Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner Chapter 41

Posted on June 17th, 2018Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner: Chapter 41Caaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt *insert zombie claws*
Qi Rebounded (1)
"Generally speaking, blood jade is indeed beneficial to a person's vigor and spirit. The problem is that this blood jade's origins are impure." Yang ZiMei saw that he didn't believe her so she didn't explain further, "I've said the words I should, whether you trust them is up to you. I'll only give you a bit of advice, don't let ignorance induce the death of your own family member."
Finished with her words, she turned to leave.
"Father, you recognized that little girl?" Min QingHua asked with doubt.
"Mm, that Shang Dynasty gilded twisting circlet I acquired earlier was purchase precisely off her hands. Such a young age, that aged bearing, speaking like an adult, I don't know what kind of place unearthed such a talent." Min YuLin said as he nodded. But his vision fell upon the blood jade bracelet on Huang QiuXian, crimson like blood and the jade a crystalline translucence. It's just that, when pair with her wrist devoid of any coloring of blood, it gave one a bit of terror.
However, a month ago, that bracelet worn on Huang JingXian's wrist very much suited her elegant and refined poise of a wealthy daughter. Everyone who saw showered praises without end.
That blood jade bracelet was brought back from Xinjiang by Min QingHua for Huang QiuXian as a wedding anniversary present. She cherished it very much and it had never departed from her wrist.
Min QingHua also looked at that blood jade bracelet, whether due to psychological reasons or not, the more he looked the more it seemed strange.
He reached out and slid that blood jade bracelet off his wife's wrist. Then he saw the dark shroud upon her face lightened a bit and her breathing became more eased.
He took off the talisman that was on her face and his nose pickup up a fragrance from it. It made him dizzy, causing him to slump onto the bed. He couldn't hold onto the blood jade bracelet, with a simply clang, it dropped on the ground and broke into four pieces.
Seeing his own son suddenly faint, Min YuLin couldn't grieve for the blood jade bracelet breaking and quickly called for a doctor.
The doctor inspected him and determined he was affected by a sedative fragrance so he fell asleep.
And Huang JingXian was also affected by that sedative fragrance.
As for the source, it originated from the talisman that had been smeared with the sedative fragrance. Therefore, she would promptly and peacefully fall asleep.
Min YuLin then discovered he'd fallen for that Daoist's scam.
"Grandpa, look!"
Little Min Gang had a face full of fright as he looked at the broken blood jade bracelet on the ground.
He only saw blood threads continuously diffused from it, with a spurt sound, it became clear smoke and disappeared without a trace.
He felt his back swishing with cold!
Could that little girl's words be right?
The root of all this misfortune really came from the bracelet.
Who is that girl?
Yang ZiMei had returned to her father's hospital room. Just as she wanted to peel an apple for him, she suddenly felt a burst of cold intent bore into her from the bottom of her feet. Her entire body was chilled to the bone as if shot by millions of cold arrows.
A big mouthful of blood spurted out her lips, all her bones started to hurt, her internal organs felt like they were pressured by a thousand jin, making her feel incomparably unbearable. Her heart also felt as if gnawed by countless poisonous snakes as she powerlessly rolled on the ground, convulsing. [1]
"Sweetie, why are you like this? Doctor, doctor, hurry come help her!" Yang Qing seeing Yang ZiMei's condition, couldn't mind his own leg injury and jumped from his bed. The bones that were just fixed in place broke again, causing him to fall onto the ground. The hospital room became chaotic as doctors and nurses hurried over.
The doctor immediately examined Yang ZiMei but oddly enough, couldn't determine the cause of illness. Her ECG, EEG, and other data all showed she was normal. They only discovered that all this girl's tendons and bones were suddenly broken.
1. A jin is 0.5 kg
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