Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner Chapter 49

Posted on July 21st, 2018Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner: Chapter 49Come Read it at D a r k C i r c l e s T r a n s l a t i o n s instead
Caaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt DarkCirclesTranslations (dot) com *insert zombie claws* Reading at the source of translations to keep translators motivated.
Treat Body Odor with Acupuncture (1)
After class, when everyone saw Qin KaiWen leave the room, they immediately seethed with excitement.
Many male students started to swarm over to Yang ZiMei's side, trying to introduce themselves as if showing off. Yang ZiMei also faced them with a slight smile, remembering their appearances and names.
"Classmate Yang ZiMei, hi, I'm Xia Mo."
Class leader Xia Mo turned her head and greeted Yang ZiMei.
Yang ZiMei saw that Xia Mo had lively graceful eyes, facial features with a dignified air, sincere mannerisms, and different from the surrounding cautious eyes of the female students so she became fond of her. She said with a smile, "Hi, please look after me in the future."
"We're all classmates, we'd naturally help if there are any problems." Xia Mo smiled back, "From now on, if there's anything you're not used to or understand in the school, you can ask me."
"Okay, thanks."
"You can also ask me, for sure I'd be very happy to solve a classmate's problems." Chen XiaoQiang shouted loudly.
Yang ZiMei took a glance at him, suddenly discovered the area between his brows was very cloudy and the bridge below was a sunken green. She couldn't help staring for a moment, used her divine eyes to look and a scene appeared within her mind. At an intersection, he suddenly got hit by a car and flew to the side, blood flowing onto the ground.
She slightly furrowed her brows, as a classmate, she couldn't help but advise: "Classmate Chen XiaoQiang, after school, it'd be better not to cross the intersection. Be careful of a blood disaster."
Chen XiaoQiang looked at her in doubt, not understanding why she would say something like that to him.
"Classmate Yang ZiMei, why'd you say something like that to Chen XiaoQiang? Do you recognize him? Know that he'd pass by that intersection without any traffic lights, every day?" Xia Mo asked out of curiosity.
Yang ZiMei smiled without answering, she could only give this much warning. She wasn't a worldly Bodhisattva nor did she have a duty to solve other's calamities, even if they're classmates. Whether he listened to her advice was up to his fate.
The class bell rang, Xia Mo saw that she didn't have a reply, so she didn't pursue it further. She only felt as if Yang ZiMei's black pupils could see through all in the world.
Seeing the many male students finally receded from his table, Huang YiFeng let out a breath and instantly became worried about his body odor again.
He truly feared his body odor would stink up his seemingly unblemished tablemate. Therefore, he wrote a line of words in his book and pushed it towards Yang ZiMei.
"Sorry, I have body odor, if it's too much to take, you can ask the teacher to switch seats, I won't mind." Yang ZiMei saw such words in the book and looked at Huang YiFung. She saw his head lowered in feelings of inferiority and even seemed to be suppressing his breathing. She guessed it was from fear that she'd mind him and started to feel pity.
"I know acupuncture. If you believe me, we can find a place to treat you after class. I guaranteed it'd be cured once and for all." She replied in the book.
Huang YiFeng saw her reply and gave her an astonished look.
With the wane of Chinese medicine nowadays, regarding acupuncture, everyone simply views it as something that only exists within TV. Those who truly understand it are not many, except those few senior veteran Chinese medicine doctors.
Now, his female teen classmate unexpectedly says she'd treat him with acupuncture, it'd be a wonder if he wasn't astonished.
He thought for a bit before he wrote in the book: Okay, thank you, but did you bring any acupuncture needles?
Yang ZiMei nodded towards him.
From when she was five years old, after seeing her mom miscarry before her eyes, she concentrated fully on studying medical skills, those acupuncture needles never left her side.
Treating illnesses to help others was different from defying heavenly fate, it's a matter that builds good karma and she could do more of.
TL note: Xia Mo is a girl, not a boy. I’ve gone back and adjusted ch 46 for this on 7/21/18
Come Read it at DarkCirclesTranslations (dot) com instead
Come Read it at D a r k C i r c l e s T r a n s l a t i o n s . c o m instead
Come Read it at Dark Circles Translations . com instead
Caaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt DarkCirclesTranslations (dot) com *insert zombie claws* Reading at the source of translations to keep translators motivated.
Ya know, if you read this at the original translation website, you get to see the attached pics too.
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