Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner Chapter 18

Posted on February 24th, 2018Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner: Chapter 18\nCaaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt *insert zombie claws*
Mysterious Beautiful Youth (3)
Or, he's treating her like a comfortable body pillow!
Alas, how would he have known that she actually has the mind of a 28 year old young woman?
Clang clang!
The medieval western style clock on the wall rang out twice.
Yang ZiMei lifted her head and took a look -
2 o'clock!
Then she looked towards the window and saw the faint street light coming in through the blinds. If it's not 2 o'clock in the afternoon, could it be the 2 o'clock in the middle of the night?
Having not returned home the entire day, her family must be anxious.
"Let me go, I want to go home!" She puts in strength to push away the beautiful youth.
"You have a home?"
The beautiful young man asks with his black eyes concentrate on her.
"Pah-tooey, why wouldn't I have a home? Am I Sun WuKong who popped out from a rock?" Yang ZiMei said with an angry and laughable tone. [1]
"I thought you didn't have a home so I wanted to take you with me." A look of guilt appeared on the beautiful youth's handsome and delicate face.
Yang ZiMei had a great shock and quickly asked, "Where am I now?"
"A-city's Grand Hyatt hotel."
Yang ZiMei gave a sigh of relief, luckily it was still A-city which was about ten plus kilometers from the village. A twenty minutes ride and she'll be back.
Except, it was the middle of the night so there'd be no ride in service.
Would her family be anxious enough to search the mountain for her?
Thinking of this, her heart started to stir up a mess and angrily called out, "It's your fault, why'd you bring me so far away?"
The beautiful youth gazed at her, he didn't say anything but only hugged her little figure and said, "Go back to sleep. I'll send you back at dawn."
A-city of 1992 was still considered impoverished and behind the times. There weren't any kinds of rental cars to use, the main mode of transportations were buses or bicycles.
Even if Yang ZiMei wanted to return home now, there was nothing she could do.
It was only 2 o'clock and too early for daybreak. She might as well continue to sleep.
But how could she still let him cuddle her while she slept?
"Let me go, I want to sleep alone." Yang ZiMei said as she pushed him again.
"Not gonna! I like this."
"But I don't like this!" Yang ZiMei wailed.
"You will."
After the beautiful youth said that, he closed his devilish eyes with a faint dark shadow over thick long eyelashes that would make any girl jealous.
Before long came the sound of even breaths, he really fell asleep again.
Helpless in his death grip, Yang ZiMei could only close her eyes.
Actually, being cuddled like this was very comfortable and she quite liked the light pine fragrance coming off him.
Thus, she had a little internal struggle, then quickly fell asleep.
When she woke again, it was just her on the bed. She hurriedly sat up, rubbed her eyes, and looked around but didn't see the figure of that beautiful youth.
She looked at the clock, it was already 7 am!
She had to go back!
Hurrying off the bed, she peaked into the bathroom but didn't see him and didn't know where he went.
Fine, she'll return on her own.
Right as she opened the door, a woman wearing the hotel's uniform and had been safeguarding outside all along came forward to get her. She very gently crouched down and held her shoulders as she said, "Little sweetie, your brother instructed me to bring you to breakfast and then return you home. Come with me."
From the beginning Yang ZiMei didn't have a response for who this brother was.
"Where did he go?"
"He said he had to leave for some urgent matters."
Yang ZiMei slightly knitted her brows, she wanted to return even a bit faster to avoid more worrying from her family, "Then I'll leave."
"You're not going to eat breakfast?"
"You can buy me some bread and I'll be good."
"Hm, I'll go."
As the woman hotel staff tried to hold her hand, it was cast off by her.
She wasn't a real child, how would she be accustomed to an unfamiliar person leading her by the hand?
The hotel staff was stunned a bit but then urged her not to wander off and to follow her.
Yang ZiMei nodded.
After eating several buns, the hotel staff led her to bus headed for Yang village.
Just as she got situated on the bus, she heard the bawling of a boy from the side, "Grandpa, I want Transformers, Transformers, if you don't buy it for me, I'll cry, huk huk huk……"
"Min Gang, no tantrum, be good. I'll buy it for you when we return from the countryside."
Hearing the name Min Gang, Yang ZiMei's expression turned stiff and quickly turned to look.
The boy who had been throwing a tantrum was about her current age. At this small an age, you could still see a bit of handsome features in the making.
When she saw the black mole on the left of his neck, she was completely stunned.
It's really him!
She unexpectedly saw the one from her previous life who'd appear innumerably in her dreams! His tall and straight figure, frosty charming face, and air of nobility. She was like a toad looking up at a swan and had been adoring the younger form of the man Min Gang.
Oh, the heavens!
She couldn't accept this.
As a child, he doesn't particularly stand out and was other boys who liked to cry, whine, and get what they want. It's really unbelievable.
She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She's unable to relate the present little boy to the future mature and steady man.
Feeling that she had been looking at him all this time, Min Gang made faces at her and stuck his tongue out to threaten, "What are you looking at? Keep looking and a ghost will come snatch you!"
Hearing his immature words, Yang ZiMei couldn't help let out a snicker and felt that the world was too intriguing.
Then again, she wonders if the heavens had her rebirth at this time for her to meet Min Gang anew and resolve her past unrequited love?
Thinking this, she looks at Min Gang once more.
Min Gang gave her a vicious glare, then continued to whine and bother his grandpa for Transformers. Completely disappointing.
1. ppl know what Journey to the West is right?
Come visit instead\n\n
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