Chapter 55 - The Creeping ‘Black' and the Red's Past (13)

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“Yes. Like I said before, I’m already happy enough just being with you. We don’t have to always do things like this, even though we love each other… Ah, it’s not like I don’t want to do it! But, doing it in a hurry like this, or pushing yourself when the timing isn’t right, is also the wrong thing.”
“….If you keep thinking about timing like that, you will never be able to do it. Things like this have to do with momentum.” ifuMC7
Yuria shook his head slightly, and then he patted my buttstocks.
“I want to love Ban-san slowly, without rushing it at all. After all, this is our first time… Uh, I don’t want us to just do naughty things. That’s not my goal.”
I blinked my eyes.
『First time.』 AB28ZK
I didn’t think about that at all.
“I do want to do naughty things, but besides that, I also want us to do lots of things to and enjoy it together… I want us to love each other more… Did I say something strange?”
I smiled awkwardly as I let go of Yuria’s hand. I then closed my eyes and pressed my forehead against his chest. rO9oRA
….Come to think of it, why did I want to be held by Yuria so badly?
Because I like you. Because I love you. That’s why, I want you to touch me. Right, that kind of feeling was natural. But if you think about it a bit, you’ll find that there are many other ways to love and be loved.
It seems, I’m really in a hurry.
I let out a deep sigh. Maybe I was obsessed with having sex with Yuria to tell him that I wasn’t scared of him. Even so, Yuria still cherished his『first time』with me. n2JqMN
“I like you very much, Ban-san.”
“P ilxf sbe nfgs wemt abb. Rb--P ibnf sbe.”
Cr lo tf mbeiv cba tbiv yjmx tlr offilcur jcswbgf, tf atfc teuufv wf alutais. P mbeiv lwwfvljafis offi Teglj’r kjgwat. 0iXptG
Lf rmgfjwr tlr ibnf klat tlr ktbif ybvs. Ct, P atlcx P ilxf atlr. P atlcx atlr lr rb vjhhilcu.
I lifted my face and looked into Yuria’s eyes. We kissed over and over again, until we fell asleep peacefully.
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“I, I can’t believe it! T, They’re doing such n, n, n… Naughty things….!!!” 7h4dXq
When I returned to my room, I threw off my shoes and jumped into the bed. My face is hot. My heart is pounding as the sight I saw earlier came to my mind.
I pressed my face against the pillow and kicked my legs. What are you two doing? S, Such, such a place like that, is licked….
“Calm down a little. They’re lovers. It’s good thing that they get along well.”
“That’s not the problem!” 4PvdQN
“More than that, I feel relieved that my injury is not worse than it looks. I feel like my hand has been torn so badly.”
The bed creaked and Vincent touched my shoulder. When I removed his hand from there, I rose from my position vigorously.
“….You can be so calm because you don’t see it, Vincent. With m, mouth, s, s, such a place… i, is licked… WAAAAAAAAAA!”
I buried my face on my pillow and screamed again. Well, it’s indeed my fault for opening the door without permission. dUpP5V
….But I didn’t know they were doing something like that.
“I get it, I get it. Take a deep breath for now.”
“….Huh, hah. Huh, hah.”
“You’ve brushed your teeth, haven’t you?” WX86wS
“Then go to sleep.”
“How can I sleep!? In this state!!”
I turn around to give him a bitter look while Vincent continues to pat me on the back. R2vA3W
“Don’t treat me like a child! If I can sleep, I won’t be in trouble like this!”
“Then how can you sleep?
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“I don’t know! You just think about it yourself, stupid!”
“Okay.” 4asK3U
Vincent let out a long sigh. He then forced me to lie still on my pillow while I was waiting for his answer.
“Hmph….! You’re too cold to a person who can’t sleep!”
“….How can you have the intention of tricking someone into doing that with you?”
“What? What did you say--” Z7hoaw
“Just close your eyes for now.”
A big hand then covered my eyes. Same rough treatment as usual. He is indeed a terrible man.
I closed my eyes while complaining. Vincent didn’t see what I saw, so he can be calm like this. If only he saw that, Vincent would also… Vincent….
“….Let me go.” tgSP7l
Suddenly aware of his rough, thick hand, I brushed his hand away.
“What’s the matter?”
“Nothing. I can close my eyes by myself.”
“….I see.” jIy0HJ
My heart suddenly fluttered at the thought that this hand had protected me for such a long time.
….Why am I fluttering? I don’t know what this means. I don’t understand it, at all. Everything, all of this happen, because of their fault.
That’s when I heard a terrible cough.
“….Vincent?” tHkMpD
“It’s nothing.”
Just as usual, he headed to the bathroom. Then not long after, he returned to our room.
Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com
“Good night, Cecil.”
After turning off the light in the room, he lay down on the bed next to me. As silence fell, I turned my body towards him. YFiqdj
“….Hey. If you feel your body is not well, somewhere, I can caress your back.”
“Don’t worry. I’m just choking.”
As I stare at his big back, Vincent turns to look at me. aoTfd0
“Now, close your eyes. You don’t need my hand, do you?”
I stared at Vincent’s face for a moment and closed my eyelids. His fearless face had aged over time. On the other hand, even after 20 years, I’m still the same as when I met him.
There is a wall between us that is impassable. A incredibly huge, strong wall, which one day will make us separate.
“….Good night.” dj8z0r
I forcefully suppressed the anxiety that made my chest feel tight.
….While smelling the faint smell of blood.
Sorry for updating late today. I’m a little tired so I’m translating this chapter slowly (´;ㅿ;`)