Chapter 5
‘You are very weird too!’
I frowned hearing Dietrich’s grumble.
He pulled the handkerchief out of the pants pocket and shook my palm. Rather than stopping the blood, the handkerchief is drenched and even bizarre.
The white handkerchief was quickly stained with blood and turned red.
‘Pain. It’s so painful!’
Because my body was a baby, it was too difficult to endure the pain. I opened my eyes again to prevent the tears from rising up.
Does he know how much I’m trying to avoid buying my anger?
Dietrich frowned again as he tried to cure me.
I was a little worried that wrinkles were going to happen early for him, but my pain is first.
“Ppaa, kyaa….”
‘Hold up quickly, boy. I’m going to die!’
When I urged, Dietrich held me as if he understood what I was saying.
I was a little surprised by Dietrich taking care of me. He didn’t hurt me and I hurt myself when following him.
It’s not strange to leave me behind. But do you feel guilty when I’m hurt?
‘Isn’t this easier than I thought?’
This child then grows up to become a villain who does not hesitate to kill the whole village.
Dietrich hugged me and looked at me for a moment, his expressionless eyes moved slightly nervously.
I didn’t know when I left the room, but  now I realize the Dahlia Palace we live in was a little weird and empty.
While walking in the hallways, we didn’t see anyone. The palace itself was so old that it was embarrassing to call it a palace.
It is not antique but is old as it will soon collapse. The smell of sour and wood filled the entire hall.
‘That’s too bad no matter how many children live there.’
That’s ten times bigger than the house where I lived in my previous life, but it seems that the only people living here are Dietrich and Lancel.
‘Is this the original palace where children live?’
Come to think of it, I’ve never seen any other people here except Lancel and one cleaning maid.
‘No, it can’t be.’
However, because LaGrange is not a family that doesn’t have money to hire servants, It was difficult to think that other palaces would be in a similar situation.
‘Only our palace would be like this. Because there is no Camille here.’
LaGrange is a family capable enough to shake the empire. There have always been women who exercise their power in LaGrange which is the successor-centered family.
The power of their mothers rose to the extent that they would affect the imperial family as well as the Lagrangian provinces to creating many strong successor candidates.
In the beginning, there were also daughters of a great family who came in for the position of the hostess of Lagrange.
An example is Liatriz, she is Yuric’s mother who was buried by Dietrich before.
Liatriz was Derreck’s first wife and was the next power after Derreck in LaGrange.
‘Then is Yuric also very strong?’
I don’t remember in detail what the Yuric brothers were like.
But it was as strong as Dietrich. It would have been mentioned at least once in the novel.
‘I think Dietrich is the strongest.’
The pain that I forgot while thinking about something for another moment comes again. I clenched my lips and gave strength to my trembling hands.
when I put all my strength over my palm, Dietrich look hesitating for a moment in front of a slightly old wooden door, he put me on the floor and knocked on the door.
No one comes out no matter how much you knock on the door, so Dietrich opened the door without waiting any longer.
Then the maid I saw in my room several times appeared.
“What’s up?”
“The baby is hurt.”
She looked down at me with her annoyed eyes at Dietrich’s words.
Her feelings is so clear until you don’t need to see the aura. It was very similar to Lancel’s gaze when looking at me. 1
‘All peoples in this palace hate me for what I’ve done!’
‘What are you waiting for?’
He shook and his lips replied slowly.
“…. cure the baby.”
“Ha? Did you hurt her? Why are you attacking a baby who can’t walk and ask me to cure it?”
“I never hurt her.”
“You’re lying now.”
The maid looked at my dying hand covered in a handkerchief with a disturbed face.
“What should I do?”
Dietrich’s gray aura shakes when the maid asks sarcastically.
The maid’s voice was colder than the winter wind leaking through the window. She spoke quietly.
“This princess was born from a slave, and there is no one in Lagrange like her, so don’t do anything like this stupid lie again!”
“You don’t have to act badly to a poor person even though nobody knows, right?”
The maid was laughing at Dietrich, whose his mother was a slave. I was astonished at her careless words.
‘Why is that? Are you crazy?’
It seemed like she wanted to die.
Even if he has never saved me from danger. Dietrich never attacked me.
But why did she just conclude that Dietrich would hurt me?
“The glass is stuck. It can rot if not sterilized with medicine.”
“What does it matter whether it’s rotten or not? She will die anyway.”
‘No! I will live!’
Why do you choose me to die? I stared at the maid secretly.
“Besides, you can’t have the money to buy medicine in the Dahlia Palace. I don’t have any medicine.”
Dietrich’s aura gradually began to turn red.
‘This. This would be dangerous.’
I watched his aura and swallowed my saliva.
“Did you know that Lancel embezzled our gold?”
“Huh. Don’t accuse people of living without evidence, young master.”
The maid walked a little back as if trying to close the door. Dietrich stepped forward and put his feet through the gaps in the door in the moment.
“If you can’t cure, give me some medicine.”
“Because there is no medicine! I’ve no money to buy medicine!”
The maid still try to close the door despite knowing that Dietrich’s feet were in between. 1
I hurriedly grabbed his leg for fear that Dietrich’s small leg would break.
It was very bitter trying to hold him with my legs and palms wide open even though my hands were tied with a handkerchief. But if I didn’t hold Dietrich, his feet would have been hurt.
Or the maid dies in his hand. 1
‘The successor candidates would be automatically eliminated if they killed other people outside the candidate.’
If the candidates who were born with brutality can kill anyone according to their wishes, then there will not be anyone left. Because it was made a rule so they can remember it.
‘It would be great if Dietrich dropped out from here!’
Finally – thanks to my feet – the maid opened a gap and closed the door. Dietrich was forced to take his feet off too.
I sighed, looking at the tightly closed door. Later, when Dietrich becomes the Grand Duke of LaGrange, what will you do to redeem it?
Of course, I never thought I could be a candidate so I would be doing it like that.
“Why are you drying?”
“Hahh. You can’t understand me.”
Dietrich leaned back against the door and stared silently at me, showing me the palm of my hand.
I looked into the cold eyes of the little boy who looked very lonely as if he had pressed the winter night alone.
Let’s laugh.
I feel like I have to laugh for some reason.
“Stupid. You’re just a fool.”
“Pa.” (not really?)
Dietrich sighed a little as I looked at him and laughed brightly again.
‘The ground will go out. Hey.’
I was carried to another place in his arms. The room where we arrived seemed to be Dietrich’s. Unlike my room, even the maid doesn’t come in and the dust piled up on the furniture comes into my nose.
“… I haven’t cured anyone.”
Dietrich, who put me on the bed roughly, went to the dark drawer and pulled out the bandage. Then he put it down next to me with a bottle of clear liquid that looks like rubbing alcohol.
He is quite good and can be trusted to heal wounds. He opened the bottle cap after he released the handkerchief that has tied my hand tightly,
“Don’t cry even if it hurts.”
“I hate crying.”
‘Don’t ask for something difficult from me!’
Sprinkling alcohol on the wound was an unbearable pain even for adults. I ended up crying because of the burning pain like fire in my palm.
“Huaa! Huaaa! Huaaaaa!”
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While crying, I was afraid that Dietrich would show a red aura like before. However, his aura was still hazy gray. +
I kept crying loudly until I was stunned by the pain. But Dietrich never got mad at me.
It’s just calm and black eyes.
His aura had no blue tinge, but I thought Dietrich’s face was a bit sad.