Chapter 34
Translated by TrinityVox
Edited by Schwarzel
“Mother! What is the meaning of this?!”
“H-Honey, I thought I’d surprise you, so I stayed quiet about who was coming…”
(Stupid-dabe! What are you guys doing?! Alexei-sama isn’t some kind of present! Ah, Alexei-sama must be pissed-pe.)
“…Your Highness. Please overlook this matter.”
Eleonora looked at him with pleading eyes.
“I won’t. They’ve ridiculed both of us this much already.”
Anna finally realized the severity of the situation after seeing Alexei speak with his cold but well-ordered face.
“U-Um, we didn’t mean to do such a thing? If you could, please be understanding?”
With eyes full of killing intent, Alexei ordered the knights to quickly take Anna and Sofia back, tied behind them.
Anna and Sofia began screaming but Alexei paid them no mind and moved to the parlor room.
“…Your Highness. At the least, could you please pardon them from the execution?”
“I don’t want to.”
(I’m happy he’s getting angry for my sake but honestly, he’s being so childish.)
“…My reputation won’t be good if others discover that people from my household have been executed.”
Alexei made an unsatisfied expression but still obeyed her words.
“Fine. I won’t execute them.”
Then he ordered his knights.
“Shut them up and send them to prison.”
Gagged, Anna and Sofia were skillfully sent out of the mansion.
The servants who saw this scene from start to finish were trembling violently from fear. Those who treated Eleonora coldly before were especially frightened.
“It seems the servants of this mansion have been looking down on those they should serve.” Said Alexei as though speaking to himself. He knew from the report that even the servants had been neglecting her.
“Those who treated my fiancée poorly will, without fail, receive their punishment.”
Tension ran throughout the mansion as Alexei gave off an intense intimidating aura as he spoke those words.
(The servants are all quivering-pe. Well, for now, I don’t have any business here.)
“…Your Highness, shall we go see Ikkaku-chan?”
“I wanted to talk with the Duke first though.”
“…He sent a messenger, but father has not returned home yet.”
Eleonora exchanged glances with the butler, seemingly asking for consent to which he nodded greatly.
“Then I’ll wait at Eleonora’s place. Tell that to the Duke.”
And so, Alexei headed to the detached building, a place different from where a Duke’s daughter would normally live. The butler and other servants were panicked but couldn’t refute his words thus heading to the building together.
“This place is quite far from the mansion, isn’t it?”
The two walked together to the detached building on the outskirts of the Duke’s land. The lanterns held by the chamberlain and knights ahead shined, revealing a small field and house.
“This is where you lived?”
“I see you’re growing flowers here.”
(I’m not growing flowers. Those are all vegetables-pe.)
Before she could respond, Alexei gave an order to the chamberlain and knights.
“You guys stand by here. We’re going to enter this house, so don’t cause any disturbances.”
Then he looked over at Eleonora and smiled.
“I cast the sound barrier. Now let’s go see Ikkaku-chan.”
Eleonora returned his smile and showed him in. After closing the door, she began speaking.
“Come, come sit here. I’ll make some tea right away. Oh, right! Alexei-sama, look at this!”
When she went to start up the kettle, she used magic to light a fire.
“I can use magic now too-pe!”
Seeing how innocently Eleonora was laughing, Alexei couldn’t help but want to touch her, but since she was handling fire, he held himself back.
Seeing her in such high spirits was adorable.
“And this is Ikkaku-chan-pe!”
With a ‘chu—‘, the one-horned mouse sat on her shoulder and called out.
“We have to part soon Ikkaku-chan-pe. You might have friends in the Magic Forest, and I have Alexei-sama now too.”
The one-horned mouse wasn’t as smart as the griffon and couldn’t converse.
“Right. We’ll make sure the precious magical beast who supported you when you were lonely will live well in the Magic Forest.”
“Isn’t that great, Ikkaku-chan! Ah, the water’s boiled-pe. Alexei-sama, sit down. There’s still leftover pie from yesterday too-pe.”
Eleonora happily prepared the tea. During that time, Alexei glanced around the house. This house had nothing but a kitchen, living room, and bedroom but everything had been neatly arranged by Eleonora. Seeing this reminded him of life in the forest.
“Living together in this kind of place doesn’t seem too bad. Let’s make a house in the Magic Forest.”
He was just saying this to himself but Eleonora, who was carrying a tray of tea, overheard it.
“Alexei-sama, that’s a great idea-pe! We can vacation together in the Magic Forest-dabe.”
Hearing her say this with a glittering smile, Alexei recalled his days of being overworked and thought vacationing with her in the forest was an amazing suggestion.