You should hide and play well. Hehehehe, Leona grinned, covering her mouth. Although it was known Leona was carrying a magical weapon, her daily life had hardly changed. Each day was a cycle of eating, sleeping, and resting. The only different thing was that Nikil hadn’t come over in a while. She was told that Nikil was still lying in bed recovering from his injuries. Ibec came, and again, brought a broken gift, which I sent back. This time, it was a ring hook made of fingers. After which he finally stopped sending me gifts. Crazy bastard, he finally took a hint after I returned his gifts 12 times. 3
So Leona was completely free. Of course, there was still Cage who bothered her.
“Aha! I put her to bed right away!”
Leona giggled, looking at Cage, who was dozing off from her corner.
After all, Cage only paid attention to her.
“Let’s get out of here!”
Leona climbed up onto the bed and put a pillow in the blanket.
She looked at the bulge in the blanket that made it seem like she was in bed.
“This is enough for me,”
Leona smiled and flew to the palace.
Her body in the air slowly began to descend to the ground, in the end, she resorted to walking. It was well known that magical weapons could be used, but Leona didn’t show her true strength. “Without my knowledge, there was magic,” is what she once said, so she shouldn’t use magic with complex structures, and should only use a moderate amount of magic, so she stood still for a moment. At least she thought so, but it was an amazing sight to see a 3-year-old girl jump out of the tower and use fireball. So the imperial servants gave Leona the nickname “The 12th genius.”(Because she’s the 12th princess in the imperial palace) Of course, Leona knew nothing about this nickname. So she thought about living in moderation.
With a silent thud, Leona landed on the ground.
Yesterday I went north, so I should go west today! When she was about to walk past the wall of the Black Rose Palace she heard a strange voice. She didn’t know if it was meant for her so she ignored it and moved along. The voice then said
“Hey! Don’t ignore me!”
Leona grabbed her throbbing head. She slowly turned around. And not far away, she found a child holding a handful of small stones. It was the eighth prince. The 8th Prince, Eden was a nasty child. At the age of 6, he learned magic and began to carry strength on his shoulders. Having learned flame-based magic, he often burned the sleeves of the maids, and would also burn the hair of the attendants to make them bald. As time passed and he became stronger, he reached out to the little creatures. Ants, butterflies, lizards, squirrels, mice, and even rabbits. The appearance of harassing fragile animals and beating them was such a cruel aspect that even those who were adapted to this imperial family were horrified and had to quit their jobs.
Eden’s POV (it switches between 1st person and 3rd a lot)
The eighth prince was badly beaten a week ago. He was almost killed by the assassins called at the prince’s birthday feast.
He ran away and survived,, but the shame and humiliation haunted him. Then, what? The 12th princess saved the 4th prince? A genius wizard able to cast a fireball? I thought it was bullshit.. What kind of magic is the 3-year-old kid using? I thought it was rumour, but it was so widespread. The rumour did not subside, and it ended up being true. So I became angrier with every passing second.
I didn’t even hear the voice of the genius wizard. How dare you…! I had to be the best flame wizard in this imperial family. If I can’t, I’ll have to get a nickname by killing the 12th princess . It was the day I was looking for 12th princess again. And today. Eden, who finally found 12 princesses, couldn’t hide his joy. He approached Leona…
“What. Why aren’t you saying anything? Scared?”
Eden’s figure towered above Leona
“I thought you would be bigger according to rumours, but what, this little thing?”
He was much smaller than his peers, but he was eight years old. He was quite big compared to a three year old girl.
“Did you say you were too good at magic? Didn’t you start a rumor?”
Eden was scratching his pride, but Leona didn’t move. She stood still with her head down.
‘Kick’ (he kicked her lmao)
Eden made more provocations “Well, why don’t you say anything? Are you afraid?” At that moment, Leona’s head flashed. Red eyes and blood vessels stood. She raised her hand.
“Cuck!” Eden’s body was lifted into the air. It seemed to be held by an invisible arm. He struggled with all his might, but couldn’t escape.
“Are you sure you can beat me?”
Leona used more power every-time he moved.
Eden’s face was turning red, resembling rum.
Leona jerked her hand, broadly. Immediately, Eden’s body became stiff. “Cuckl!” he curled into a ball coughing on the ground. If you were an ordinary person, you would have noticed the difference in your skills and bent your tail. (Known your place)
But the empire’s princess were famous for their usual pride.
“Oh, this!”
Eden grew up with an indomitable will. With open arms five sparks the size of a fist stretched around him.
He glared at Leona with his angry eyes
“You’re scared. You’re scared aren’t you? You haven’t you seen anything like this.”
“Are you all done?”
All of the flames he created were extinguished at once.
“…this is”
Eden looked around him. The flames diminished. Even if he tried to cast the spell again, it didn’t work. Only black smoke appeared.
“What, what did you do?”
Looking at the deeply embarrassed Eden, Leona could feel her head cooling off.
‘I can’t be angry with a child like this’ “
Leona laughed at the situation taking place.
A fire broke out around Leona.
“This is the difference between our skills, kid”
Dozens of pillars of fire, as tall adults, or even taller than that, soared. They weren’t red, but a virtual hot colour that emitted a pure white light.
“Oh, ah…” Eden took a step back
Now it was an instinct to function properly. he had to run, but his body didn’t move. With overwhelming fear before him Eden had no excuse.
“There’s something else,”
Leona raised her hand with a bloody smile.
“I have no intention of killing anybody. If you want to scare me, do so. You just have to be modest about it”
It was when he was about to wield his hand. ‘Hmm?’ She stopped moving and stood still
II can feel it., a terrifying energy a life full of life. This is clear…
Leona turned her head rapidly.
I felt a miracle coming this way., Leona quickly extinguished the fire column.
She fell down and slapped herself on the cheek.
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What is it? What’s wrong with her? Eden who had been sitting down, looked at Leona bewildered. Are you crazy? No, you’re too good at magic for that.
Eden could’ve gotten out of this mess. But Leona’s into acting.
She was in a state. She grabbed her swollen cheeks and ran to one place, the Emperor. “Daddy, it hurts!”. Leona grabbed the emperor’s leg and glanced up at him.
“Eden hit me!”