Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner Chapter 6

Posted on December 22nd, 2017SRGGD: Chapter 6Come visit instead
Opening of Divine Eyes (2)
From her memory, this Liang RuHua was a bitter and degrading person. Riding on her husband's position as village head, one does not know how many families, like her own, that has been bullied. Especially mother, who always somehow get berated to tears.
Therefore, right when she sees her, she's immediately filled with loathing and gave a vicious glare. But then discovered a row of words appearing above Liang RuHua's head: Liang RuHua; born on January 24th, 1964, 7 o'clock; bitter nature; degrading character; malicious heart; husband is Yang DeMing; one son is Yang Zhuang ……
She's very startled, she wanted to take a clearer look to see if it's a hallucination but her head felt dizzy. After slightly shaking her head, she was fine again.
What's going on?
She tried looking at Yang Zhuang and there it is, a row of words appeared above his head: Yang Zhuang; born on April 5th, 1987, 5 o'clock; father is Yang DeMing; mother is Liang RuHua; no siblings ……
Why is this happening?
She turned her head over to her father, Yang Qing, but couldn't see anything.
Then she turned to look at her little sister, Yang ZiXi, who's sound asleep in a basket. But also, didn't see anything.
Why then, would such a thing appear when looking at Liang RuHua and son?
However, when she wanted to look again, the middle of her forehead started to hurt. She immediately felt dizzy, preventing her from looking more.
Just when Yang ZiMei wanted to go search for a few villagers to test if the same situation would present itself, she overhears Liang RuHua who drew Yang Zhuang in a puff to sit in front of Yang Qing. "Mr. Yang, today, my little Zhuang was bullied at school. Not only did you not help him but instead criticized him. What kind of behavior is this?"
Yang Qing was a little taken aback as he adjusted his thick glasses and said, "It was Yang Zhuang who hit his schoolmate. It was he who bullied others and not the other way around."
"Aiyoyo, Mr. Yang, I know it was your nephew so you were being biased. My Yang Zhuang's nature is so good, how could he hit others?" Liang RuHua said with a shrewd smile. Then she suddenly stood up, pointed her chubby fingers at Yang Qing, spewing saliva as she yelled, "Yang Thick Glasses, if it wasn't for Yang Zhuang's father, you think you could teach in the village's elementary school? You actually dare not to repay this graciousness but instead bullies my little Yang Zhuang!" (1)
Yang Qing's face flushed with embarrassment as he mutters at a loss. With a redden face, he could only fervently continue to explain, "It's really Yang Zhuang who hit others first."
"Even if my Yang Zhuang hit first, it was Yang Hui who provoked him. You must have Yang Hui repent in front of the whole school and apologize to my Yang Zhuang! And, you, must repent in front of the other teachers and students, saying that your professionalism is lacking, is biased!" Liang RuHua coldly said, "Otherwise, your Yang family will not have it easy in this village!" (2)
Hearing her words, the nearby Yang ZiMei grips her fists tightly.
She remembered, in her last life also had this matter. Father didn't sleep all night but kept sighing and mother spent a long time comforting him.
The next day, when he went to school, he really did the repenting. And Yang Zhuang, at that small age wanted to show off even more, not only would hit other students but would often throw rocks at him.
However, father could only endure it.
His body wasn't good so he couldn't really do any strenuous activities. Even though he's only the village elementary school's substitute teacher, he gets paid at least a hundred kuai per month, which is just barely enough to support the family. (3)
If he quit this job, he wouldn't know what to do. Therefore, he could only withhold his grievances and endure this bullying.
Yang ZiMei was still little at the time and hadn't understood her father's pain and grievances.
Now, she had the mentality of a 28 year old and understood it all. She was angry, her father's aggrieved look was like a sharp knife stabbing her heart.
Clenching her teeth, she swore that she will protect her family, she won't allow others to torment them again!
Liang RuHua, with a face full of victory, took Yang Zhuang and left.
Yang Qing looked like he had aged ten years as he helplessly sat there with a dismal look staring at the sky.
Yang ZiMei went over to him, climbed onto his lap, hugged her arms around his neck, and blinking her dark eyes earnestly said, "Father, don't be sad. In the future, daughter definitely won't allow others to bully you!"
Yang Qing gave a wry smile, he only took what she said as a jest.
At that time, grandpa Yang Bai came out from the house. He looked at her and gave cold a sigh, "If it wasn't because your mother failed to live up to expectations and gave birth to you two money losing daughters, how would we get bullied by others? If your mother still can't meet expectations and give birth to a son, later, we won't even have a place to stand. A couple days ago, the village was splitting the mountain land but asserted that we didn't even have a male offspring and refused to divide us a part."
Rural life in the 90's still highly valued males over females. If you didn't have a male offspring, you'll definitely become a target for torment and at this time, mother only gave birth to us two sisters. When little sister was born, it was a difficult birth that cause a lot of bleeding and the village midwife didn't handle it well. Because of poor sanitation, it caused an infection in mother's uterus. According to the doctor, the likelihood she'll conceive again was extremely low.
That's why, Yang Bai nitpicks and blames in every possible way on the Huang XiuLi who wasn't likely to give birth to a son anymore. And why he looks at his two granddaughters with such unpleasing eyes, especially the little sister Yang ZiXi, calling them money losing goods every day.
1. Thinking about leaving Aiyoyo as is instead of Hey~ cuz it's more dramatic? And to mark this kind of chara
2. Repent as in take a review of oneself
3. Author note: In 1992, it's was normal for a village substitute teacher to get 100 kuai a month because the regular teachers get 300 kuai a month.
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