I’ll give you guys a quick recap of the characters if you forgot bc i genuinely did.
Lynn- the maid 1
Cage- female knight guarding her(I think)
Leona- our female lead princess aka rabbit
Harriet- emperors aide
Ibec- kinda rude brother
Nikil- the sis con
Chapter 13:
A wild wind filled the place.
The grass was scattered by the fire, where there were still embers left. The nasty smell sticks in the nose.
The shadows are fallen, and Ibec’s flying far away.
This is because it was more powerful than a general fireball.
‘It’s a big deal.’
Leona wiped her cold sweaty hands on her skirt one after another.
Nevertheless, a cold sweat continued to flow.
My hands were hot.
I was thinking of using only the first circle magic, Fire Arrow.
Making a gap and let Nikil escape
‘A fire ball.’
However, I used the 3rd Circle Magic, Fire Ball. Without even knowing it.
It was pure instinct.
The instinct to save Nikil.
‘Why am I…’
Leona smiled and threw a sigh toward Nikil running to her.
No! If I made a gap, I would have killed Ibec. Why come running towards me?
I just don’t understand.
Nikil laughed as he wiped the blood on his face one after another with his arms.
“You saved me!”
Nikil reached out to Leona, and quickly pulled away his arm to stop her from seeing his bloody arms. He laughs and bends his knees.
“Since when did you learn to use this type of magic? Why didn’t you tell us? If you did, I would have found a good teacher! Are you a wizard then?”
In response to the endless flow ofquestions, Leona gulped.
What should I do in this case?
She lifted her eyes.
Ibec looked at me in the distance. And I felt the energy of Harriet, who was opening his mouth next to me, and the emperor’s gaze.
…In this case.
“No. I don’t know.”
the best thing to do is act innocent!
Leona tried to put on a casual face.
“Just ignore it. I didn’t mean to do it.”
“It’s so cool.”
Nikil’s eyes narrowed. They didn’t believe Leona’s words.
“How did you do that so well?”
“I don’t know. It’s just in your head.”
“Really? Then you’re a genius.”-
“……I don’t know what I did”
“You’re really lying, ·····.” Nikil reached out. But… But there was something that came out before that.
it was the sound of the emperor’s laughter that he could hear.
Who laughed?
Nikil raised his head. The Emperor was really laughing.
That’s it.
The emperor put his hand on Leona’s head and rustled her hair.
It was a rough touch, but it was still considered stroking.
Oh My God. Nikil’s mouth widened.
Rubbing his eyes.
It was the same reaction as Harriet’s, but Harriet maintained a calm expression as if he had become accustomed to it. Except for most eyes.
“The prince’s saying something interesting.” The emperor turned his laughter off and sang.
“Call Zeros.”
Who is that?
Leona wanted to ask but shut her mouth tight.
In this case, it’s best to shut up.
“It would be better to take an early test.”
When the emperor finished speaking, he raised his gaze. And look around. The bloody banquet hall caught my eye.
It’s a sight I’ve always seen, and it’s a sight I must see from the front.
That’s why I was used to it, but oddly enough, I always didn’t like it.
‘Tch’ He clicked his tongue heavily.
“I’ve seen enough. Let’s go back.”
The emperor stood up and left.
Without any words of concern to Nikil, or words of encouragement to Ibec.
‘He’s really a cold-hearted person.’
Leona thought.
” princess.”
It’s Harriet.
Harriet, with a tragic expression, raised his thumb up towards Leona.
“You’re the best!.”
And he said in a whispered voice.
“If you become an emperor later, please hire me as your aide.”
“I don’t want to. Why would I?”
I hate it just by imagining it. Ew
“That’s because I can work hard!”
“Ahah, wow that’s never happening.”
“Don’t decide now, think carefully. You don’t have to pay me a salary. Just seeing the princess is enough for me!”
Ugh, it’s noisy.
Leona pledged to put everyone under her power.
“I was right, wasn’t i?”
On the way back to the main palace, Harriet looked at the emperor with a triumphant expression.
“i told you the princess is really extraordinary. I thought there might be something about her, but this is really perfect!”
It didn’t matter whether you actually said that or not.
Harriet shrugged his shoulders and said.
“It was really the best. How did learn such perfect magic!”
“You’re noisy.”
” It’s just, just! Everything is perfect!”
“Yes, I’ll shut up.”
The emperor fell into a deep thought for a moment, leaving Harriet bowing with his mouth closed.
He already knew that the princess had rich mana. Wasn’t he a little surprised when he first met her?
However, he thought it would take more time for it to manifest.
Shouldn’t it be at least 5 years old? That’s about the magic of Circle 1.
The princess implemented the magic of the 3rd circle.
It’s perfect too. How old is the princess now?
She only 3 years old. 3-year-old who can’t pronounce words well.
In addition, the ability to interpret barriers is estimated at the top.
It’s been a while since he saw something like that.
The emperor’s lips curved upwards.
“You like it, don’t you?”
It was Harriet who wouldn’t miss a chance.
He glistened in his eyes and peered at the emperor.
“You’re going to listen to me like this from now on, right? Right?”
“I didn’t ask you to open your mouth.”
Yikes. Harriet shut up again.
However, whether he was hesitant, he looked at the emperor’s eyes and spoke again in a small voice.
“Before the 1st Prince comes, the princess must settle down.”
At the same time as the word “the first prince” came out, the emperor’s eyes visibly hardened.
“You’re going to help the princess then? Right?”
The emperor turned his gaze at an angle and looked down at Harriet.
“Do I have to cut off your tongue for you to be quiet?”
“I will go first.”
Harriet nodded and quickly left.
The emperor, who looked at Harriet’s back indifferently, immediately laughed again.
The imagine of Leona’s smiling face lingered in his head.
A cute face and chubby cheeks resembling a rabbit
No, no.
Now the laugh of the princess can be heard.
It’s not because of the empress’ lingering appearance.
It’s due to the princess’ terrific skills. It was shown that she had improved her magic and he was simply proud of her.
The emperor hurried to walk, muttering as if implied.
Now that the emperor and Harriet have left.
Leona squats in front of Nikil and looks down at him gasping for breath.
I knew.
“You’re hurt.”
Nikil was a complete wreck.
His bloodied face looked as if he was about to collapse any second from now.
“Ah! This is fine. I got the power of the sun god!”
Is the sun feeding you?
Leona frowned and looked at him.
“I don’t see that you’re alright.”
“Is that all? Look! I can move.”
Nikhil made a great effort. His arms were wide open, and he turned one wheel. Then he fell.
“Stupid… I’m not sympathising with you.”
Leona shook her head.
“I’ll give you something to help….”
When I touched my nose, it seemed that I was not dead.
At this time, I felt human.
A black shadow cast beside her
Leona slowly raised her head.
It was Ibec. He seemed to have no intention of attacking Nikil.
It was probably because of the Emperor.
“I’m fine.”
In addition, he wasn’t in good shape either. So, it seemed that he gave up fighting itself.
‘He’s really hurt a lot.’
I saw a body full of scars.
It must have been because of the fireball that I blew up earlier.
But what’s weird is that the shirt’s chest was open. Ibec also looked down at Leona. His blue eyes shook weakly.
“You saved me.”
If it weren’t for Leona’s magic, he would have had his heart pierced by the light of Nikil. If so, he would have died without even having a hand.
It was thanks to Leona that he was alive at this moment.
Thanks to Leona’s magic trick in the right place.
“You saved me and Nikil, both”
Ibec took a deep breath.
Leona blankly looked up at him
Who saved him.?
I only saved Nikil.
I think he’s misunderstood something here
She was about to answer. Leona quickly lowered her head. But Ibec words came first.
“Did you hate our fight?”
Not really.
“So, are you trying to convince him?”
It’s not persuasion, it’s my desire to win.
“As expected, I see. That’s why you didn’t touch the poison I had prepared.”
Poison? What poison? There was such a thing?
The conversation was going in a completely wrong direction, Leona frowned.
Ibec seemed to receive that expression differently. He shook his hand and said right away.
“It must have been a heavy consumption of mana, I’m sorry.”
He raised his tightly closed lips as if he were cool, and then quickly stretched his hand, which he had hidden behind his back.
“This is a gift.”
Leona looked down at the severed arm floating in front of her.
The blood wasn’t dripping thanks to the freezing ice.
And the flesh was cut very sharply.
“It’s embarrassing because the cut surface isn’t smooth.”
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Ibec’s cheeks were bright red. As if he was shy +
“Next time, I’ll give you a more perfectly smooth arm.” 3
I don’t need that shit you asshole!
Ugh, I have a headache now.