Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner Chapter 15

Posted on February 2nd, 2018Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner: Chapter 15\nCaaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt *insert zombie claws*
Innate Feng Shui Eyes (5)
No wonder her entire family usually looked very lacking in yang energy. Her grandpa and father always lacked a certain yang vigor, grandma and mother would often complain of chronic body pains and headaches, and her little sister Yang ZiXi would cry out in the middle of the night for no reason. It was all because the family residence contained yin malignance.
This yin malignance, where did it come from?
She looked at her master blankly.
YuQing then led her to the back of the house.
The back of the house had a fish pond. This fish pond was something the village head Li DeMing dug out a year ago. (1)
"Situated South with North facing entrance, fire and water both aid, the bank quakes far and wide, a sign of fortune. Behind the water drop is an ominous star, commit evil to reduce offspring." YuQing said as he looks at the fish pond while sighing, "Originally, the feng shui here was not bad. But it has been ruined by this fish pond and that withered tree in front of the house which would cause your family to be beset by misfortune and disasters, even decimated."
Thinking of her family's tragedy in the last life, Yang ZiMei's heart shook and she quickly asked, "Master, is there a way to fix this?"
"Hm, the most direct approach would be to fill up that fish pond and remove that withered tree at the front of the house. Having the tree in front already formed an enclosure, not to mention it's a lifeless withered tree. It would affect the course of the body."
"But that fish pond belongs to the village head. He definitely wouldn't be willing to fill it up."
"Then we can only adopt a way to block the malignance by constructing a dirt wall between the fish pond and house. This will thwart the malignance on the outside. Also, plant a row of cypress to balance out the yin-yang elements."
"Master, can you tell that to my grandpa?" Hearing there was a way to resolve this, Yang ZiMei was very happy as she quickly clung to his sleeve and pleaded.
YuQing reached out to pat her head, "Naturally, priest couldn't let the place my cherished disciple dwells to have malignance."
"Thanks master."
Yang ZiMei had a feeling, she and her family's fate will certainly change because of today.
"Then inherit priest's legacy well and spread forth the soon to vanish, true metaphysics." YuQing gave he a look filled with affection and expectance, "You must let the common people know metaphysics is not just superstitions."
Yang ZiMei nodded.
After YuQing returned to the mountain, Yang ZiMei couldn't quite calm herself down to read. She wanted to continue to assess her feng shui eyes so she went to circle the village, examining every little thing. But after every observation, she felt a slight dizziness and exhaustion.
As she raised her head to check out her uncle's house, she suddenly heard a slight whistle towards her **. She quickly shifted and got out the way. (2)
What hurled toward her was a rock as big as a fist as it grazes pass the side of her head, striking the tree in front.
If this kind of rock hit a person's head, even if they don't die, it would break their head with blood flowing!
She turned around and saw it was from the village head's fat mound of a son, Yang Zhuang.
He had thrown the rock at Yang ZiMei like a prank. He bent over, picked another rock and threw it at her again.
Yang ZiMei had been practicing the ki cultivation technique for a half plus year so her body had become lithe and agile. Naturally, she wouldn't get hit by him, it's just that she's very angry. Such a little child was so despicable and what was even more vile was that his mother, Liang RuHua, was watching from the side without stopping him.
"You fat pig, do you know you can kill someone with this?" She cursed angrily.
"You money-losing load, your cheap thing dared to scold my little Zhuang? Even if you're battered to death, it's not any big deal." Liang RuHua, with hands embedded into her fat waist, incited her son, "Continue throwing at her, it's no big deal."
Receiving encouragement from her, Yang Zhuang excitedly continued to pick up rocks and threw them at Yang ZiMei.
Yang ZiMei was enraged and she picked up her own rocks to retaliate.
She was a person who cultivated inner strength. That accuracy cannot be compared to the average person and with a ping sound, it hit Yang Zhuang's arm.
Yang Zhuang cried out in tears, stomping his feet and flailing on the ground, making a scene.
Liang RuHua saw that Yang ZiMei actually dared to throw back at her son, felt her heart ache and well up with anger. She strode towards Yang ZiMei, trying to catch her.
Yang ZiMei spent half a year trekking the mountain and cultivating ki. Her speed could be said to be faster than a rabbit's, she won't be caught.
However, when she viewed her ancestral grave today, she had suffered an internal injury. In addition, her stature was small with short legs, she just couldn't outrun Liang RuHua. In the end, she was plucked like an eagle seizing a chick, her whole body was lifted up.
1. Author probably had a typo because pretty sure the village head was surnamed Yang.
2. Technically it's the father's younger male cousin. It's probably something like a first cousin removed or something in English.
Come visit instead\n\n
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