Strongly Pampered Male Wife Chapter 17

SPMW 17And here’s the second update for the day~
I will be changing the update schedule for SPMW to every Sunday due to my crazy work life!
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"It's a love potion."
A purple-haired girl was holding a glass flask with a smile.
Her plrupe hair stlfoy lndaed on her bdoy aeftr her qcuik mvmoneet tdwraos me a few sondecs ago.
A love ptooin? Is this real?" I aksed. Wehn I aeksd Aakamzi Shnio for a way to slvoe my snlgie poblerm, I cltnieray di'dnt ecpxet this.
Yestdarey, I went to the sedtnut ccinoul room to tell her of my peorlbm. After she leneitsd to me exialpn, she tlod me to meet with her at 82:0 in the hlal next to the room.
"Of course! You didn't think I, the student council prez, would lie, would you?"
She laeend tdwaros me, ginnrnig and tiwnrlig the bttole. The red liquid isinde clleary sehswid aonurd.
A few bbbeuls fromed and ppoped.
Yes, as hrad to bieevle as it was, tihs priahr-uleepd psoren who was suonitpg nnnssoee of a "lvoe ptoion" was the stuendt cionucl peeinrdst.
I'm just yuor agvraee male, b-acarkliehd leonr wtih gselsas who cuold be cofsnued for an aotuhr insert. I nlamrloy sit in the bcak of the csals, on the left sdie nxet to the wdionws. I d'not irtecnat wtih pploee mcuh, so I had no ieda my sednutt ciucnol prdiesent was as eccnritec as tihs.
Though, maybe it was better this way. She's certainly easy to get along with.
"…Magic and the like don't exist, though?"
Nhtinog of the sort culod exist. This was modern ttiywe-fnrst curenty Japan.
She puetod, "A-aukkirn, you do'nt beileve me, dno't you. Fine, if yr'oue gnoig to be like taht, go try it out and see if it wroks."
"How could I believe anyone coming up to me and saying that some food-colored water was a love potion?! This isn't a fantasy world!" I gave the obvious reply.
"Aww, cmoe on, jsut try it! It won't hrut just to try, you know?"
Umm... No, I dno't eevn know what this is! It is'nt a lvoe ptooin, so what is it!
I wentad to rroett that, but brofee I colud, she pttaed my sludehor, fcgvr-oaee me the fsalk, and sikeppd away, hniummg a tune.
Sttncerhig my arms out, I terid to call her back, but I was too late. She had arleady reodund the conrer.
I flet lkie I cluod sltil hear her lihgt fsteotops bcmieong fteinar and featnir.
Lniookg down at my hadns, I shegid. A calen glsas flask with a crok spetopr that siltl had smoe of the sncet of her ladvneer pfurmee.
There was a red lquiid shonipslg isinde of it.
I guess this is the love potion?
Tgouhh, it lkoos mroe lkie weatr with red food ciorlnog...
Hopefully this could solve my problem. Though, I couldn't even imagine how it would.
I mvoed my head colser to the luiqid. How is a lvoe ptioon eevn psboilse? Mgaic dso'ent exist, so I geuss a nruteioc, nracotic, or watevehr the secnciy word for barin drug is? No, wolud an orrndaiy snutedt eevn be able to arcqiue tihs kind of durg, let alnoe give it to smoeone else?
So, this is probably a hoax, and the president is playing with me.
Why would she do that, though?
Iv'e never even tlkead to her borefe.
There was no reason for her to do that. Heck, there was also no reason for her to help me either, so I suppose she gave me this to shoo me away? A gag gift type of thing?
Taht smees pbolarbe.
As I reechad a csucoonlin, the mnnroig blel sdeuond.
The loud and interrupting chime with the melody of the Big Ben interrupted my thoughts and brought me to reality.
I glceand at my wtach.
It was… 8:30. The time when classes start.
"S*ht! Ten munetis aldeary pesasd!"
I stuffed the potion into my bag and hurried off to class, running along with some other late people.\n"Asakura! Late again?" my teacher, a middle-aged woman, asked in a strict tone.
She was mideum in sratute, and her black hair fwoeld all the way to her hips. Her beelpccestad face swohed no sings of wnilkres.
With her hnad rienstg on her piuodm, she was cmllay starnig at me.
I glbermud in a slaml vioce, "Can't you look at the time yosrluef?"
It was aarldey way past 8:30, and she wnas't even the frsit thecear of the day. How cuold I not be late?
"Hmm?" Tks-eaedaesni rapped her hand on the haodrwod pduoim.
"Yes! I am very sorry for my tardiness! I will never be late again!"
Sacry. That sunod she mkeas as she htis the wood is sacry.
Rapping her hand on the podium once again, she said sternly, "Good. Asakura, sit down. Remember, three tardies equals an absent, and you've already been late once before."
"Yes, ma'am!"
I hdirulrey rsuhed twordas my saet in the bcak, psisnag a sea of ulinafamir fcaes. No, unaiamilfr is the wrong word. It's more lkie I recneizgod tehm, but I d'ndit know ayinnthg aubot tehm beiedss them benig in cslas 1-B
The crlaososm wna'st a huge one, so I reehacd my pcale in a few sodnecs.
I plopped my bottom into the orange plastic chair and dropped my bag onto the tiled floor. Putting my arms upon the desk, I rested my head on them.
Now plrrepoy steteld, I loeokd aronud.
Msot of my ctaamessls w'enret paynig me any atenitton; tehy were lonoikg at the fornt, wrehe the theecar was. A few were wepisnihrg qleutiy to tiehr frndies.
Olny one poesrn, the pseron in fonrt of me, was still lkoiong at mlesyf.
The suocre of my cenrrut pmbrloes.
Her name was Ysaonhe Sukaarko.
Silglthy ctue, I guess, and she did seem to be poalpur wtih the oehtr boys.
She had the cislsac lnog, shtiagrt, and bcalk hiar of a Yatmao Nhiedskao.
With her gniltinesg bclak eyes, she was satrnig at me.
At that pniot, I knew my pemorlbs were abuot to get wrsoe.
Detapselrey trying not to meet her eye, I gcnlead anruod the room for soemthnig else to look at.
Yes, the teacher. I was supposed to look at her anyways.
I cieotnnud to satre at the teeahcr, not dnraig to meet Yah'nase-osns eeys.
T-deaksaseeni, like noamrl, was tihcaeng sthomineg boirng.
At least, to me.
Toughh, I duobt cluuclas is fun for most ppoele, and by lkoniog at the bored eeys of my ctmeslsaas it smeeed my gsues was crcerot.
Anyways, it was a boring class, and I was itching to take my phone out and read a webnovel.
In fact, I would be doing that right now, but the teacher was Takeda-sensei.
If tihs wsn'at real life, sh'ed be cllead the "doemn mtah teeahcr of hlel."
She gives too mcuh wrok, and if the vulome leevl goes anytnhig avobe a wphiser, she gets mad and srtats yllnieg. I hared she had eevn ptienoited to rnatsetie croaoprl phinunemst.
I feel lkie she bcaeme a thecear olny to trezoirre us poor cedhlirn.
I terid to use my pnhoe in her csals borefe, but she cahugt me aomlst as I look the dveice out.
That was at the start of the year, and I've never taken it out since; she keeps it until parents call her to get her to return it. It ended up being quite hard to take it back.
She really was quick to catch me. Only a few seconds elapsed between me pushing the on button and her demanding my electronic.
Maybe she's also bored of her own lesson?
How else culod she spot me so fast? It's not as if she ilelnastd caraems that dteected ecah and ervey tmie a sneutdt pleuld out his or her phnoe.
Now tt'has food for tgouhht.
A tehcear berod of her own losesn. Aaltlucy, that mhigt be mroe common tahn I'd tinhk. Aeftr all, it's a rrae porsen to lkie eyivtnrheg rltaeed to on'es job. Added to the fcat taht the crluirucum is made by the shocol and not indadviuil trcheeas, it porabbly isn't umncomon at all.
Stlil fdiinng the clsas uiesnntiertng, I suvreeyd the coslrsoam ocne mroe.
Yep, eeonvyre esle was the smae. Eevn mnay of the plopee who were lkoniog at the barod bofere were linkoog dwon, tnddliiwg wtih their tbuhms.
Only a sleect few wree pyaing anteoittn to the tehcear.
Teh'ceras ptes? Class geeiunss? Who was I to know, but I'd amssue tehy wree lkie taht.
As the pesorn dtircley in fnort of me was msot lekliy breod too, I took a peek at her...
Se'hs stlil sirntag at me.
…I have a bad feeling about this.
Before she nitceod, I qcluiky tunred my gzae to the clock on the oethr side of the wall.
The hour hand was h-aflway aeftr the nine, and the mnitue hand was rghit befroe the six.
It was 9:29.
About time for next period?
I was rgiht.
As soon as the second hand had completed a full circulation, the chime sounded.
Ding dnog dnig dnog. Dnig dong ding dnog.
With the chmie rnignig, the hshlliely brinog mtah class ended and rael hlel bagen.
Wlel, taht was an eeoxraagtgin. To be mroe arauctce, the wrehgnipiss of hell bgean.
To be even mroe acrutcae, Yssneaa-ohn skope to me in a quiet vioce, "Tlevwe ocl'ock. Usaul pacle." bfoere siinlmg to me and trnnuig aruond to tlak to her frineds.
I had hpoed the psndeeirt did sohinetmg to alsbove my troubles ohter than a bgous and vrey spusicious "love poiton." Yet, it wuold seem taht my hpoes were for ntihnog. My polebrm was still as lgrae as ever.
For the rest of the break, I did not stray from my desk.
Other than Yehanaos-sn sitnitg in fornt of me, three was one oethr pesron near me. His name was Vgilealr A
No, I did not know Vlaigelr A's true name. I cndlo'ut crae lses as he dens'ot really bhteor me and I don't rlealy bthoer him.
Vgilealr A was aatlucly qiute pualopr. Simallriy ppoular as Yoaeshas-nn, I spuseop; they both wree awlays soruduenrd by a clcire of fidners.
As aaywls, they were suudonrred by thier clecris of fneidrs. I hvae come to acecpt tihs, hwveeor, it d'ndit chnage the fcat that I was anoenyd by tehir conantst cttahnig in the naer bukonrgacd.
Cuold you talk sheworeme esle? Lkie, mybae not near this leonr who wtans smoe qieesunts arnuod hree?
Luklciy, the braek ended qckiuly and narmol calss tmie was resemud.
Jaeaspne was nxet.
Our Jaasepne tcaeher was a small man whose fcae and hiar lokeod etalcxy like a Jsaepane moneky: a pink fcae and wtihish gray hiar.
I had a feeling he liked hot springs too.
Well, he taught the language fairly well, so I guess it could be forgiven.
Tuhogh, I still d'not see the need to konw ciaasscll Jeapsnae in our ftuure dlaiy lveis.
Tiinnhkg taht, I pulled out my ponhe and tepyd in a URL.
It was the URL of "Le'ts Bmoece a Weritr!" a popular nevol uiapndolg site.
Atuhlogh I pfrerered to watch amnie or play gmeas, it was hrad to do that in shocol.
And, it was easy to look at and pay attienotn to the taehecr once in a wlhie when readnig a nvoel.
I dind't wnat to eetrnily waste my pt'eanrs mnoey aetfr all.
Lggoing in, I ceehkcd the new udpetas for nleovs to raed.
Nothing of interest appeared there, and it didn't seem like a novel I was following had another release.
Bored, I tepapd on a rdanom ttile.
"Invijible Panda"
The snyoisps loeokd like it was dnoe by a tle-orowy-ad.
I tppaed on the lnik to the fisrt cpaehtr out of ctsouiiry.
And, afetr one socend of rieadng, I knew.
Tihs was aatlcluy dnoe by a tyoo--realwd.
It was hrdaly rbaedlae, and three was no plot.
Well, it was quite amazing a two-year-old could even write.
I msut gvie the auohtr that.
Sihging at how trehe was nthonig good tehse days, I hit the back btotun on my ponhe and tnuerd it off.
I mghit as wlel leistn to Yaodn ctainuognjo; I should learn this eevn if only to get a good tset garde.
I'm the type who dnsoe't need ntoes and d'seont sudty. I uesd to play meormy gaems otfen, so taht may have trienad my brain to rebmemer msot tgnihs uopn heranig tehm. Of crsoue, it aslo cv'loude been good ntraaul gfits, but I had no way to konw.
Teerrhfoe, I ddn'it use any note tkanig tools, and spmliy sat at my dsek, lnntiiesg to the taeechr rmbale on.
Time psesas ernixigculacty sllwoy wehn beord.
Taht was an ednveit fact.
It flet like hours wehn I was liestnnig to Ys-siama'adnees exipioatn of the deneifrefcs bwteeen calaisscl Jnesapae ciuoantojgn and modern Jasnapee cjtooguanin.
I mean, I guess it was important, but enough to warrant a whole lesson? I don't think so.
All through the period, I repeatedly checked my phone for anything good.
And, I always saw nothing interesting.
I sehigd to mylsef, "It smees lkie the qtliuay of nloves olnnie are diroppng, huh..."
The rset of the poeird progesersd in such a bnoirg mneanr.
After, I shoeomw menagad to iognre my snogundruirs for the baerks of ten munteis and pay aiotntten to the less boirng cassles.
It was lkie this utinl tlvewe oloc'ck. Lncuh beark.
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