Chapter 03 - The Most Skillful Man in Bed (3)

Translator: AmaEditor: reizora
“My nephew wants a friend. But my father, uh… and also his grandfather, doesn’t want him to have any friend. That’s why I thought I’d get a caretaker for him and because of that….”
“You want me to take care of your nephew.But why me? There are other people who’s better than me. As you can see, I was born in a bad way. I’m not in a position to take care of someone as high as you. I’m not even graduated from school.”
“If its about the work, you can learn when you get to the house. More importantly, I need someone who are strong, determined and able to keep their promises. Being caring, kind, responsible and also, don’t have family register….”
“I’ve been looking in various cities and that’s when I found you.”
“….Normally, if you are going to be a caretaker, you need a well-identified person.”
“It’s a lot of hassle if you’re a well-identified person.”
“Yeah. Hassle.”
I felt the corner of my mouth twitchs while that man nodded his head indifferently.
“….I certainly don’t have a family register. I think I can keep my promise and, well, I have a healthy body. But I don’t think I meet the other requirements such as being friendly or caring. ”
“That’s not true. When you were 10 years old, you become a mercenary and went around the country to support your family, right?”
Taken aback I looked up.
His pitch black eyes now looks like a glass marble.
“Ccv ktfc sbeg wbatfg vlfv, sbe rabqqfv yflcu j wfgmfcjgs. Pa wera tjnf yffc tjgv obg sbe cba yflcu jyif ab rff sbeg wbatfg ktfc rtf vlfv. Zbgfbnfg, sbe mjc’a uejgjcaff sbeg ilof ktfc sbe kbgx jr j wfgmfcjgs. Vb sbe atbeuta ys rfiilcu sbeg ybvs ilxf atlr yfmjerf sbe kjca ab rajs jgbecv sbeg ojwlis ktlif xffq fjgclcu wbcfs obg atfw.”
I feel a chill go down my spine for what he said enthusiastically.
What he said is almost… No, all of his words are correct.
“….What the hell do you want?”
“I’ll pay you as much as you want. So, please, I want you to love my nephew like you love your brother and sister. I want you to put all your heart into it. Love him and take care him. ”
“That’s nonsense. My brother and sister are family. It’s different from others.”
“Certainly they are different, but you can try to love him because… your family will be happy if you do that.”
“If you have money, you can get a family register. If you have the family register and money, you can go to a proper hospital or go to school. If you go to school, you can choose your job. You can choose the future.”
“Even if you sacrificed everything you have, as you are now, you won’t get the future you want.”
I clenched my teeth silently.
“In exchange, I will give you everything that you can’t give to your family. For that reason… I want you to give my nephew the love like you gave to your sister and brother.”
“….It’s easy to do that, right?”
When someone has been convinced, he will throw himself up for it.
To be honest, even if I continue this kind of life, I won’t be able to get out from this city. Let alone get a family register. It’s true that living everyday is all you can do.
….It might be a joke. It might be a fraud.
If it’s not one of them… then is this job dangerous?I don’t know what I’ll have to do if it’s a dangerous one.
He tried bringing me back, alive or not. He said to be a caretaker, but I’m doubtful we have the same idea of “caretaker”.
I’ve always wanted… to see this kind of revolutionary miracle happen.
I slowly release my clenched hand then wiped the sweat from my palms with the hem of my clothes.
“….Of course. I can get the amount that I offered in advance, right?”
“I’ll pay whatever amount you wish for.”
As a trial, I offered double the amount I could earn over my lifetime as a deposit.
The man nodded without hesitation.
“Is it okay to conclude our negotiation?”
The man held out his hand. His hand is as cold as ice when I grasped it.
“Well, let’s leave before we change our minds.”
“It’s okay for me but… can you wait a bit? I want to move my family to a proper city before we leave. ”
Maybe there is a fatal gap between me and this man. About our surrounding environment and various values. Including the weight of life.
“This is the last thing I can do for my brother and sister.”
He let out a little sigh.
Then he removed the hood that was covering his eyes.
“Hahaha. It seems that my eyes were right.”
His jet-black hair, cut across his shoulder, swings.
“You’re a big help. I like clever human.”
The man then laughed aloud.
His smile was so beautiful and atrocious. It’s a violent beauty that makes you want to kneel and hang your head.
I felt the surrounding temperature drop drastically.
“It’s a lot of hassle if you’re a well-identified person.”Me: nOOOOOOooOO BAN-SAN!rei: Woops. Death flag.
I read all of the comments and I’m so glad you enjoy read this novel! ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
Some comments even make me very shy and I can’t stop my smile! Thank you! (ฅωฅ*)(ฅωฅ*)
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