“I’ve been looking for …”
“That voice sounds familiar…”
I tilted my head to the side, as Rubellus’ body covered my entire vision, but he took a few steps backwards so I couldn’t see the person in front of us.
“Your Highness, everyone in the palace is worried about you. After breakfast, Your Highness disappeared without a trace, everyone is looking for you.”
That’s my brother’s voice!
I felt something in my chest compress, it was my brother… but what a shameful situation, his little sister alone with the future Emperor of this country.
Nothing about this is right!
But what a shame!
I peeked out slowly until I could see my brother completely.
Elpine was looking good for the occasion, he had his hair very well combed back, showing his front and not his regular bangs. He wore a military suit that highlighted all his medals, and a sword glowed on his left side.
But there was something that caught my attention before I felt his eyes coldly dipping into me…
There was one insignia that stood out among all, it was a badge that was only given to the Emperor’s knights, when did he become a knight of the Emperor?
We’ve spent most of our time together, we live in the same house, I never heard you mention it, Does our father know about this? Why didn’t you tell me? What’s going on?
“I wanted to take a little walk before the coronation, it was a fluke to find Lady Waldenbiston, I’m just explaining the way back.”
That was definitely a lie… and I partly appreciate it.
But I couldn’t help but be surprised by Elpine’s reaction, which seemed to lose all color in her skin.
“Are you… scared?”
He even… just took a few steps back.
“I hope my sister’s presence did not inconvenience Your Highness, I apologize for her behavior, I will show her the way back myself…”
Elpine extended his hand to me.
But my gaze turned to Rubellus, who smiled.
“The presence of Lady Waldenbiston does not bother me at all, but I think it is time you went to your mother, she must be looking for you.”
“Uh… yeah” I managed to mumble.
I wanted so badly to escape from him and run into my brother’s protective arms, but before I could do that, I had to retrace my steps.
“Your Highness…”
Rubellus stopped looking at Elpine and looked at me.
“Ira,” he whispered sweetly.
I don’t understand many things yet, but I feel I have to say it, I don’t want to cause misunderstanding, not after invading private property…
I hesitated for a moment, but then I clenched my fists.
“Your Highness needs not worry anymore.”
For a moment I saw Rubellus’ eyes look confused.
Perhaps I am not choosing the right words?
Should I be more direct?
I wiped lips with tongue and began to speak words quickly.
“Do not worry, Your Highness, I am no longer in love with you. I’ve kept my distance all these years and I’m willing to continue that way. So I can swear to you that I will keep your secret, I won’t tell anyone, ever.”
I didn’t really expect a big reaction, but what came after left me cold.
“I think Lady Waldenbiston should leave right now, I hope she returns safely to the palace…”
His tone was cold and that’s how he remembered it. Until I noticed how the corners of his mouth were shaking.
I blinked a couple of times and turned my back on him.
Every step I took felt like the path to freedom and somehow expressing my feelings and just letting them out was rewarding.
As if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders…
“Follow that path Ira, it will take you to the Imperial Palace, I will see you there.”
Huh? Why wouldn’t he come with me?
I almost replied, but the look he gave me was terrifying, so I decided that, for the sake of my long life in this world, it was better to leave quietly.
I followed the path indicated by my brother without looking back, but when I was about to leave completely what was once my refuge as a child, I heard a rumble behind my back.
“Was that a scream?”
* * * * *
As soon as Ira disappeared from their sight, Rubellus’ friendly image became that of a demon.
At least that’s what Elpine saw…
“There was no need to pretend you didn’t know me, Your Highness.”
“Quiet, Elpine,” he grunted. “I want an explanation.”
Elpine breathed deeply, in his years of service, he was never so afraid as he was in the presence of that future Emperor.
How could his sister fall in love with him?
“Ira does not know that the gift is from you.”
“Because… I didn’t tell her, your highness.”
Elpine held his breath.
What came next was even more frightening than the image of a Rubellus kind and loving to his sister, for the enormous cry that came from the future Emperor left him frozen.
Elpine Waldenbiston.
He knew only about training and the sword.
Unlike his father, he was not attached to any political party, he did not get involved in situations that brought him trouble, always on the sidelines.
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He was loyal, the kind of man who would give his life for his country, but at the same time, loyal to his family. His heart was breaking every time he saw his little sister’s suffering towards a man who did nothing but ignore her.
So when he discovered that Rubellus did indeed love her, all his anger was unleashed. He decided to teach him a little lesson and Ira’s birthday seemed like the perfect opportunity.
But he forgot one small detail…
Rubellus wasn’t just any person…
“I’m going to kill you…”