Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner Chapter 46

Posted on July 8th, 2018Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner: Chapter 46Come Read it at D a r k C i r c l e s T r a n s l a t i o n s instead
Caaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt DarkCirclesTranslations (dot) com *insert zombie claws* Reading at the source of translations to keep translators motivated.
Transfer Student (1)
Nancheng Middle School, Year 3 Class 5.
"I heard that our class is getting a transfer student." A long and slightly pointed face who usually most loved any gossip. Her mom was a teacher, Chen LiLi loudly said to her tablemate, Zhang Lan.
As soon as the surrounding students heard, they also became interested and went forth to curiously ask: "Is it a boy or girl?"
"Don't know, my mom didn't say."
"Uwah, really hoping it's a super handsome guy. The guys in our class are too weary to look at." The thirsty LinLin had a face full of expectations.
"I hope it's a beautiful and gentle girl classmate so others won't say our class doesn't have any beauties." Male student, Ma JiaBao butted in.
"Ma JiaBao, we're all classmates, don't belittle our class's girls. Also, take a look at yourself in the mirror, what right do you have to say we're not beautiful?" Zhang Lan rolled her eyes with a retort.
"Hmph, I'm just saying facts." Ma JiaBao said indignantly.
"Right, it's the truth, our class doesn't have any beautiful girls." All the male classmates echoed.
"Ok, don't argue. I heard my mom say the transfer student is from the countryside. Whether they're a boy or girl, even if they've got nice facial features, I don't think they'd have any class but a body covered in the scent of dirt." Chen LiLi said with a face of disdain.
"From the countryside?" Several other female students immediately lost interest, "Then there's no point. Why can't it be like the super handsome city guy of Class 1's Min Gang?"
"Right, Min Gang is really good looking. Good grades, athletic, good character, good family, just the perfect prince on white horse." LinLin had her chin in both hands, infatuated.
"Fine, that Min Gang is only a figure we could admire from afar. Don't make any more of these impractical fantasies." Zhang Lan gave a knock to LinLin's head with a fist.
"Fantasies? Who said they're fantasies? The day before yesterday, Min Gang even gave me a deep look and smiled to me. I think he's noticed my uniqueness."
"Ugh——, I've seen narcissism before but not this much of it. LinLin, you got some kind of delusional disease? The one he's looking at isn't you, it was the school blossom behind you, Mu RongYan."
"Seriously, why do you have to be so ruthless?" LinLin muttered discontentedly, "You can't let others indulge themselves a bit?"
"Third year's life is so boring. If a countryside sister came, it'll also be good, we'll have lots of fun." The Chen Jing who usually loved to tease the most let out a rotten smile.
The other male students who heard the transfer student was from the countryside also lost interest. In their minds, countryside girls were either big and rough, dark and emaciated, shy and overcautious, dressed out of time; it's too far from the goddess they wanted. So they all snickered at Huang YiFeng in the single seat, to his future who'd have to be tablemates with a countryside girl and deeply pitied.
"So what if it's a countryside sister? I just like the countryside sisters, honest, simple, and kindhearted." Huang YiFeng shouted.
"Aiyoyo, you still haven't become tablemates yet and you're already started protecting her. But that's good too, her dirt smell would match your body odor stench like a pair, just birds of a feather." Chen XiaoQiang incited.
"You——" Huang YiFeng was so heated that his face flushed, hands held in tight fists.
"You guys don't go overboard. The other is a girl who transferred from the countryside. She'd naturally be nervous, scared, and restless. As classmates we have the duty to help her blend into our class and not to argue unnecessarily, nor to look down on them because of where they came from." The class leader in front of Huang YiFeng, Xia Mo, stood up with those righteous words.
Xia Mo had good grades in the class, had a long face that was considered pretty, capable in his work, a loaded dad, and add to that his bright and open character who treats others fairly. Whether boy or girl, they trust him and elected him class leader.
So when he spoke, everyone shut their mouths without another word and assumed the appearance of taking out a textbook to study.
TL note: These kids… no one even confirmed that the transfer student was a girl, they just all decided it was.
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Come Read it at D a r k C i r c l e s T r a n s l a t i o n s . c o m instead
Come Read it at Dark Circles Translations . com instead
Caaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt DarkCirclesTranslations (dot) com *insert zombie claws* Reading at the source of translations to keep translators motivated.
Ya know, if you read this at the original translation website, you get to see the attached pics too.
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