang Li went out of the door and was stopped by Yan Junxun. He thought that
Yan Junxun would say something about Shi Shanyan, and he looked very serious
when he turned around. +++Kartino Novel Network www.mtlnovel.com turned out
that Yan Junxun just looked at him and threw the key of the car he dropped.\n"Number..." Jiang Li took the car key and tried to change the title, "Shi
Shanyan may need..."\n"You tell Fu Chenghui," Yan Junxun's face was violently exposed in the sun,
showing an impersonal whiteness. He said seriously, "This is only once."\nJiang Li gestured "understand" and lowered his voice: "Do you know why he
didn't run last night? Fu Yunlin told me that Black Panther had an information
positioning chip implanted in him."\n"Oh," Yan Junxun felt that the ice water he had just drank was useless. "Fu
Chenghui sold chips."\n"I won't release the shackles for him for a while," Jiang Lian walked around
the car and shouted to Yan Jun, "Call the conductor for something."\nYan Jun nodded and found Shi Shanyan looking at him through the glass. He
doesn't like to be stared. Being stared will always make him feel
uncomfortable, especially when staring at people like Shi Shanyan.\nJiang Li drove the car slowly out of the narrow road, and suddenly smelled a
smell of smoke. He looked at the reversing mirror in horror and saw Shi
Shanyan leaning on the backrest, biting an unknown cigarette.\n"It hasn't been a long time," Shi Shanyan's eyes passed smoothly. "Don't you
mind?"\nThe smell of smoke gradually diffused in the car, and fiddled with Jiang
nervous nervously. Jiang Li withdrew his gaze and said, "Understood, I also
like to smoke when I have a difficult case."\n"I think Yan Junxun did not compile," Shi Shanyan smiled. "How do you find him
to solve the case?"\nJiang Li turned the steering wheel, hesitating for a few seconds before
answering or not, saying: "He is so powerful, he thinks differently from
others."\n"Yan Junxun's assistance to you are all serial (sha killing) people," Shi Shan
extended to the iron ashtray prepared by Jiang Lian, and he was playing with
ashes. "He can quite sympathize with the pervert."\nAt this moment, at 13 o'clock noon, the heat wave washed the window back and
forth, Jiang Li wanted to speak, but did not know what to say. The car in the
adjacent lane is sounding whistle, accompanied by the rhythmic minute and
second sound in the car, making Jiang Liru feel like a needle felt.\n"Jun Xun has a unique sense of smell and can shield some (dry) nuisance
elements when handling cases," Jiang Li made his expression look normal. "I
think this is due to his keenness and his uniqueness. Growing environment."\n"A fat mother?"\n"Yes," Jiang Li's thumb rubbed the steering wheel. "He...was raised by the
family system. Fatta is only a part of it. There is also an'Artemis' teacher.
Fatta is responsible for taking care of Jun Xun's daily life. In life, Artemis
is responsible for tutoring his studies. Jun Xun once said that when he starts
thinking, he will think of the blackboard when Artemis taught him literacy,
that is the root of his ability to concentrate on thinking." Jiang Lian A
quick glance at Shi Shanyan, "According to the system classification, fat is
the father's horn (color)."\nShi Shanyan's expression became intriguing.\n"...By the way," Jiang Li asked anxiously, "Where did your lighter come from?"\n"This?" Shi Shanyan erected a lighter and threw it into the ashtray
indifferently. "Fu transported it."\n<hr>
Yan Junxun returned to the house, and the panda was eating in the kitchen. Its
tail squeezed out of the curtain, and two fat legs could be seen busy. Yan Jun
couldn't find the information in a hurry, he leaned over and pushed the
crooked coffee table upright.\nThis is Shi Shanyan's crooked.\nAlthough Shi Shanyan's legs are indeed very long, Yan Junxun intuition is
intentional. This behavior is like silently proclaiming that he has come-he
has come, he has entered the territory of Yan Junxun, and even left his mark.\nThe panda came out holding the tray and said to Yan Junxun: "The southern war
has stopped. Our cattle (meat rou) are still so expensive. I have to think
about the recipe for next week."\nYan Junxun eats in the panda's nagging.\n"Today, this Mr. Shi looks really handsome, and he is also very polite. Is it
Jiang Li’s new colleague? Not quite like that, he looks like Jiang Lian’s
leader." Panda said alertly, "Mr. Yan please The potatoes are also eaten, and
eating (meat rou) will cause constipation."\nYan Junxun plucked a piece of potato, stuffed it into his mouth, and
perfunctoryly "huh".\n"His sense of smell is so good," Panda continued to discuss Shi Shanyan. "It
also smells that you just drank a cow (milk Nai)."\n"People are also very smart," Yan Junxun remembered last night, "Like a
criminal\criminal."\nPanda was amused: "You rarely praise others for being smart."\n"He deceived my eyes," Yan Junxun took two bites of rice. "I thought he wanted
to run."\nShi Shanyan’s attitude towards Fu Yun seemed to be to terminate the transfer
task. What he said to Yan Junxun also made Yan Junxun hesitate, but he
couldn’t run at all and didn’t want to run. From the beginning, he relied on
himself Mismatched with the information in the parking area, everyone was
teased. Yan Junxun didn't relish the greasiness of the lighter until the
lights went out.\nShi Shanyan's behavior from the beginning to the end was too natural. He
handed his vulnerability to Yan Junxun and asked Yan Junxun to send it back
without knowing it. This abominable (fuck cao) lust. Yan Junxun observes him,
he is also observing Yan Junxun.\n"If this is an exam," Yan Junxun sighed, put the empty bowl back on the tray,
and said angrily, "I must have failed."\n"Don't be discouraged," Panda comforted him. "We have to look at the problem
dialectically. In general, there are still gains."\n"What's the catch?"\n"A friend," panda spread his paws, "a handsome friend."\n"Ah," Yan Junxun was even more angry, "I'm so happy."\n<hr>
The next day the sun was very big. Yan Junxun parked the car at the entrance
of the Inspectorate Bureau. He had not pulled out the key, and heard someone
knocking on his window. Yan Junxun rolled the window down and put on a pair of
sunglasses.\nNot only did Shi Shanyan change his new shirt, he also cut his hair. If he was
still wearing a shackle, anyone would consider him an elite in the
Inspectorate. He pulled the sunglasses down for a while, seeing no joy or
displeasure, and said, "You are not punctual."\nYan Junxun turned his face and replied: "This is my working time."\nWhen Shi Shanyan got on the train, Xiaolong held his front paws in
embarrassment and said to him: "Welcome Mr. Shi, do you have any requirements
for the seat?"\n"Slightly narrow," Shi Shanyan adjusted his sitting posture, "Okay, thank
you."\n"The in-car system navigates for you," Xiao Julong asked tentatively, "Does
Mr. Yan need some soothing music?"\nYan Jun nodded and stepped on the accelerator to make Shi Shanyan feel the
car's speed.\n<hr>
Yan Junxun parked the car in front of the telephone pole in the corner alley
of Huihe District. When he got out of the car, he saw a mess of advertisements
posted on the telephone pole, as well as several wanted announcements with
unclear faces.\nShi Shanyan snapped his sunglasses to the small orange faucet and closed the
door to look around.\nThis is an old city. The buildings on all four sides are like charcoal-gray
stoves. All the residents hang their underwear on the small balcony of their
homes. The windows of the low-rise residents are sealed by the iron nets, and
they can only poke the poles out of the gaps of the iron nets, and occupy the
places where people walk. This area is not well ventilated. Hot weather boiled
the smell of sweat and sewage, and stewed people like a stew.\nNot long after getting out of the car, Yan Junxun sweated. He carried the ice
water prepared in the car and entered the community, looking for the building
number.\n"Go on the left," Shi Shanyan turned his head, "Building 4 is here."\nThe corridors of the old building are very dirty, and the walls have long
become graffiti boards. Shi Shanyan did not forget to appreciate these arts
when he went upstairs. Several exaggerated human bodies were drawn into bows,
and the lines of women's tan (lu) were covered with all kinds of handprints,
but their faces were painted with a beard like a spoof.\nThe first victim, Liu Xincheng, lived on the third floor. There were not only
graffiti on the walls of this floor, but also some scribbled messages.\n(强qiang)\(呂jian)!\n(Dry gan) Beautiful.\n(Fuck cao)!\nThe word "(操cao)" is very large, focusing on circles, painted in striking red
(color).\nLiu Xincheng is 48 years old this year. He served as the senior financial
section chief of the Hongxing Steel Plant in the mooring area ten years ago.
He was sentenced to four years for the intern defendant who invaded the same
company and compensated the victim at that time. Seven hundred thousand. Four
years later, he was released from prison and divorced his wife. He moved to
Huihe Community to live alone, where he watched the night show for the Mahjong
Hall at the entrance of the community.\nOn the evening of March 6th, Liu Xincheng did not go to work at the Mahjong
Hall. The boss thought he was going to drink again. When he was contacted by
the conductor next day, no one answered. The boss's first reaction was that he
owed his rent and ran away. He immediately contacted him in this piece to
collect people collectively. In the end, he didn't catch him, but caught Liu
Xincheng's body fragment in the drain.\nYan Junxun opened the door of Liu Xincheng's house with the key given by Jiang
Lian, and the sultry heat in the room suddenly popped out. Yan Junxun raised
his hand and flicked it slightly, without covering his mouth and nose.\nThe space inside the house is very tight. The living room is a bedroom. Liu
Xincheng uses several plastic panels as compartments, and inside is the
bathroom. The windows didn't open, the curtains were pulled, and the room was
stuffy, but unexpectedly there wasn't much odor of life.\nYan Junxun opened the seal in front of the kitchen, and saw that the only
dishes in the kitchen were jammed in the doorless cabinets, and the stove had
only the ash accumulated in these three months.\nShi Shanyan did nothing, but glanced under the table, there was a trash can
without plastic bags.\nYan Junxun suddenly asked: "Did you smell anything?"\nShi Shanyan replied easily: "Nothing but dust."\n<hr>
Yan Junxun felt that this room had a strong sense of disobedience. He left the
kitchen and approached the plastic baffle. The wall behind the plastic baffle
is covered with the inner pages of the yellow (color) magazine. Liu Xincheng
cut off the heads of these female photos and put on the rough, black and white
head of his victim in the news newspaper. photo.\nThe vulgar (yan) pink (color) baffle has been used for a long time, the edges
have been (touched Mo) into brownish yellow (color), and the lower part is
dirty.\nYan Junxun stepped back two steps.\nLiu Xincheng's habit of going to the toilet is very bad, he also likes to
stand here to fly. His urine splashed on the plastic baffle for a long time,
not only will it smell, but also make urine stains and fine spots become old
and dirty.\nHe has such a sloppy lifestyle, but the room is very clean.\nStanding in front of the curtain, Shi Shanyan wanted to look across the gap,
and found that the window was covered with black and white photos taken by Liu
Xincheng.\n"Hmm--" Shi Shanyan leaned back slightly, as if struck by these photos, he
raised his eyebrows and said, "This is still a ** who hates the verdict."