"No. 01ae86, name Shi Shanyan, height 189cm, weight 82kg. + + + Cartino Novel
Network www.mtlnovel.com 2160 passed the Black Panther test to enter the
special forces, was expelled from the team in 2162, detained in Guangtong
prison \Forbidden. The special task review said that it has poor self-control
ability, lacks empathy, and has a strong tendency to dominate. It repeatedly
breaks the rules in the task and has a specific s-level hazard index."\nYan Junxun picked up the cold beer and didn't pull it away, but took advantage
of the cool air and stuck it to the side of his neck to cool down. His black
hair was messy and his skin was quite fair. While listening to Jiang Lian's
words, he gently flicked his hair wet with sweat in front of his forehead, and
(exposed) his eyes.\nHis eyelids are very thin, and he has no momentum when he sags, as if
(sleeping Shui) just woke up, he was a little distracted.\n"Oh."\nYan Junxun looked at the dusty road in the distance and answered Jiang Lian's
words like this.\nJiang Li found it difficult to pull. He pulled the leg of his suit and
squatted down. He said: "We got support from Fu Chenghui during the arrest of
" 虫". The number 01ae86 is the exchange condition. Now the arrest of " 虫" is
over. Fu Chenghui wants you to be here The docking area cooperates in handling
cases. Have you ever heard of him as a special unit?"\nYan Junxun said, "I haven't heard of it."\nThe beer soon stopped freezing, and water droplets flowed along the neck of
Yan Junxun toward the neckline. He didn't seem to feel it, only the sunset
that the sky was about to sink in his eyes.\n"No. 01," Yan Junxun said slowly, "This person has either a mental or mental
problem."\nGuangtong Supervision\Forbidden Area 01 is a serious problem retest area, and
the risk index of the detainees must reach the standard. According to the
review of the special mission number 01ae86, he performed very well in the
destructive test.\n"He is good at disguising and likes to act alone," Yan Junxun removed the beer
can. "Maybe a sniper."\nNo. 01ae86's empathy ability and dominance tendencies need to be aware of his
teammates, he can stay in the Panther Special Forces for two years before
being expelled from the team, indicating that he is independent (sexual xing).
Only the sniper combat system is the smallest, and it can be equipped with an
observer and a witness to kill (kill sha), or it can act alone.\n"His reconnaissance, tracking, intelligence gathering, and survival ability
are quite outstanding (color)," Yan Junxun's thumb has been wetted by the beer
can. "How long did it take Fu Chenghui to catch him?"\nJiang Li raised his finger and said, "One day. He stayed in the dormitory and
waited for Fu Chenghui to open the door."\n"Then he did well in Black Panther (gangan), knew he was very valuable, and
knew that Fu Chenghui was reluctant (to kill sha) him. Guangtong
prison\forbidden area 01 is a sub-second monitoring area, he can still come
out now, prove him He performed normally in the Black Panther retest. He knows
how to adjust psychological pressure and has good patience. He stayed happily
in Zone 01 and did not have (sleep Shui) sleep problems after performing
dangerous tasks; he It can be highly focused, and the Black Panther retest is
very simple for him." Yan Junxun put the beer can down and said sadly, "I
don't want to team up with him."\nThis kind of person easily disturbs Yan Junxun's steps, and then stirs his
thoughts into a twine. He doesn't like the mess in his head.\nJiang Li thought about the words: "Last night, the number 01ae86 has been sent
to the parking area prison\forbidden, and I will ask you to follow me."\nYan Junxun thought for a moment and asked, "Do I need to bring a gift to see
him?"\nJiang Li sighed and said, "... treat yourself as a gift."\nThe sun in the distance has disappeared, and Yunxia in the evening is blocked
by the dust in the sky, like a crumpled oil rag. The unique transport light
iron in the parking area passed a short distance, causing people to numb their
feet. The smell of coal-burning and steel-making is pervading in the air, and
the buildings in sight are covered with coal ash.\n"Welcome to the parking area," Yan Junxun opened the beer can and took a sip.
"He will soon find Guangtong is heaven."\n<hr>
Three days later, the sky (color) was gloomy, and the weather was mixed.\nThe parking area has no tracks for optical transmission. In this densely
populated area, people still travel by car, so traffic jams are one of the
problems in the parking area, especially on rainy days. At this moment,
overlooking the traffic situation of the whole area, it is like a spread of
eight treasures porridge, which cannot be dredged at all.\nThe rain hit the glass, blurring the silhouette of Yan Junxun projected on it.
The car was stuck on the road, he was stuck in the car. The id-conductor has
been ringing, and the driving system in the car promptly friendlyly said: "Mr.
Yan, the prison\forbidden to request a call."\nYan Junxun said nothing.\nThe driving system guessed that he was in a bad mood. While blowing his horn,
he turned on the interior lights for Yan Junxun. The projection was a small
orange dragon.\n"Mr. Yan," the small orange dragon flashed, "the prison \ imprisonment office
requested a call."\n"Yan Junxun," Yan Junxun poked the light screen, peeling the candy paper of
the lollipop, "One hour to--"\nThe communication situation in the parking area on a cloudy day is very poor,
with only snowflakes on the light screen. I didn’t hear the response after
saying it several times. I could only shout in my throat: "Hello? Hello! I am
a special member of Guangtong Prison\Forbidden, when will you arrive?"\nYan Junxun tilted his head away from the light screen and lengthened his
voice: "I-on-the road \-."\n"Where?" The person on the other side could not hear clearly, and said
irritably, "No matter where you are, fuck, twenty minutes must come!"\nYan Junxun put the lollipop in his mouth and said politely, "Good brother."\nThe call has been cut off opposite.\nThe little orange dragon in the driving system was silent for a moment, and
(milk Nai) said: "The system has been calculated and the road conditions are
poor on rainy days. It cannot be reached on time in 20 minutes."\nYan Junxun raised his hand to turn off the autopilot system and asked it
strangely: "Why do you (gan) switch the sound line?"\n"I'm scared," the driving system paused and screamed, "Mr. Yan, please don't
speed!"\nBefore it was finished, Yan Junxun had turned his head. The old sports car
squeezed out of the traffic lane, and the bull rushed into the unmanned lane
like a ** bin. The road here is in disrepair all year round. The edge of the
road is exposed to the most backward drainage ditches, and some roads are
covered with manhole covers. The driving system uttered "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"\n"Mr. Yan!" The driving system cried, "I want to report you to the Special
Inspection Bureau!"\nYan Junxun added full horsepower, the sports car was almost flying upside
down, the pendants in the car jumped excitedly, and the tall and low buildings
on both sides projected colorful lights in the rainstorm. The car soared over
the barren and ruined abandoned road, like a wild horse off the rails,
splashing dirty muddy water and stunned the driving system.\nThe sports car suddenly stopped when it rushed out of the alley, and the car
wiped a half-meter mark on the asphalt road, letting the other old-fashioned
truck with the light pass first. The car drove very slowly, and Yan Junxun saw
the advertisement of "Just Clean" posted on the car. The rain was too heavy,
and the advertisements were washed up and rolled up. They were all faded
(discolored) and looked very worn.\n"I want to vomit," the driving system has something to do with it, "I really
want to vomit, I can, and I will immediately vomit--"\nYan Junxun bit the crushed sugar and knocked the driving system into silence,
the id conductor just called, and the name displayed was Jiang Lian.\n"Come..." Yan Junxun connected.\nThe window of the truck did not shake up, the woman in the driver's seat was
scolding someone while driving, and she could not hear clearly through the
rain. She could only see that she had smashed the steering wheel with force. .\n"...In five minutes." Yan Junxun turned the steering wheel and went wrong with
the truck.\n<hr>
Jiang Li was drinking tea at the gate inspection office of the
prison\forbidden area, listening to the sound of the car outside, and greeted
him immediately, holding the umbrella and shouting to the car: "It is too
inconvenient to drive while raining!"\nYan Junxun got out of the car and entered the facial recognition office of the
gate review office.\n"Welcome to you," the jail\forbidden facility automatic detection door opens
to both sides, said softly, "Warmly welcome you, the mooring forbidden
facility\will be willing to provide you with home-like warmth."\n"Thank you," Yan Junxun said seriously, "I have no plans to live here yet."\nJiang Lian's leather shoes were soaked in rain, leaving wet footprints in the
hallway. He wiped his spectacles with a veil and said: "Specially appointed
special agent Fu Yun is Fu Chenghui's son. He is the supervisor of Guangtong
Prison\Forbidden House and is responsible for the transfer of the number
01ae86. This person has a temper. Anxious and speak straight."\nHe said that Yan Junxun had seen the people at the end of the corridor. Jiang
Li put on his glasses back and smiled apologetically when shaking hands with
each other: "I'm sorry, Mr. Fu, I've waited a long time."\nFu Yun shook hands with Jiang Li a little hesitantly, his eyes swept quickly
after Yan Jun looked for him, and did not see anyone else. He nodded,
forgiving them for being late, and then frowned, saying, "Mr. Yan is really
young."\n"Yeah," Jiang Lian said, "If it weren't for Fu to call him by name, I wouldn't
dare to hand him over."\n"I'm telling the truth, I don't approve of putting out the number 01ae86 to
collaborate on the case, but the old Fu is determined, and I'm not wrong." Fu
Yun walked ahead and looked back at Yan Junxun again when passing through
layers of recognition. "Have you been exposed to the Black Panther test?"\nAs he expected, Yan Junxun answered with great shame: "No."\n"Also." Fu Yunya didn't have any hope, just asked casually.\nThe gate of the jail gate "Sor" stratum opens, the warning system set in the
channel starts to flash red, it repeats with a mechanical sound: "No. 01ae86
has been delivered, please keep high alert. Repeat again, the number 01ae86
has been delivered, please keep the height alert."\nAfter three checks at the door, the tightly locked gear opened silently. The
internal light is dim, Yan Junxun carrying his light, only to see the old
prison door of the parking lot/forbidden area.\n"You are still the prison/inhibition facility of the last century, which is
too unsafe." Fu Yun raised his hand and smashed the sensor roughly, shouting,
"No. 01ae86!"\nThe door was silent.\n"No. 01ae86," Fu Yun did not look at Yan Junxun, but said to the sensor across
the alarm, "No. 01ae86, don't ** pretend to die!"\nThe restraint locks of the prisons and imprisonments surged and made the sound
of nails scratching the walls, but there was no person (exposed) in the prison
door.\nFu Yun didn’t need to get in close contact with the number 01ae86 when he was
in the Guangtong prison\forbidden area. Now the light screen of the parking
area prison\forbidden area can’t see the inside. He can only walk in while
moving his baton behind his waist. To the door.\n"No. 01ae86!" Fu Yun didn't hurry, but continued to peep into the door with
his eyes. If it wasn't for the heat display on the sensor, he almost ran into
suspiciously number 01ae86.\n"Damn, don't play tricks," Fu Yun pressed the door and shouted inside, "Shi
Shanyan--"\nSuddenly (exposed) face on the door, Fu Yun suddenly stood upright, leaning
back subconsciously. Who knows that the pass-through opening of the parking
jail\forbidden is so big, his belt is pulled, and the whole person has hit the
prison door when he wants to retreat.\nThe system immediately went crazy and yelled: "Warning! Stay away from number
01ae86! Warning! Please stay away from number 01ae86 quickly!"\n"Alert!" Jiang Li immediately pulled out the gun.\n"say hi."\nNo. 01ae86 has a low voice, as if it were a beast inspecting the site. His
dark eyes stared at Fu Yun, as if staring at a panicked prey. He stepped
closer to the prison door, and there was a muddy laugh in his throat.\n"Don't panic," No. 01ae86 looked around, and finally landed on Yan Junxun
accurately, and still talking to Fu Yun in his mouth, "You hear, wow la
la...you pee pants."\nFu Yun bowed his head in panic, but found that he didn't even have one. He was
angry and angry: "(Fuck cao)!"\nNo. 01ae86, in the system sound of warning barking, blew a comfortable whistle
to Yan Junxun and said happily, "Hello."