I’d be happy just before I had a strong feeling that I’d be dead soon and I wouldn’t be able to live on my own.
But not anymore.
My wish is only one. Nobody touches me until the day I die,and quietly leave the world.
It’s my dream to die painlessly. There was no need for the Emperor’s attention on the road.
Now that I have a strong conviction in my body, in my heart, that I will never survive.
It was a time when it was hard to breathe because the excessive attention itself was uncomfortable.
Even though I had closed my eyes from since a while ago, the story of a woman named Rosanne was not thinking about ending.
At the end, I quietly opened my eyes and looked at her.
With blank eyes, no excitement, no novelty.
“I’ll introduce myself first. I’m Rosanne Emma, whose Royal Highness of the Rottrifetra Empire, has ordered me to be the maid of honor in the palace where Princess Titania, the glorious Odblum, will be.”
If I introduce yourself like this, should I stand up and answer?
It’s hard.
I just frowned a little bit.
As if that was the answer, the woman, whether Emma or Rossanne, shook her eyes toward me as if she was inflated with anticipation.
Ha. Please. Don’t look at me like that. Her eyes look like they should do something right away.
You guys don’t know.
Your eyes are giving me a hard time. For me, waiting for death, that expectation is another kind of violence.
I had a lot to say, but I had no strength, so I raised my hand and shook it.
Please go.
It was a strong negative answer. She nodded with her fists clenched. 1
“I understand the Princess’ meaning.”
Yes. Goodbye.
I won’t see you off or say goodbyes .
Thinking it was the last time, I tried to get my eyes on her. But the scenery was not as good as I expected.
“I hear you’re not feeling very well, so I won’t speak too long. These are the children who will stand close to the princess from now on. I was going to introduce them one by one, but let’s do this later.”
Whether you introduce it or not. It has nothing to do with me.
I’m just worried about asking to leave right now.
All I want is not a lot of maids, just a quiet rest alone.
I don’t want any fuss. Even now, the dust that was blown away as they came in as a group tickled their throats.
I had to shut my mouth and swallow my saliva because I felt like throwing up again if I coughed. I hated the pain in my neck more than throwing up blood.
After coughing hard, how blood tastes in my throat. It’s terrible just to think of it.
I was just swallowing my saliva to calm my tickling throat.
The woman’s determined voice came into my ears.
‘Let’s go now.’
Where, the word stopped when it was about to pop out.
If I didn’t hear it wrong, did you just say let’s go somewhere?
Huh. Where are you going with my body now?
The face hardened by itself. RoSanne smiled and nodded as if she had noticed my meaning quickly.
“I don’t think I’m going to be embarrassed, but as I said earlier, I think it’s right to go to the palace given by His Majesty.”
” I’m n-…”
I just opened my mouth to say I wasn’t going, and the cough that I tried to hold back broke out, and blood began to come out of my mouth again.
I hurriedly covered my mouth with a wet towel near me with a worse cough than before.
It didn’t improve my cough, but it was enough to moisturize my throat thanks to a wet towel.
I looked through the room at some point in calming down.
Such an unexpected appearance came into the room, and the people lined up in a row took a step back with a gasp sound.
See? I’m not feeling well. Then please get out of here.
After wiping off my mouth to mark the end,I opened my mouth as if begging a woman named Rosanne.
“Don’t look at me and get out, Please.”
But Rosanne and the women, who had been staring at me contrary to my intentions, began to take different lines.
“It’s probably because it’s dirty here. Come on. Open the door and clean it up. The rest of you go get some warm water.Observe the princess’s condition alternately for 24 hours.That’s why you were having trouble telling me to move the Imperial Palace.”
“Yes, ·····.it’s a hard time with this kind of body like this.….”
“I didn’t think about it. The princess wanted us to go out in case we were surprised. Please forgive me for not even thinking about the deep meaning. I’m so sorry.”
I rolled my eyes for a moment at that word.
What did you just say? I wanted you to get out in case you’ll be surprised?.. Oh my God. Hey, no. It’s really not.
I hate this.
I can’t stand seeing someone else in this room.
As I was contemplating what to do with the ridiculous situation, I looked at Rosanne with a feeble movement.
She was busy giving orders to the ladies and girls, and as my gaze touched her, she hurried and approached me.
raised her hand slightly. I don’t even have the strength to speak long.
After vomiting blood once, it steadily darkened as it flashed like a bee flying in front of me.
“Do you need something ?”
“Everyone…get out”
“Yes, yes?!”
Please as I sincerely hope so.
They opened the door to clean, but my bones are freezing thanks to that.
“Close the door and everybody out.”
“Ah. You need a break. Then, close the door and I’ll go out and report.”
Now they looked at me with regretful expressions, but I only gave an empty look in response to him.
Nevertheless, no matter how I acted, they were different from Ralvelly.
Ravelly, who used to get angry when I was throwing up blood, saying the room was going to get messy.
Ravelly, who didn’t even care what I said.
Ravelly, who said the water that goes to my mouth is a waste.
But Rosanne and the maids looked at me with a sad face.
I felt a sense of consideration about what’s good to be done and what to do.
I could feel that they wanted to help me even a little bit.
However, I didn’t feel the need to keep them next to me, but the kindness I received after a long time  almost shook my feelings for a moment.
And Rosanne, who took turns with me and the maids for a while, stopped the maids who were about to leave and gave them a slight salute.
“Princess Titania. If we go out, how about a couple of kids next to you who will take care of the princess? If you need anything, we’ll have to help.”
When I was about to answer carefully that I refuse and don’t need anyone beside me, A tactless person came in.
“Then I’ll stay here. I’m the only one you feel comfortable with.”
Ravel Lee, who had stood in a corner just before, suddenly held them in check with a dignified tone. I can feel fatigue. 2
What’s that supposed to mean? If Ravelly’s next to you, you’ll get a disease that wasn’t there.
What was so imposing, Ravelly stood in front of me and faced Rosanne. At a moment Rosanne’s gaze glanced past me.
Unlike just before, her eyes were filled with anxiety.
“Ah. Princess, are you all right? If it were that maid….”
I haven’t done anything I wanted since I became a princess.That’s why Rosann’s question made me feel awkward. You were asking my opinion.
Well, it’s completely different now than when I first became this body.
As I heard earlier, i became a great person. Now that I can make my choice I became a little happy and disappointed.
I hated all the titles that would make my life difficult, but there was only one good thing.
I’m as proud as my nose is piercing in the sky. I beckoned her. To come closer.
Only then did Ravely turn and stare at me.
“Yes, princess”
“This much?”
“More ..Closer”
“This much?”
In the past, she would have screamed and shrieked, but she moved more easily than I thought, and I almost laughed. I felt a strange feeling of joy.
So it wasn’t until almost when her body and mine were together that I opened my mouth.
“Get out”
“I said get lost”
“P- Princess, where did you learn such language? What do you mean get lost! “
“You taught me,right ? Ravelly”
“When …did I?”
“Do you dare to speak to me now?”
I didn’t get excited and tried to say one word at a time, as calm as possible.
But Ravelly was so indignant that everyone else could hear her, that she screamed back. Rosanne blocked her words and actions without losing a moment.
“You’re just a mere maid but you talk back? Are talking back at the princess now ?”
“N- no..that’s not it but…”
“Or you can go out like the princess said.”
Ravelly bit her thin lips and opened her nose. I caught my eye from her in a certain habit that contradicts what I had just said.
Ravelly, who had been glaring at me for a moment to say something, ended up being forced out.
In the meantime, however, as if she didn’t want to leave the room, Raveli looked at me through the open door.
Of course, I didn’t feel at peace just because Ravelly went out. As soon as the uninvited guest disappeared, Rosanne brightened his eyes and began to look at me.
No, you too get out.
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All I need is peace of mind and body.
I don’t need a maid like the emperor who said ‘that’ to me.
But they were very persistent. Rosanne opened her mouth again after a long time when nothing was said from my mouth.