Parsed with an automated reader. The content accuracy is not guranteed.
Like, I can’t even… Ugh, just read. Sorry it was late.\n
-love, haru
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Chapter 15 Raw
「Who are you!」
「FUHAHAH, I am the top of all monsters*, the demon lord!」*TL: I’ve been calling them monsters, but it can also translate to demons, goblins, devils, evil spirits/creatures, etc.
「What! The Demon Lord!?」
「It couldn’t be helped that you haven’t been able to see my form. Because I’m going to end all of you!」
「Everyone, draw your swords! Commence battle!」
「Divert him with magic!」
The magic kept directly hitting the Demon Lord.
「Did we do it!?」
Amongst the smoke emerged the Demon Lord, with not even a scratch.
「FUHAH, what was that? Weak! Too weak!」
The Demon Lord brought forth magic to the palm of his hand.
「Dark Ball (ダークボール).」
The magic he fired went straight, directly hitting the Order.
「Hey! Are you okay!?」
After the smoke cleared, what was left were pitch black members.
「D- Damn it! Don’t increase your distance! You’ll be hit by magic! Close combat!」
「Y- Yes!」
「Hoh? You want to challenge me at close combat… Hmph!」
The members surrounded the Demon Lord and attacked from above and below, but his body separated where they swung.
This is getting bad!
「Fall back! Everyone, fall back!」
「Did you think I would allow you to escape! Dark Ball!」
The knights who wanted to escape burnt black from the magic.
「Everyone, escape! I’ll get us some time!」
It’ll be complete annihilation at this point. Vice Captain prepared himself for the worst to let everyone run away*. *TL: FUKU DANCHOUUUU TT
「I’ll also stay.」
「Yea, me too.」
「I’ll also stay!」
After Vice Captain’s words, everyone repeated that they would remain.
「You idiots! If everyone stays, what will happen! We have to report this to Leader!」
「If it’s that, then one person is fine.」
「Yea, just one is fine.」
「That’s right, just one person!」
Everyone’s faces looked as if they would not hear any more.
「… Sorry, guys. Roy! You return to the capital! Report it to Leader!」
「Everyone! Please let me fight, too!」
「No! You’re the youngest one! You live on, and go quickly!」
「… I’m so sorry, everyone.」
His face was full of tears, and he started running towards the forest’s exit.
「This is fine, now… you guys! Buy Roy some time!」
「「WOAH! (YES!)」」
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
In my mind, I continued apologizing countless times, and ran for the exit.
When I could finally see the exit, at that time,
「How disappointing.」
What appeared behind was the Demon Lord.
「If you’re here, then everyone….」
While I was crying, I headed towards the Demon Lord and wielded my sword, but.
In an instant, the Demon Lord closed the distance and pierced through his abdomen with his hand.
「GUFU*」*TL: Sound of coughing or throwing up blood
Roy collapsed in that place without being able to tell Leader.
「They’re late-, aren’t they Leader?」
「Hm? Yeah, they’re a bit late, aren’t they?」
It’s been an hour since the agreed time, but the members did not come.
And then we waited 3 hours, but it seems that they were not returning.
「Leader, do you think something happened?」
「Yeah, I’m worried too.」
「I’ll go look for them!」
「W- Wait! Going alone is dangerous, ask some other knights to come with you.」
While I was heading for the gate, I saw the leader of the Oukoku Kishidan and told him the situation and asked for his help.
At the entrance of the Western Forest, there was a person collapsed on the floor.
「Ah, that’s… Roy!」
Roy-kun had a big hole in his stomach and lay still on the ground.
「Wh- Why did such a thing happen…」
Oukoku Kishidan’s leader cremated Roy with fire magic.
「The scent of blood is coming from further in the forest.」
We went further into the forest.
We got further into the forest and was greeted with a sea of blood.
I couldn’t recognize anyone since the corpses had been burnt to a crisp.
The limbs of the corpses were facing in odd directions.
Corpses with no head cut into upper and lower parts.
Corpses that were unrecognizable.
I threw up.
「This is awful.」
「Wh- why did this… UWAAHHHHHH!」
Why, why, why!
We were just together in the afternoon!
So why did they end up looking like this?
Who the hell did this?!
I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I’ll kill him, I’LL KILL HIM!