Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner Chapter 3

Posted on December 2nd, 2017SRGGD: Chapter 3Come visit instead
Hit on the Head by a Clay Buddha (2)
Regarding these titles, the charlatan Yan ZiMei in the last life was not unfamiliar to them. She knew these books were related to physiognomy but to her at the time, they were really too broad and profound so she had never thought to look over them.
When the door opened, the old priest walked in along with an anxious grandma.
Grandma who saw that she had awoken, hurried over to her, held her hands and asked, "Sweetie, does your head still hurt?"
Yang ZiMei brings her hands up to touch her forehead.
Wrapped around her forehead was a piece of white cloth but there was still a little pain. Thinking back, before she fainted, the jade gourd of the clay Buddha had fallen right on her forehead.
She's still so unlucky. She was just praying and kowtow to Buddha but an accident still occurred. Even after rebirth, is it going to be plagued with tragedy?
"Grandma, it doesn't hurt, you don't have to worry."
She looked toward her grandma with a light smile and without much thought said, "Maybe Buddha thought I wasn't sincere enough and so, hit my forehead."
Hearing these words, her grandma was shocked and she quickly put her hands together, closed her eyes and fervently prayed, "Please, I ask Buddha to forgive the little sweetie's babble, she meant no harm. If you have to blame then place it on me, I'm willing to shoulder all her sins."
Hearing her grandma pray, Yang ZiMei's heart swelled with warmth.
This is her grandma, her beloved grandma, how could she bear that in a year, she'd lose her?
Absolutely not!
Her vision falls on the nearby old priest.
The old priest's pair of glaze like pondering eyes also looked at her, unable to hide his astonishment. This was obviously a 5 years old little girl but that look showed the vicissitude of maturity and sorrow. A moment ago, he had asked for her birth information to infer a bit of her fortune but discovered that it was all in disarray. There was no way to calculate anything out of it. Her future destiny seems chaotic like it's waiting to be developed, which can neither be seen clearly nor thoroughly. This was a reading he had never seen before.  (1)
Also, he just inspected that clay Buddha yesterday and found no damage at all so how could anything fall on her? Moreover, that jade gourd has mysteriously vanished. It's not in the hand of the clay Buddha and there isn't even any broken pieces on the floor. It's like it just disappeared into thin air.
He's lived for 113 years but has never seen such an unbelievable and peculiar phenomenon.
This little girl, what is she?
"This old madame, this priest would like to discuss something with you."
Grandma is a devout follower so, in her heart, the old priest has the same standing as the old deities. Upon hearing that, she quickly said, "Old priest, please say."
"Your granddaughter has inborn talent which left a good impression on this priest and would like to accept her as a disciple to inherit my legacy of Daoism. Does not know if old madame would agree?" The old priest looked at grandma very sincerely.
The old priest wants to accept her as a diciple?
Yang ZiMei felt very alarmed and blurted out, "I don't want to become a nun!"
"With the boundless Buddha and having the dao in heart, you do not need to mind one's status. This priest has been searching for an appropriate successor and hopes that you'll accept." The old priest says as he looks at Yang ZiMei.
1)生辰八字 refs birth information used in fortune telling
*On another note. Calling someone old in English is rude but in Chinese, it’s more to state or reference a type of status (although, it could be used in an insulting way too). I did consider changing it to “elder” when it’s used in speech but elder also has another meaning attached to it in English and it may become confusing so decided not to.
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