Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner Chapter 29

Posted on April 24th, 2018Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner: Chapter 29\nCaaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt *insert zombie claws*
Amassing Property (2)
Yang He was a quick witted person so he was able to speedily inquire that the land around there costed about 300 kuai per square. [1]
Hearing this price, Yang ZiMei's eye lit up.
In the previous life, what she'd usually hear most on the streets were about housing prices. At the time, city's average income per person was about three thousand but the cost of housing was already six thousand.
As for land, it was generally thirty thousand per square. Not to mention, this would become the commerce center, it's simply like a patch of gold.
How could she let go of the golden egg before her eyes?
Returning to the hospital, she voiced her intentions to invest in property to her father.
At first, Yang Qing gave her an incredulous look for a while, thought about it, and actually nodded.
He wasn't an inflexible type of person but limited by circumstances so even if he had ideas, it would've been squashed.
Now, the family held the sum of a hundred thousand. As he laid atop the hospital bed a moment ago, he thought about buying an apartment in the city and moving everyone out here to avoid the villager's day in day out bullying.
Seeing that her father agreed, Yang ZiMei was overjoyed. That is, as a five year old child, anything she wanted to do was very inconvenient.
She carefully explained in detail to him the developmental prospects of that property. She also informed him that in a year, that property would yield a return of ten times over.
"Sweetie, did you become delusional? How would you know the property would increase ten times in the next year?" Yang Qing discovered the tone of his daughter to be unlike any five year old's but like one of an adult's. Even he didn't understand the few words she said about the development. At her young age, how would she understand it?
"Dad, don't forget, I've learned the predictive ability of foresight from my master!"
Yang ZiMei put on a mysterious look as she said, "Even the big boss from Hong Kong, Mr. Huo, believes in me. You should believe me too!"
Seeing his daughter so confident and her mature calm look, Yang Qing suddenly found his long years were really in vain. He wasn't clear how his daughter studied the Dao for a half year and seemingly turned into a genius child.
Right, even the widely experienced Mr. Huo believed in her and had given such a large reward in gratitude, how could he not believe?
Besides, that sum was earned by her. Even if she threw it into the ocean, it would be up to her.
Yang Qing still had to stay in the hospital for a week and there were nurses to care for him, in addition, the little body but big hearted Yang ZiMei was here. Yang He was in a hurry to pursue his own world in Shenzhen so he returned home and left Yang ZiMei by herself to accompany him.
Yang ZiMei was restless in the hospital and told her father she'd play in the lawn outside. In actuality, she slipped way into the streets.
Unknowingly, she'd arrived at city's antique and cultural art's WenLai street.
WenLai street had been city's commerce center for a long time, the surrounding constructs still maintained an antique style. After the founding of the nation, it was treated as a cultural heritage to be preserved. Due to the its classical characteristics, it naturally became a street for antique and cultural arts. Any antique calligraphy paintings, essentials of calligraphy, handicrafts, and paintings of flowers, birds, fish, insects, and the like all converged here to be sold. It's one of city's famous tourist attractions and many like to come here to pick out an antique, hoping it'll be a get rich treasure that had been missed.
(The essentials of calligraphy or writing tool set)
(Also found ink pics)
In the previous life, Yang ZiMei had also set up her fortune telling stall around here but she had been driven away frequently. There was even this one time where the enforcer maliciously stomped on her back, making her boil because she couldn't even bring out the ten kuai fee to set up stall.
Thinking of her previous life's encounter, Yang ZiMei really had a bundle of bitter tears.
1. Don't know which square it is since it's not specific
Come visit instead\n\n
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