I quietly lay in my cradle and watched the people bustling around me. Today is the day that I move into my own palace. Originally, it was planned for me to stay protected in Dandelion Palace, but now that I was taking part in the fight for succession, I had to go to my assigned palace. Whilst my baggage was being packed, Lynn kept glancing towards me with a worried expression. After the mana incident, Lynn stayed with me all the time. Since she was already concerned when I was out of her arms, she would be very worried about leaving this safe zone. But there is no need to worry because I have Cage. I smiled at cage who was standing close to the cradle.
Cage stepped away again. Strange. Since the last time, every time I make eye contact with her, her face flushes and she stands back. No way, was my smiling face that scary?
Lynn, who noticed my displeasure, came hurriedly.
“My princess, are you bored?”
No, I’m not bored. I’m upset because that nasty Cage is staying away. Does Lynn know what I’m thinking? She looks towards Cage’s eyes, clasps her hands and looks at me again.
“But what should I do? It looks like it will take longer than expected to pack everything up,” she said, rocking my cradle slowly.
“Would you like to play alone with a toy?”
Lynn pulls out something from a drawer.
“Do you want the rattle?”
Lynn shakes the rattle in front of me. No! The great witch doesn’t need it! I turn my head away.
“Oh, so you would like one?”
Look at this great witch properly. I’ve turned away on my side. I hate it! I’m not a child!
“Oh, ah!”
I moved around angrily.
“I’m sorry, well then…. uh what else is there?”
Lynn was embarrassed and took out more toys. Then, my eyes widened in surprise. I swallowed and carefully reached out in front of me.
“What about this…”
Cage gave me a rabbit doll that was charred so dark that I couldn’t find any of its original white colour. One of its arms was cut in half with the cotton stuffing trailing out. It’s left eye was missing and it only had one ear left. It seemed to have been a toy that was thrown away and discarded.
“Haha, isn’t this too old…?
Lynn smiled politely and reached for the doll just as I reached out to take it.
“You want it!?”
Give it! It’s mine!
“Yes, yes? But it’s very old…”
Lynn didn’t know why I wanted it so she just shook her head and handed me the doll as if she couldn’t help it. I hugged the doll in my arms. I didn’t care about the doll itself. The mana flowing out of it was more important.
‘Why do I feel dark mana in this?’
Is this something like an artefact, if so, I wanted it but I had no way of being certain that it was. So I gave up trying to find out. I’m a smart witch. Whatever the reason, it’s a doll with mana. When I hold it, the mana flows into my body. I have 5 star mana but I would be infinitely happy if I could raise it higher.
I felt good and laughed as I held onto the doll tightly so I didn’t notice Lynn’s complicated gaze. 
“When did you fall asleep?”
Lynn said as she covered the sleeping Leona. Leona fell asleep holding onto the rabbit doll. She wanted to save it as a painting with how lovely and cute it was. Lynn smiled brightly.
“What’s that?”
Lynn was surprised and turned hastily as Cage spoke.
“Where did the doll come from?”
She laughed bitterly. Even Cage sees that an old doll like that doesn’t suit a member of the imperial family.
“It was the princess’ mother, the empress, who brought it here.”
It turned out that the maternal family of Leona was of the principality of Lan.
“When the empress was young, she loved to play with dolls so she brought them with her into the imperial palace.”
Lynn said whilst looking down at Leona who had buried her face into the doll.
“She would have loved to see this…”
She pulls out a handkerchief to dry her eyes.
“… seeing the princess like this.”
However, the empress was dead. Cage drew a short breath.
“We are all very sorry for Leona.”
Lynn said again, brushing away her tears.
“She’s at the age when she would normally be bonding with her parents, but she can’t… She’s only one year old and she’s caught up in the fight for succession.”
That was correct. However,
“Don’t pity her.”
Cage responded resolutely.
“The Princess is strong.”
She saw the potential of the princess. She withstood the pain of mana leakage which even causes adults great pain. She was a bold child with enormous potential.
“But even if she becomes stronger in the future, she is weak now.”
Cage shook her head. She pinches the cheeks of the sleeping lady. There were no words to describe her feelings. Cage bowed her head with red ears as she felt the softness of Leona’s cheeks.
Now it was evening and Lynn was moving me in her arms. The palace I was assigned to is called the Black Rose Palace and when she heard this, Cage became noticeably angry.
“The Black Rose Palace. No way, that’s absurd.”
“Oh, that’s…”
Lynn staggered and stared into Cage’s eyes.
“The ghosts of dead royals are here. How could you bring a baby to live here!”
Cage fists her hand furiously so Lynn’s shoulder’s trembled as if to say, ‘Hik!’ As if Cage was scary.
‘Why are you scared by such a small thing.’
Humans. I shook my head.
“I’ll complain to the emperor right now. This is unfair treatment.”
Lynn hurriedly moved in front of Cage.
“I asked for the princess to be moved into Black Rose Palace.”
“What! Why? This place is worse than garbage.”
“It was the empress’ will!”
Lynn cried while holding me tightly.
“The empress said that I must bring the princess to this place… I can’t help it. Even if I don’t want to… I have to keep the empress’ will.”
Cage’s eyes blinked slowly. She glanced between me and Lynn and then struggled to raise her mouth.
“It’s a great palace. I like it, I like it.”
Cage raised her thumb whilst avoiding mine and Lynn’s gaze.
“It’s the best.”
Her earlobes were red as she said, “I’m sorry princess, I was very worried but I will try to keep the will of the empress.”
I was curious about the country which my mother came from, but since I can’t speak, I can’t ask about it for now. I nodded silently.
“If you don’t feel like it, I’ll beg you again. Please bear with me.”
I turned my head to look as we approached the palace that seemed to be boasting great dignity. The palace gardens were full of black roses which made it gloomy just to look at. The windows were also made of black stained glass windows so it seemed as if it would hold back all light. I saw the reason why Cage said that, ‘this is the place where the ghosts of dead royals reside in.’ I am surprised that I haven’t seen a ghost already.
‘The mother of this body must have been a strange person. If not, why did she mention that I had to stay here in her will?”
While I was thinking, the hair on my body suddenly stood up. I raised my eyes and took in the surrounding. I remember this feeling. This palace has the same dark mana that came from the rabbit doll.
“Ah! Ga!”
I struggled because I wanted to see inside the palace right now.
“Are you angry?”
Let’s go quickly! I extended my arms towards the palace. Lynn, who was smiling at me, quickly walked me towards the palace. As we approached the palace, I could feel the dark mana getting denser. It was breathtaking.
‘Is there something hidden in this palace?’
I looked towards Cage with narrowed eyes. If I could feel it, she would too.
But it’s strange. Cage didn’t seem to be feeling anything. Why? Cage should be stronger than I am now? Of course she should feel this mana…
The wind blew. But the wind did not feel like a normal wind. It contained magical power. Cage hurried to stand by my side. She spread her hands wide so that she could release her power. I opened my eyes and looked around.
“What is this?”
I saw a boy with blonde hair and red eyes. Although his hair and eyes were different from the emperor, his face resembled the emperor’s. His eyes narrowed.
“If I don’t kill it, it looks like it’s going to die soon anyway. Can it fight for succession like this?”
No matter how little he focused on me, I knew he was here to threaten me.
Leave! I spit out a scream.
“What, what? What did you say just now?”
“Hey Ah! Hyaa!”
Go away! I cried out again, but this guy didn’t leave. He just opened his mouth and stared at me. In this case, I regret just being a one year old. Had I been a little bigger, I would have crushed this guy at once. Ugh, I regret it. Sob. I couldn’t control my emotions and stared at him with reddened eyes.
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“What is this?”
He smirks at me when he notices.
“…a rabbit?”
I humphed and buried my head in Lynn’s neck.