The boy was dressed as a knight and was being beaten by a man who was similar to a mercenary. But he was clearly Dietrich. 11
If you use the power of shadow, you might be able to finish such a man in an instant.
I closed my eyes at the moment the man raised his big, thick hand. I didn’t have the confidence to watch a child get beaten up by an adult.
“If the devil doesn’t lend him his strength, he knows nothing like you!”
As soon as I open my eyes, Dietrich’s small body hits a tree with a hard sound.
The man wriggled while staring at the child, and began to spin the pile of keys on his finger.
“It should be worn only during class, but it will be a short hour or two for cheeky kids like you.”
He left after muttered the swearing, and then spit at Dietrich.
I rushed out and grabbed Dietrich’s shoulder on the floor. He shook off my help and stood on his feet.
“This is…”
Dietrich’s wrist was wrapped in handcuffs I had never seen. It’s too rough to be called jewelry.
“It’s a seal.”
Dietrich notices what I’m curious about and slowly opens his mouth. I was amazed at his answer and opened my mouth. I opened my mouth wide in consternation at his answer.
This is a world where instinct, blackness, and magic existed. Prisoners with special abilities couldn’t be locked up in the usual way, so a seal made.
“I’ll have to keep my head above water so everyone can take classes fairly.”
There was a justification for everyone, but it was clear probably because of Herman’s poor ability. I only grumbled inside and frowned a little.
“Does this hurt?”
“Not quite.”
Even though he looks smaller than Dietrich in the story that has trapped Herman, he still answers well because he can’t say and acts like he’s sick even though he’s really sick. 3
“That bastard took it, he said he would free me tomorrow.”
‘So you’ve been wearing the seal for more than a day?’
No matter how much Dietrich is out of Derreck’s sight, he was a Lagrange in the name. There’s no way a teacher can treat him like a prisoner.
He avoided my gaze didn’t care whether I was surprised or not and then picked up the sword that had fallen to the ground.
“How did you get in here?”
I tilted my head in wonder at Dietrich’s behavior, he is speaking to me but not looking at me.
I am often too lazy to pay attention or avoid sitting in a chair, but I have never avoided eyes like that.
“With malilin.”
Dietrich managed to understand my meaning even though I didn’t add any more words because my mouth will hurt. He nodded briefly and pressed my forehead with his finger.
“Nature isn’t a place you can visit to play.”
“But why aren yu looking at me?” (But why aren’t you looking at me?)
Dietrich’s eyes tremble with my question. His blunt face slowly softened, but I still couldn’t understand his gray aura, so I tilted my head.
“Det, you be embarrassed?” 1
“Because I saw you beaten?”
“I didn’t get hit that much.”
Dietrich answered me with a frown on his handsome eyebrow. That’s funny, I mean he talks faster than usual, so I laugh out loud.
“What is embarrassing? Of course.”
Dietrich, who was still watching my smiling face, begins to clean up his messy pants. I continued looking down at his new black top.
“Detrie is a child. That person is a big adult.”
“So a child can only be weak if he or she be a child.”
Dietrich gritted his teeth at his own words as if it were a crime. I raised my heel and stroked his hair, which came back neatly.
“What are you doing?”
“No, I will lean swods quickly, I will immediately plotect my blatel.” [No, I will learn swords quickly, I will immediately protect my brother.] 1
“Dietri is a child, understand?”
“If I’m a child, you–“
Dietrich was trying to talk about something but he let out a low breath and bit his lips. I dragged his hand and returned to Marilyn, who seemed to be looking for me.
She threw a cloth bag with a sweet smell as if it were full of sugar on the floor and ran toward me.
I hugged her in an instant, and I was thrown into warm arms smelling like wheat flour.
“Where are you going? You scared me!”
“I’m sowyi,”
The thought of worrying her gave me a little stinging, but there was a smile on Marilyn’s face that worried me.
“You are with the young master. Young Master, you must be careful. Nowadays babies are very easy to disappear.”
Marilyn, who was still a little afraid of Dietrich, said fearlessly due to her surprise because I was nowhere to be seen.
“I’m not careless like you.”
Marilyn, who examined every corner of my body to see if there were any injuries or bruises, gasped at his cold answer.
“My, I was too presumptuous, wasn’t I? I’m sorry. I was so worried about the princess.”
I quickly grabbed Dietrich’s sleeve, hoping he didn’t hit Marilyn hard. But he just turned his back without an answer.
‘No matter how much I think about it, he’s not like a bad guy.’
The villain in the fantasy novel is so arrogant and authoritative that he always forces all good servants, but Dietrich never did.
‘On the contrary, it was the servants and maids who bothered him. They really bothered him.’
I frowned at the thought of Janine and the swordsman who beat him.
‘The novel seems to have been too Hermann-centric.’ 1
Dietrich never told me directly, but the swordsman seemed to be constantly tormented him.
Since taking full-fledged swordsmanship lessons, he has been called to The Nature once a week, and every time he comes back wearing a seal.
“Baa. Baa!” 1
I looked at Dietrich’s slender wrists which were handcuffed and pouting with annoyance.
“Yes, Princess.”
“Baa, releases this.”
“This is a sealed sphere that contains divine power that prevents me from exerting power.”
Baal answers in a small voice, perhaps due to the influence of the seal, somehow he looks a little weak. I don’t like it.
I opened my mouth with glared eyes.
“Baa, useless” 7
” If it’s not useful, Baa doesn’t Anissa’s Nanny” [If it’s not useful, Baa doesn’t qualify to be Anissa’s Nanny.]
“…….Although I don’t have a heart, it still hurts.” 11
After losing his job as my nanny, Baal crawled on the couch with his shoulders drooping. 1
Dietrich, who was sleeping in an uncomfortable position as if he was tired, finally opens his eyes.
“Don’t be mad at Baal, Anissa.” 2
“How to untie this?”
“All I need is a key.”
“The bad uncle has it, right? No, I’ll go scold him.”
‘That crazy bastard!’
Of course, I was scared of Dietrich’s swordsman, so I can’t really do that. But perhaps because my remarks were funny, Dietrich’s smiled lightly.
‘How lovely he is when he smiles.’
“Uh. I’ll meet him and cheat.”
“Hide when you meet him, he’s one of Derreck’s favorite knight. Because he’s Leatrice’s brother.”
‘No wonder. He’s got some faith, so he just acts out too much like that.’
It was impossible to exercise violence against Dietrich, in the name of a swordsman teacher. I snorted and put my hand on both sides.
“The princess must have been a descendant of the Dragon.”
“It looks like a fire is coming out of her nose.”
“What? Baa, I can’t heal it because it’s useless.” [What? Baa, I can’t hear it because it’s useless.] 4
“I’m useful, hahh. Your Majesty. Please tell something about me.”
Baal asks earnestly, but Dietrich ignores us and closes his eyes again.
While wearing a seal, he couldn’t handle the shadow properly, so he couldn’t easily handle the assassins who came at night.
I bit my lips tightly on the tired young face.
“I’ve got to do something.” 11
If the swordsman is Leatrice’s younger brother, he must be Leon Walter Euler. He was the one who followed Dietrich after Dietrich became a Grand Duke.
Although it was late, in the end, he is betrayed Derreck and vowed to follow Dietrich.
‘Leatrice and her father, Marquis Euler will stay still!’
I remember it because that’s where I was expelled for committing a crime.
‘I thought it was just a pathetic extra story being taken by Dietrich.’
From the time he was a child, he tried to revenge by struggling first.
I tried to remember the scene of Leon Euler while wrapping my arm around his head.
‘There might have been some extra weakness in the beginning, which was quite significant…’
‘How wonderful it would be if ‘The Rose Wars of the Men’ in my hands now.’
Come to think of it, the relationship between Marquise Euler, who were outfielders of the Leatrice’s Palace, and Derreck isn’t too good.
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‘If Dietrich can’t help it now, Derreck should do it.’
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I rubbed my hands with a sneaky smile, unlike a child.
Baal replied from the side, ‘I heard the princess laughs like a witch,’ but I don’t want to listen to the criticism of the useless devil.