The 2nd princes’ servants were busily scurrying back and forth arranging colourful flowers. Rare fruits and expensive desserts were set on a giant dinner table. More flowers were placed around the table. Although only relatives to the royal family were invited, hundreds of guests were coming out of loyalty to the imperial family. They also came to pay respects to the emperor and the second prince, Ibec.
“Is this ok?”
A maid nervously asked the head maid.
“Let’s double check to make sure everything is perfect. We can’t leave a stone unturned.”
Everything looked good however the head maid was still concerned. Today was the banquet for the 2nd prince. Ibec was known for being a neat freak. Everything had to be perfectly in its place so the people on the 2nd princes’ palace were especially nervous.
“Let’s place some more flowers.”
“This should be enough…”
Phew, the chief maid sighed. Everything was arranged at lightning speed as they finished placing the flowers. A gentle wind blew in, bringing a pleasant scent. The maids instinctively straightened up as they recognised the owner of this cool energy.
“What a mess.”
The maids turned stiff at his voice. A young prince with silver hair is standing at the entrance. It’s the 2nd prince Ibec. The ladies hurriedly bowed as terror swept over them. Ibec was just a 12 year old child but he had formidable power as the second prince of the empire. In addition, he had brutally killed three princesses by the time he was 6. The maids could barely breathe. Step, step, step. Ibec approached the table and took out a measuring tape.
“It’s out of place.”
He frowned.
“I thought I told you to line up the cutlery neatly.”
Snap! He violently flicked the measuring tape in his hand. Blue power swirls in his hands as the maids try to figure out what was out of place.
“We’re sorry!”
The maids continued bowing. A sharp wind crashed against the dishes on the dining table.
“We didn’t know. We’ll prepare it again.”
The measuring tape around Ibec’s hand flashed with power. The white light grew as he prepared to strike down the servants.
“Stop it, brother.”
It was Nikil who interrupted him and pulled his shoulders.
“Isn’t it your birthday today? Do we really need to see blood on such a happy day?”
Ibec glanced at Nikil’s hand on his shoulder. He didn’t even hear Nikil’s footsteps as he approached. Has he suddenly learnt to silence his steps? Or was he neglectful in observing his surroundings? Ibec shoves Nikil’s hand aside and returns his gaze to the maids. Ibec looked like he was going to continue attacking his maids but Nikil didn’t retreat as he addressed them.
“Please finish up your work here. Ibec, people are going to be coming soon so this place can’t look too bloody.”
Ibec sighs and glances back towards the ladies.
“Get back to work.”
“Thank you, your highness!”
The maids rushed off but Ibec made sure to imprint their faces on his mind. Nikil recognised that expression and clicked his tongue.
“If I don’t punish them harshly, I will have a target on my back,” Ibec sighed, exasperated.
“I’m targeting you after all. Aren’t you the same?”
Nikil smiled sarcastically and Ibec’s blue eyes darkened. He lifted them to examine Nikil.
“I’ve heard that you’ve been leaving your palace often.”
“Oh really?”
“You’ve been going to the Black Rose Palace.”
Ibec noticed Nikil’s concerned expression and smiled, “I was thinking of inviting that cub. Should I?”
Nikil returned his smile.
“Should I just kill you now?”
“Just try and see if you can.”
The light of the sun god’s powers flowed from Nikil’s hands. Ibec didn’t retreat either as he summoned energy which gleamed blue. The ground started vibrating and the maids who were still arranging the room rushed to escape. Just then an overbearing presence entered the room. Ibec’s eyes widened.
“Your majesty!”
Nikil and Ibec struggled to regain their strength under the pressure of the emperor. Although the emperor normally doesn’t involve himself in fights, on this occasion he stopped them. They can’t continue quarrelling without at least greeting the emperor but…
There was an unbelievable sight at the entrance of the room. The emperor was walking and in his arms,
He was carrying the princess.
On the way to the second princes’ palace I can’t help but yawn as I burrow my face into the emperor’s stable chest. If I think about it, being carried like this isn’t too bad. In the past I did everything alone. Back then, I turned my back on humans who’ve always betrayed me. At the same time I was still afraid to be alone so I let myself be killed by a human. Never again. My potential is strong but my body is weak so for now I’ll have to rely on humans. The mana that was imprinted on my soul is still too overpowering for this body. But once I’m stronger I won’t have to lean on anyone and I’ll show my power to those weak humans. If I become the emperor, wouldn’t my power be great enough to get revenge? I’m a witch after all, I thought with an evil smile.
“I guess you’re attending the banquet just like you wanted, Princess.” Harriet said.
He raised an eyebrow at me.
“Look at that smile. You must be really happy. Ah, you’re so adorable.”
His smile is so unattractive. I really can’t understand the emperor’s aide.
As we went to the entrance of the banquet hall we were greeted by servants. At that moment I got goosebumps from the mana that was flowing through the air.
‘Is there a fight going on inside?’
I glanced up and saw Nikil on one side and on the other side there’s…
‘an ice wizard?’
The boy had the rare ice power that was also possessed by the emperor. I wished I could use it too. Anyway, those weak guys are busy hitting each other. But I was curious and I couldn’t help laughing. Then Harriet blocked my line of sight as he came to explain.
“Their mana is already quite strong. Their fight could hurt you.”
Then he looked closer at me. Why is he only looking at me. There’s a fight going on you know.
Suddenly the emperor looked down and tilted my chin towards him.
“Your majesty, are you worried about the princess being exposed to their mana?” Harriet giggled.
The emperor narrowed his eyes at Harriet. But the emperor still covers my face to hide it from mana exposure.
“If they fight like this, aren’t they going to hurt my daughter?”
No, you really don’t have to worry. I’m stronger than those kids in there.
“Since you’re still weak, it’s better to avoid dangerous things.”
No! I want to see more! I struggled but the emperor’s arms held me tightly so I couldn’t move.
“Tell them to stop.”
Harriet smirked and went into the room and soon the servants in the room bowed and exclaimed.
“Your majesty!”
At the same time, the flow of the princes’ mana was cut off and I became curious. The emperor was able to overpower the mana that the princes were releasing. Everyone else was stunned at the power used to stop a kids’ fight. Haah, let’s just forget it. I leaned into the emperor’s chest and he started to pat my back. Pat, pat, pat. Are you secretly a masseur? My muscles loosened and I felt satisfyingly light. I laughed happily.
“You must like this.”
The emperor smiled at me. For some reason, his smile seems like it’s friendly rather than ridiculing. I smiled wider and the emperors smile got also got broader.
At that time I heard Nikil’s voice and I turned my head to look at him. But, strangely, his face was stiff as if he was fearful.
“Why did you come here with rabbit, no, I mean with Leona?” He said in a quivering voice.
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His hands were clenched in fists.
“You’re not planning to kill her, right?”
Ah, seriously. What kind of delusion does Nikil have. I cover my face with my palm.