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Hello everyone~~ Enjoy the chapter~ I’ll try to finish chapter 10 quick!\n
-love, haru ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
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Chapter 9 Original Text
On the next day, the fighting started.
By the way, me and the other cooks were in the furthest back being protected by knights.
We were being pushed back a little.  At this rate, Oukoku will lose this war.
I started seeing an air of anxiety amongst the Oukoku knights.
Once he saw this, the leader of the Oukoku Kishidan yelled,
「ORA ORA! What’s wrong! Remember the taste of the curry yesterday! Don’t you want to eat it once more! If you guys win, I promise you guys can eat it once more!」
What a stupid…
How can that raise morale…
He-y! Why are you guys getting excited?
What~? What the heck, the front lines are starting to push Teikoku?
Ah, they got the Teikoku commander.
What? Is this the power of curry?
Food is amazing!
Ahh, I feel like I just saw the charismatic side of Oukoku Kishidan’s leader.
Just a few words from Oukoku Kishidan’s leader led to a 180 degree change in the situation. A few hours later, Teikoku surrendered to Oukoku.
「Teikoku has surrendered to Oukoku! It is our victory!!」
「「We did it-!」」
「That’s right, curry!」
「I’m hungry!」
「Oh yeah, Kio, there’s no more meat. What are we going to do?」
「Eh-! We don’t have meat? I see~, it can’t be helped, I’ll go hunt. 」
「I see, we’re counting on you.」
Oukoku Kishidan’s leader still didn’t know. What is Kio going to hunt…
As usual, he went to a forest nearby. He didn’t come with a group this time.
「I’m pretty deep in the forest, huh-」
「Bumoooo*!!」*TL: It’s a cow’s sound, Japanese “moo.”
「Uwah! What!?」
Bam! Bam!
Something’s coming.
「Uwah-! ! It’s huge!」
There was a gigantic cow in front of me. About 7 meters?
Moreover, he wasn’t a regular cow.
「It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a cow walking on two legs.」
That’s right, he’s walking on two legs. Furthermore,
「Why does it look like a body builder?」
To make things worse, it’s a gachimuchi.* *TL: Big macho guy stereotype that also has fat. Look up if you’re curious.
A human-type cow that’s a gachimuchi. A normal person would have already been overcome with fear and started vomiting.
However, the one here is Kio.
「It’s beef!」
I threw a rock towards the cow’s direction.
It looked annoyingly confident in its muscles. He was doing a body builder’s pose.
Kio’s rock did a direct hit.
It hit his hip.
「Bumo, Bumo, Bumoo-!」
「Shit, it seems like he’s breathing excitedly」
「Chu*– Chuu.」*TL: Kissing noises.
Look, even Nezumi-kun is afraid!
Since he was too gross and gave me goosebumps, I chopped its head off.
「Okay, how about we head home?」
I was able to get the beef, so we quickly returned.
「Was the hunt successful?」
「Ah, Oukoku Kishidan Leader! Please look, it’s beef!」
「What-! I- Isn’t that a minotaurus (ミノタウロス)!!」
「Oh-, is this cow called a minotaurus?」
「Since a minotaurus has such impenetrable skin, it’s hard to even do much damage, so I don’t even know if 20 knights can defeat it. 」
「Moreover, even though they’re all male, they like men. That’s why all us males can’t really do anything because we’re too grossed out, and we can’t really hunt them. And you did that by yourself…」
This cow, is it an onee* (オネエ)? *TL: According to JP Wiki, it’s a homosexual male that uses exaggerated feminine language.
「It really was gross. So, I immediately cut off its head.」
「Cut off its head… I have to go ask something with the leader of Lint Bloom Kishidan…」
Kio ignored the dazed and confused Oukoku Kishidan leader and headed to the cooking area.
「Hah-, if I don’t make as much as that curry last time, it won’t be good- 」
After that, all of us cooks made curry while shedding tears.
More than yesterday’s curry, they might be able to taste the salt more.
By the way, the curry was very delicious. Especially the meat.
Afterwards, we took several days to return to the kingdom.
Once we came back, the kingdom was in festival mode.
In the span of two days, the kingdom was able to give peace of mind to all of the citizens through a victory parade.
We rested at an inn.
「Oh! Kio. It seems you did some great work!」
「Ah, Leader! It’s been a while.」
「Ahh, while we were dealing with the stuff at the northern plains, you were spending time with the Oukoku Kishidan leader, right?」
「Yeah, I never want to do that kind of work ever again.」
「Hahah, that seems about right.」
「Which reminds me — it seems like there will be some sort of public recognition ceremony.」
「Huh, is that so?」
「Why are you speaking as if it’s about other people? You’re also in it.」
「Ehh! Me!?」
「Of course. Your curry is the reason why we won.」
Oi, oi, that can’t be true.
Anyhow, it seems that they’re making me appear at the public recognition ceremony.
What should I do, Nezumi-kun!
This is bad, at this kind of time, I can’t understand what Nezumi-kun is trying to say! Isn’t that too convenient?
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