What’s so good to see, I saw him waving hand as soon as I opened my eyes and went in daze.
Am I seeing things.
Thought you left earlier annoyed, now you’re too bright.
“Little sister! Big brother came!”
Is that really a chicken pigeon? Did you forget that you were angry and left? By this time I wonder if your brain is that simple.
“Ah seriously, I said big brother came “
He called me again.
“Pigeon ? What’s that?”
“Aha nothing, but didn T you leave earlier ?”
But why did you come?
It wasn’t even alone, but with a big bag.
A thing that seems to be the reason of a loud noise that I heard suddenly.
It was then that I was staring blankly.
“Big bro came? I wonder Why did this wonderful big bro come?”
“Eh, emm. Yeah, I wonder why.”
Maybe it was to attract attention but he kept making weird noise and pointing at the bag with his chin, As if you were asking yourself about it.
It’s annoying. Let’s do whatever you want. 1
I want to do it and rest. If I ask you to leave right now, you’re  not the one to leave like that.
The chicken dove was apparently the upper version of the emperor. Ah, of course, in terms of bothering people.
In the end, I gave up trying to ignore him.I was determined to do as pigeon wanted. For my comfort time, ·····
“What’s that..”
“Alas! My little sis is curious about this. I usually don’t give this to ugly kids.”
“But you look so pitiful. So I brought it with me. These are your favorite things. You’re so weak. So you’re surprised. I’m not giving anyone,but I’m giving you. You’re  ugly, but my little sister. !”
(He’s cute (。ŏ﹏ŏ)) 1
I was speechless at the answer given with an innocent smile.
What are you saying. You’re jot giving it to me because I’m ugly, but because I’m pathetic you’re giving it?. Because I’m your little sister? 1
That is what I like you say? All that bag ?
“Just wait and see, little sister. But can’t you get down from there?”
“Whoa, you’re really weak huh”
It’s not weak, it’s death.
But looks like the death news aren’t known cause of the emperor’s orders.
Or maybe he didn’t tell the prince who was not even an adult about his little sister’s death.
Looking at his innocent eyes, he didn’t seem to know my death.
“Don’t worry. My brother said I was weak when I was younger. But my brother played with me often, so I became stronger. Look at me. I don’t remember much, but he said that. So I’ll play with you, too. Then you’ll be strong. ! The You can go out and play with me! So…… Ta-da!”
After rummaging for so long the pigeon took a ball out.
“Just jump!”
······I can’t even go down now. The ball is a little….
My face was hardened.
“I can’t even walk.”
“Oh! I see. Well, then, wait a minute. What would be good? This? Oh. This can’t do..”
I was speechless for a while when I saw pigeon talking to himself as if he was trying to pick something for me to play with. It was an unexpected look.
Well, I feel warm watching you. 1
Like a kid who’s really enjoying the appearance of a little sister he seemed happy about  the thought of playing with me
However, pigeon’s expression suddenly darkened as if he could not find anything he wanted even after a long time of rummaging.
“What is it?”
“No, but… If you can’t walk or go down…What are we gonna do?”
I pulled my head slightly and saw the whole cloth the pigeon brought.
At first glance, it was full of balls. Small ball, big ball, rolling ball, throwing ball. I was suspicious when I saw a round figure over the cloth.
The chicken dove, who had been sitting on the floor for a long time, said “Ah!” After a sigh and came closer to me with half closed eyes.
”What are you usually doing?”
”Me? I’m sleeping?”
”All day?”
“R-really? Nobody says anything?”
Who would say anything to a person who seems dying?
But as soon as he heard it, pigeon’s expression changed dramatically.
As it was getting dark and bright, he soon pouted his mouth.
“Wow. I envy you.”
”A, are you jealous?”
”Yes. I have classes every hour and I have to go, but you’re not going. I’m really jealous.”
Is that something to envy?
Rather, I envy you more for taking classes and running around.
I kept my mouth shut for a while, as if he realised his mistake late. He shook his hands, perhaps feeling it.
“Well, but you must be bored. Don’t worry. Now, this brother will play with you every day. So you!”
“I ? “
“You can call me Nebelle brother !!”
I couldn’t.
I shook my head sincerely.
“Why! You can’t do it?”
As soon as I was about to open my mouth to say I couldn’t do it, someone came thumping into the room.
I wasn’t surprised because I’ve already seen him once.
The person who’s always angry at his brother.He was the one Estan called the Crown Prince. Coming in with that handsome face crumpled up again today, he approached the chicken dove with a sigh.
“You, I told you not to bother Titania.”
“No! I didn’t bother you. Right? Titania.”
The Crown Prince pulled the chicken dove’s ears, so he greeted me with his eyes for a while.
When I sat away without an answer to his angry appearance, pigeon asked me for help.
“You had fun with me. Huh? Huh?” (Ahfsjsodbsjso I wanna keep him in my pocket ><♡♡♡♡♡)
It’s semi-forced.
But it’s not that I’m not happy, so I nodded awkwardly. 1
“Yeah, I enjoyed …a lot”
“Titania’s reaction is weird? It can’t do… Nebelle I’ll take you even if by torture”
“”Oh, brother! I have a little sis now! So stop treating me like a child.”
At that moment, there was a sense of bewilderment on the faces of both me and the Crown Prince.
What does it have to do with treating him as a child and a little sister? But Nebelle was confident.
“If you treat me like this in front of my little sister, I won’t let you go.”
“What the, if you don’t let it go what are gonna do?”
“What , What….” 1
His face darkened sharply, as if he did not think this far.
I didn’t want to interfere because I hated everything in the world, and it was so hard that I didn’t want to get involved, but I felt strangely tempted to get in between the two.
I turned my eyes and looked at the Crown Prince.
It’s a present for a chicken dove who took care of me as a younger sister. I’ll save your ears from being pulled in.
“More than that…now I’m giving my greeting. Hello”
May you be honored.
Because just a few people who come here get me to talk to them first .
I wanted to kick out the two people who interrupted my break time but.
Before the pain came, I wanted to hear their talking for a while.
When I said hello first, the prince, who opened his eyes wide, nodded.
“Hi. You don’t have to be so distant. Titania. You can call me oppa.”
“Is it too much for you already? But I like it. I want to hear oppa from Titania.”
Did everybody hear the brother’s voice and got a dead ghost? You’re risking your life for something weird. ( I suppose this us a korean phrase ? I didn’t get it …sorry)
It’s frustrating.
But the two men, who could not know my feelings, were pouting at each other.
They are brothers who don’t really look alike.
If pigeon felt like a wild weed, his brother the crown prince was just like a fine flower growing in a greenhouse.
In addition, at first I felt like he’s like the emperor, but now I feel strange.
From hair to eye color, it was all the same as the emperor, but… It feels strangely different.
Now that I see it, pigeon certainly resembles the emperor in appearance, and the crown prince resembles the aura.
In the meantime, after agonizing over the title(she means ‘oppa’), he nodded with a bright smile as if he had made a decision.
“Titania. If you feel pressured, say ‘the first oppa’. That would be better.”
Contrary to the expectation that he would be three to four years older than pigeon,so he would be adult, and at this moment ‘the first’ was the same as the pigeon. Acting like a child.
Isn’t that and that the same thing? (She means oppa and first oppa)
But to let them go, it’s best to do what they  want.
If we just let the first one out of here, the second one will go out naturally. No, not going out, but dragged out.
I could feel that I was losing my physical condition little by little. Seeing the coldness in my stomach, I think I’m going to have a pain soon. I had to get rid of them quickly.
I opened my mouth without hesitation.
‘Yes, oppa.’
‘Huh?. Why do you call brother oppa so easily?”
That’d because you’re young and he’s so old.
Pigeon pout his mouth out, complaining about useless thing.
Eventually, the pain came as I expected.
The sudden pain spread me so rapidly that it was hard to say a word. (ㅠㅠ)
I just want to take the medicine that Estan left behind right now.
I tried to put up with it, but the pain that came so strong today made my face stiff.
For a moment, I felt as if ‘ the first’ eye was passing by me.
You might have seen my face look bad, but instead of showing signs of surprise, he just rolled Nebelle’s body around.
“Come on, then let’s go now.”
”Why. I’m going to play more.”
”Let’s go. Nebelle.”
“Go alone, brother. I want to play with tiTania. She’s going to be bored here alone.”
But the first, who had been playful until just now, hardened his face and hugged his brother.
‘That’s impossible. Let’s go now.”
”Oh, why! Brooother!’
“See you next time. Titania,”
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momentarily, I could see his eyes headed for the medicine bottle next to the table.
Is it a coincidence? I wanted to, but it made me keep thinking that his appearance of taking chicken doves into the house wasn’t a coincidence.
In the end, I had no choice but to pour out the medicine I had vowed not to take. 1