Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner Chapter 34

Posted on May 18th, 2018Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner: Chapter 34Caaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt *insert zombie claws*
Antique Market Leftovers (5)
Yang ZiMei saw through Song Xuan's reluctance and Min YuLin's look of greed towards the twisting circlet.
She hadn't thought of the sudden extravagant profits antiques held, as if it's even faster than robbing a bank. Moreover, it's legitimate so not making a profit would be a waste.
Before, when she wanted to invest in land, the returns wouldn't pass a hundred times and she'd have to wait for policy changes and whatnot. She might as well open an antiques store specializing in its exchange and have her father be the owner. Then her family wouldn't have to worry about their livelihood.
Since this twisting circlet held an extraordinary historical value, then, 400,000 could still be underpriced. She might as well take this moment to be greedy and said to Min YuLin, "500,000. If you want it, deal. If you don't then I'll have Mo Pavilion safeguard it first."
Min YuLin's brows twitched. The surrounding crowds were shocked with wide open mouths looking at Yang ZiMei as if looking at an alien. They thought this little girl's appetite was really too big. [1]
The most important point was she seemed to have some sort of sense for wealth. When their children were that young, they couldn't even perceive money let alone buy anything. This girl now, however, opened and closed her mouth voicing hundreds of thousands for an antique transaction.
Everyone's sights switched from the twisting circlet to centralize upon Yang ZiMei.
The honestly found that this little girl had very lustrous and translucent skin comparable to superior porcelain, giving off a faint glow. Her refined and long brows held a vermillion mole between them, an especially clever look. Within her defined eyes held a mature and calm bearing in contrast with her young age that gave others an illusion as if she wasn't a child.
"480,000." Min YuLin clenched his teeth.
"500,000 is the price. It's up to you if you want it or not." Yang ZiMei said with a light smile, "Grandpa Min, as the saying goes, even a thousand gold may not be enough buy what your heart wants. If you lost this treasure you crave because of 20,000 kuai, it'll be too late to regret at that time." [2]
Those words shot right on Min YuLin's weakness.
True, he's willing to dish out 480,000 so why mind an additional 20,000?
If it was bought by someone else, he would really regret to no ends.
However, he couldn't understand, how such a little girl became so shrewd.
Seeing her appearance to be about the same age as his grandson and thinking about his grandson who had instead been wailing all day for Transformers, the difference was truly too immense.
"Okay, 500,000 deal!" Min YuLin could only nod.
Yang ZiMei's smile spread across her face.
A five kuai item ended up with a return thousands of times over, even a smile would leak out in the middle of sleeping.
The surrounding crowd looked on with red eyes.
Then the news that there was a little girl who picked up a jackpot from the leftovers quickly spread from the antique street which caused quite a stir.
Once the owner, who originally sold the twisting circlet to Yang ZiMei for five kuai, heard that it came from his shop, he initially regretted to point where he wanted to vomit blood.
However, because of this, his shop was suddenly filled with those who also wanted to pick a leftover, fighting over his wares, and he took that chance to simply raise the prices. Those few items he obviously procured for only a few kuai or couple tens of kuai were raised to a couple hundred, thousand, and even upwards of ten thousand so he greatly profited.
However, when those hopeful few brought the items they bought from that store to be appraised, not one of those weren't counterfeits so they could only beat their chest and stamp their feet at their bad luck.
Yang ZiMei held the 500,000 check Min YuLin gave her, seeing the series of zeros on the check, she had a fluttering sense of gain and loss.
In 1992, millionaires were like phoenix feathers or unicorn horns. You could barely find a few in all of city and she just obtained 500,000 in one go. She could be considered a little richling, could purchase a residence in the city, and could temporarily provide her family a life without worry for clothes or food.
She was in such high spirits that she even wanted to jump while walking.
Song Xuan worried that her huge sum of money would attract evil intent so he kindly accompanied her back to see her father.
Of course, what he wanted to see more was what kind of parent could bring up such an astute little girl.
1. Her greed
2. Idiom. Something priceless or that you really want probably couldn't be bought again if you let it slip by.
Come visit instead
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