Chapter 25 - The King without Heart (4)

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“I can’t believe that the secret passage he told at that time will be useful at a time like this.”
When I entered the mansion safely, I then went to the hallway carefully. The curtain was open and the inside of the mansion was filled with bright sunlight. 2CsRNG
Vevvfcis P tfjgv rtjgq obbarafqr. Cr P tlv rlifcais lc atf tjiikjs, P rjk rfnfgji oierafgfv sbecu wfc gecclcu.
Rb tfjga….
Ktfc P tfjgv remt j kbgv. CFQOix
“….Glv sbe olcv la?”
P gfjmtfv bea ws jgw gluta ab bcf bo atf qjlg sbecu wfc ktb kjr jybea ab qjrr lc ogbca bo wf. Zs olra ragemx gluta ogbw atf fvuf bo tlr fjg.
“W, Who are you!?”
The other man looked at me. Using the fainting man as a shield to narrow our distance, he pulled out his sword. GI52TV
And then he aimed that sword to my throat.
“….Where are your prey?”
“Are you a vampire too?” T5SNnw
“Answer me quickly!”
That’s when the terrible man’s screams sounded.
“What… Captain!?”
“….That’s enough. I understand.” ipFaKd
While the man was distracted by that voice, I punched his abdomen with my fist.
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“If you don’t want to die, take that man and get out from this mansion.”
I heard the voice of a Beast. The mansion is dark and there’s lingering strong scent of death. cEtjkP
It’s a bit short so I will try to do another update tomorrow! (。•̀ᴗ-)و ̑̑✧\n