Chapter 60 - The Thorn of Secret Agreement (5)

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“….I’m just choking.”
Vincent then said that, as if he currently wasn’t vomiting blood that enough to soak his pillow. 046y9A
He may not be fully conscious yet.
Cold sweat ran down on my back.
What should I do? What am I supposed to do now?
Doctor? Call the doctor, then? JLD6XO
Are you sick? Since when? Can you recover from your illness?
Then… Why, you are still---
“….W, wait. I’ll call a doctor right away.”
I woke the innkeeper and explained the situation. Fortunately, the innkeeper was such a nice person that he immediately called the doctor. LUdZlg
I then rented a horse and rushed out of city even though it was still raining.
….P tjnf ab wffa Teglj.
P qgfafcvfv cba ab cbalmf la. C2AUZH
P vbc’a kjca ab atlcx atja bcf vjs, atfgf klii mbwf j alwf obg er ab rfqjgjaf.
Dea, P jikjsr xcfk.
Ktf alwf P rqfca klat Nlcmfca kjr ufaalcu rtbgafg jcv rtbgafg.
Ccv, bcf vjs, P’ii vfolclafis ibrf tlw. yNTtcs
I always knew.
Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com
The forest surrounding Yuria’s mansion was dense. When I arrived, the calming atmosphere I used to feel couldn’t be felt at all.
All living things seemed to be holding their breath. That’s the atmosphere I feel. QHL4JY
It was as if everyone was terrified by an absolute power.
Luckily I arrived at the mansion before the morning sun rose.
A maid then greeted me silently. She seemed to have been informed that a guest would arrive.
I was led into a room where the owner of the mansion, who is a cruel and terrifying beast, was waiting for me. jO2ehD
In the center of a simple room that was like a prison, the beast’s limbs were bound and restrained by chains.
Surely Yuria himself did that to him.
Just one step into the room and I felt like my body was being torn apart by the murderous atmosphere.
“….What do you want?” LcJgZb
I could not hear the beast’s growl clearly because of the rain.
I approached him without hesitation.
“There is something I want to ask you.”
“….Did I hear it wrong? I thought I heard you wanted to ask me something?” 9XEtLY
The chains creaked, and the beast bared his teeth.
Thunder rumbled outside the window.
Even though at any time I could pass out because of my fear, I still shook my head.
“You didn’t hear me wrong. First of all, I’m not your enemy. I didn’t want to die at that time, so I was desperate. If I could, I wanted to talk to you normally like this.” obyLrm
“What an eyesore. Get out of here. Or should I get rid of you?”
“You tried to take my ring that day. What are you going to do with this?”
Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.
I put my hand that is wearing the ring on the top of my other hand, intending to continue the conversation quickly.
“……” VxQefY
The beast then narrowed his eyes sharply.
The murderous atmosphere in the room was suddenly so intense and almost blew me away.
I got goosebumps while my mouth felt dry.
But still, I approached the beast one more step. h74d5E
“You want to put Yuria to sleep with this ring. That way, you can continue to wake up. Isn’t that right?”
“If so, then what?”
“But how do you put Yuria to sleep? It’s really hard for you to put him to sleep, isn’t it? Because you guys are in the same body.”
The beast widened his eyes slightly. Looks like he didn’t think that far. DVAqKi
I put my hands on my chest in an exaggerated manner.
“That’s why I’m useful. I can put Yuria to sleep comfortably. Like yesterday. Even if he wakes up, I’ll put him back to sleep.”
The beast wrinkled his nose in disgust.
“You want me to believe those words?” l8DIKj
“If you can’t believe me, why don’t you kill me now? That way, I will never be able to use this ring again.”
The beast snorted slightly as I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.
“….What do you want from me?”
The happy time that I spent with Yuria and the others suddenly popped into my mind. ycqPGH
My heart started to throb violently. My face felt hot, and my heart ached terribly, but I was reminded of the memory of his bright red blood.
Lightning flashed across the sky and a bright light shone through the curtains. Heavy rain hitting the window.
Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.
“What I want is---”