Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner Chapter 43

Posted on June 24th, 2018Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner: Chapter 43Dark Circles TranslationsCome Read it at D a r k C i r c l e s T r a n s l a t i o n s instead
Caaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt DarkCirclesTranslations (dot) com *insert zombie claws* Reading at the source of translations to keep translators motivated.
Still Can't Escape (1)
YuQing really tricked ZiMei's family into the mountain.
When he was about to descend the mountain, Yang Bai asked if he could foretell whether his daughter-in-law was pregnant with a boy or girl.
So YuQing also took this chance to complicate things and said, "If according to heaven's will, sweetie's mother is carrying a baby girl without doubt. However, it's not like there's no options to salvage. You may know, this priest most specializes in going against heaven's will to change fate."
As soon as Yang Bai heard this, he became nervous and quickly asked, "Then I beseech elder priest, how to change that fate."
"It's not difficult, it only requires your entire family to meditate in my temple for half a month. I'll help your family implement a spell to inevitably change the unborn child's sex and exact a boy." YuQing said as he calculated on his hands.
Yang Bai became elated, immediately had everyone pack the bare necessities, and prepared to move into the temple for half a month of sincere meditation.
Currently, it was also Summer break so Yang Qing didn't have to attend any classes. Therefore, everyone was also able to orderly gather their necessities and moved into the temple that night.
Seeing her entire family arrive, Yang ZiMei was very happy. She became even more devoted to her cultivation, hoping to hasten her tendons and bone's recovery for even a bit.
This time, Yang Qing came with textbooks from the first to sixth grades for Yang ZiMei.
Although she's learned quite a bit on divination and other various profound things but she still stubbornly believes that as a child, she should have a normal school education. So growing up within the community wouldn't be as lonely.
However, her tendons and bones were injured and it'd be at least ten years before she could normally walk again. During these days, she couldn't go study in school so she hopes to self-study some elementary to middle school's lessons. When she's recovered in the future, she could directly enter school.
Yang ZiMei doesn't oppose this.
In the previous life, her family was destroyed early on so she didn't have the chance to be like others of the same age. Everyday they'd have on their backpacks, arose with their classmates, happily going to and from school, and play afterwards.
At the time, she was truly envious of those students.
Now, except cultivating her qi to recover her tendons and bones every day and studying the profound doctrines from her master, Yang ZiMei would take up an elementary textbook and start reading it.
The elementary level's language couldn't be considered as anything to her but there was some basic knowledge she still had to learn. As for mathematics, she still diligently started from the first grade.
She didn't know what was the matter. Although she was naturally gifted but her comprehension of mathematics wasn't especially strong, comparable to any normal student. If she wanted to learn it, she'd still have to seriously study.
With her family's company, the days passed quickly. As that specific day got closer and closer, she became more and more nervous, worried that that day still couldn't be changed.
The night before, she couldn't sleep so she stayed beside her parents, incessantly urging them not to descend the mountain tomorrow, especially her to her father Yang Qing.
The next day, in the early morning came a teacher from the village's elementary school. He told Yang Qing that the education bureau wanted to survey the state of the rural elementary school's compulsory education. The town's committee placed heavy emphasis on the matter, gathering the whole town's principles for the meeting.
"Dad, you can't go down the mountain today!" As soon as she heard her father was preparing to descend the mountain, Yang ZiMei called out anxiously.
"Sweetie, father can't help it. If I don't go to the meeting, dad would get denounced." Yang Qing valued his work as the principal very much. If the education office director and the mayor knew he was only nesting in the mountain instead of being at the meeting, he'd definitely be criticized or even dismissed.
He extremely cared about his face, how could he let others criticized him to dismissal. [1]
"Don't go, it'll be dangerous." Yang ZiMei was desperate to tears and looked to her grandpa, hoping he'd persuade.
"It's just a meeting, what danger would there be?" Yang Bai thought otherwise, "Priest also had him wear a jade gourd which can ward off disasters and calamity, nothing'll happen."
(I’ve seen this design a lot…. actually, I’ve seen many of these hanging off as phone straps)
Yang ZiMei couldn't talk about the matter of her rebirth and couldn't talk about the calamity of the previous life in case it frightens everyone.
TL note: You know, I’m not surprised that content scrapers take translations and post it on their own sites but what’s shameless is when a site purposely takes off the original translator’s credit (Dark Circles Translations) and replaces it with their own.
1. I like how Face encompasses so many aspects including reputation, others perception of you, your worth, esteem, etc)
Come Read it at DarkCirclesTranslations (dot) com instead
Come Read it at D a r k C i r c l e s T r a n s l a t i o n s . c o m instead
Come Read it at Dark Circles Translations . com instead
Caaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt DarkCirclesTranslations (dot) com *insert zombie claws* Reading at the source of translations to keep translators motivated.
Ya know, if you read this at the original translation website, you get to see the attached pics too.
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