Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner Chapter 38

Posted on June 2nd, 2018Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner: Chapter 38Caaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt *insert zombie claws*
** WARNING on that last paragraph. You’ll know, it’s that huge chunk. **
The Insane Woman in the Hospital - Blood Jade (2)
The bound Mother Min was given a strong injection of sedative and narcohypnosis before entering sleep. The nurses then carried her into the ICU.
Min Gang crouched in front of the hospital room crying with his head in his arms like a little animal's wails, breaking the hearts of the observers.
The beautiful youth noticed that Yang ZiMei's vision had been focused on Min Gang, eyes full of grief. He forcefully turned her face so that she'll look at him.
"Why are you here?"
Yang ZiMei and the beautiful youth simultaneously asked those words.
They were both slightly startled.
Yang ZiMei lowered her head in a smile.
"Tell me, why are you here?" The beautiful youth asked.
"Then tell me first, what's your name."
"Long ZhuTian, you?" [1]
"A very grandeur name." Yang ZiMei sighed in admiration, "I'm Yang ZiMei. The Yang from poplar tree, Zi from child, and Mei from eyebrows."
(“Yang” but used a pic of the white variety poplar tree. I think willows look better but the author probably wanted the symbolism for this tree instead. Google the symbolism of poplar trees if you want, there's a lot of stuff.)
"Hm, ZiMei." Long ZhuTian slightly nodded.
When she heard him lightly call out the words ZiMei, Yang ZiMei felt as if her heartstrings were gently plucked, rippling with some kind of sentiment.
She couldn't help but lift her head to look at him.
He also looks at her, long and narrow phoenix eyes sparkling as if they were stars glittering across her heart.
She quickly avoided his line of sight, struggled out of his arms, "I'm going to take a look at that woman. She's similar to how you were last time, the malignance entering the body."
"You understand?"
"If I don't understand then who was the one that initially saved you?" Yang ZiMei rolled her eyes and then approached Min Gang.
Min Gang was in the middle of sobbing when he saw her heading over. A pair of tears filled eyes, stubborn and pitiful, as he said with a fierce tone, "What do you want?"
"I want to take a look at your mom." Yang ZiMei didn't mind his nasty manners and had Long ZhuTian pick her up.
Long ZhuTian stooped down to lift her up so she could look through the window of the hospital room.
Although it's through a window, Yang ZiMei could still clearly sense the frigidness of the malignance continuously seep out, making her whole body chilly.
She tried hard to find the source of the malignance and her vision finally concludes upon Mother Min's wrist, on a bracelet of blood jade.
She only sees the jade to have crystal-like transparency and bright red like fresh blood. Although it looks good but it's faintly giving off a smear of weird black aura. Yang ZiMei clearly sees the black aura from Mother Min's wrist winding around her body like vines, consequently, causing the strong malignance.
Currently, there are mainly two types of blood jade. One type of blood jade refers to a product from Tibet's snowy plateaus that has a kind of red jade stone. Hailed as the Song of Gongjuma, named highland blood jade and famed for its crimson coloring. [2]
The other type of blood jade brings about a kind of scary feeling. She's not just referring to the jade but about how the blood enters the jade. No matter the jadeite, quality, or yellow jade and the like, so long as blood has seeped through, it would be blood jade. In legend, the formation of blood jade was related to corpses. During a person's burial, a jade mouth piece would be forcefully squeezed in. If the person had just passed, they would've swallowed the jade that was placed inside, it would follow down into the throat, into the middle of where blood was most dense and remain there a thousand years. The dead blood seeps and stains, finely threading into the depths of the jade and would then form a resplendent blood jade. This kind of thing often fell below the skeleton's pharynx and was the most valuable among the corpse jade pieces. Depending on the quality's price, a low would be a couple thousand, a high could reach a million. As such, the counterfeit business also used a method similar in nature to create blood jade. They would put a jade piece into a dog's mouth, seal it, beat the dog to death, and then buried it in the ground. After some tens of years, they'd obtain a blood jade. Supposedly, it didn't matter if it was human or dog blood, it still held a spirit-ness (although human was better). But dog blood jade had resentment condensed within which does not bring any benefits for the wearer. In the present, the reason why there were so many blood jades was because they were artificially dyed. This kind of jade wasn't even blood jade, with not a spec of spiritual nature. Currently, there was another type of blood jade that used the highest quality Xinjiang white jade. By inserting it under the skin of a young sheep, it allowed the blood to seep into the jade and could be retrieved after a few years. This jade was very expensive and was rarely seen in the market.
1. Depending on which character definition you want to use, his name can mean the dragon that chases heaven… which is pretty ironic
2. The Song of Gongjuma: story that takes place in Tibet
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