Chapter 107 - Troubles

Chapter 107: Troubles
The first night Gu Yun left the capital, as he put on the liuli glass, the clip suddenly broke. Then, the glass rolled down the bridge of his nose, knocked on one side of the black iron shoulder armor, then cracked.
For a general about to depart on an expedition, the damage of his belongings was an ominous sign. The guard was frightened, afraid that Gu Yun would not favor such things.
Gu Yun rubbed his nose and said, “Gee, did I already mastered Golden-Bell Armor and Iron-Cloth Shirt without being taught?”
*two techniques from the 72 techniques of Shaolin, which both refers to making oneself invulnerable to attacks
The guard said, “This is ‘many years of peace*’ Marshal. I’ll bring you another one.”
*The word break(碎) is pronounced the same as the word “year(岁)”, when breaking something, people would use this and say “many years of peace” instead
The guard took care of his daily routines, knowing that he must have a spare liuli glass in his luggage, in the process of searching, he accidentally saw a large envelope placed together with Gu Yun’s stack of clothes and belongings. It was thick to the touch, sealed with wax, the words ‘To Marshal Gu’ was written on it.
The Marquis of Order with his hands full daily certainly did not have the hobby of writing letters to himself. This thing mixed in his clothes had the aura of ‘skin-to-skin closeness’, which naturally brought an ambiguous feeling of intimacy.
Who could be the one who packed Gu Yun’s clothes?
Apart from the white-bearded old servants of the Marquis’ Manor, perhaps it could only be a significant other.
The seal was still intact, Gu Yun himself probably hasn’t found the envelope yet. The little guard had a bright idea. He gleefully took both the backup glass and the envelope to Gu Yun altogether, speaking in a sly tone, “Marshal, there’s an important letter in your clothes, you should look at it quickly, it would not be good if you forget.”
Gu Yun put on the glass, looked at the familiar handwriting on the envelope with a subtle look. As he raised his head, he instantly caught the sly look on the guard’s face, he laughed and scolded: “What are you looking at, get out.”
The guard laughed, no longer probing, he made a face and ran away.
The envelope in hand was quite weighty, resembling a thick book when picked up. If it was a love letter, it would probably have to be written starting from the years when His Royal Highness still wore diapers. Gu Yun opened the envelope while guessing: “Housing deed? Land title? Feng Huo ticket? Silver? Or the secret of immortality?”
However, when he opened the contents, he was almost shocked by what was inside.
It was a thick stack of drawings, with all soft and durable sea grain paper. Sea grain papers do not get affected by fire and water, but some places were still yellowing and the edges were curved, it seemed to have been drawn throughout many days, the ink on the paper was different in depth, perhaps the original owner had commented on it many times and was not just finished in a flash.
The top one was a large picture of the whole nation of Great Liang, which could cover the floor when spread out, three rivers and five lakes, from Manjing to Ouyue…it’s all on the paper. On the top of the map, there were also countless small letters in Kai style to mark where he wanted to open mountains, where to set up factories, where there were plenty of fish and rice in green mountains and waters, which ports were suitable for expansion and facing the four seas, where could the Sea Dragons truly travel, where could a route specially made for Ziliujin could be opened.
Which official roads need to be repaired, where to use Giant Kites and the improved Large Eagle to connect with each other, there were railings painted on the paper resembling an artery running all over the country – this was the railing of the Western’s steam train Chang Geng once talked about, long like dragons and snakes, could travel thousands of miles a day.
Under the map, there was another drawing of the design of the steam train, accompanied by the professional annotations of Master Feng Han, with the calculation of transportation capacity along with funding and rations written by Du Wan Quan beside it.
In addition, the thick sea grain paper also had the explanation of the reformed official system in Great Liang’s future, ‘Grand Council’ and ‘Canal Office’ have been achieved, but it also included many positions Gu Yun had never heard of before, hierarchical, highly efficient.
There were plenty of examples as such —
If Gu Yun were to see these things five years ago, he might have thought it was the imagination of a common folk storyteller. Now, although many things have not yet been completed, it was all as vivid as real, whether it had been achieved or have yet to, it was no longer a fantasy.
Under these drawings that resembled a fantasy, there was also a painting, the strokes were not exquisite, it could be seen that the painter was not good at this subject, but the artistic conception was straightforward. With a few strokes, it outlined a child playing with firecrackers on the roadside, behind him there was a fruit tree, no one knew what had grown, but there was a large bunch of bright colors in the branches, there was no telling if they were flowers or fruit — and in the distance, mountains and rivers layered on the edge, it appeared both joyful and peaceful.
There was neither inscription nor poem on the painting, only the words ‘heaven and earth at peace’ were written, resembled a note.
Infinite rivers and mountains, all were gathered in a stroke of ink.
Gu Yun’s heart was very hot, he unconsciously reached out his hand and lightly pressed his chest. Only then did he find that he had been holding his breath without himself knowing and could not help but laugh silently while pressing his forehead. Xiao Chang Geng, who would act spoiled, was pitiful and endearing, but Yan Wang who sketched and designed the nation, was the one that moved his heart.
In the blink of an eye, Gu Yun and Shen Yi had arrived at the front line of the Northern Frontier. Meanwhile, they secretly transferred a part of the Black Iron Camp’s three factions to join behind the North City Defense Army. The former commander of the North City Defense Army had died when the barbarians invaded. The crucial frontier area cannot lack a veteran general, hence General Cai had been temporarily taking over this position.
Cai Fen truly was old, and he was getting older year by year. The last time Gu Yun joined forces with him to suppress bandits, he felt that his back was not so bent and his hands were not trembling this much.
In fact, how could it not? How many years could a man have in his life? How much blood can be spilled at will and not become cold? When one was in their twenty or thirty years old, they ventured on the battlefields, full of merit and fame. When they grew old and tired, even though the spirit cast in iron was still there, one could only start to waste their effort, isn’t it the same as a person’s beauty that could not last?
The battlefield in the Northern Frontier had been in a deadlock, but unlike Jiangnan separated by Changjiang, although the barbarians dare not make any big movement, there were many daily frictions. There would be a medium to small-scale battle between the Central Plains and Barbarians every three to five days. The whole army would have to be on standby throughout the night to patrol and dared not relax. Fortunately, Cai Fen’s youngest pair of twins would soon be 20 years old. Most of his children were grown adults. The Cai’s family army had taken shape, for better or worse, they could share his burden and not let the old general exhaust himself to death.
Now, along the way, nine out of ten houses in the villages and towns in the vicinity of the Northern Frontier were empty. This area was originally not flourishing, plus suffering from repeated war disasters and bandits, if they did not give up their houses, they would have to give up their lives.
“It had only calmed down a bit after the Barbarian envoy entered the capital for peace talk.” Cai Fen coughed a few times then said, “The scouts reported that the barbarians are gathering Ziliujin for tribute as per the condition of the peace treaty. If that’s the case, I think that the peace talks are not exactly insincere. Is Marshal coming for their Ziliujin tribute?”
The news of the Man envoy’s imprisonment was blocked. Gu Yun’s group traveled too fast, even if there were leaks, it had not yet arrived at the frontline. Cai Fen was still unaware of the incident of the peace talks.
Gu Yun and Shen Yi looked at each other. As the commander of the four sides, he was aware of everything inside, but for the sake of insurance, he asked in detail about various situations in the Eighteen Tribes.
“That’s right,” Cai Fen said. “This year, the North has suffered a severe wind disaster. Many cattle and sheep have died. There is not enough meat. The meager amount planted and raised in the local area is not enough to eat, let alone support the war. After Marshal defeated the Western Regions, you had basically cut off the supply and transportation routes of the barbarians. I heard that the Westerners in Jiangnan are not doing well themselves either, even if the routes were not cut, they don’t necessarily have the power to take care of the barbarians.”
Shen Yi said, “I learned from another line that the Second Prince who usurped the throne did not seem to have done so intentionally, but that there was something wrong within their Eighteen Tribe Alliances.”
Cai Fen thought about it and nodded, “General Shen’s statement is reasonable. In fact, just before winter this year, some barbarians had secretly dug Ziliujin to trade for food. Looking at the quantity, it was not necessarily done by regular civilians. At that time, I felt that the Eighteen Tribes might be dispersed. As expected, after a short time, the Second Prince imprisoned his father and brother.”
Shen Yi looked at Gu Yun, who nodded slightly to him.
Cai Fen sensed something unusual and asked, “Marshal, what’s the matter?”
Shen Yi gave a brief summary of what happened and the arrest of the envoy in the capital.
Cai Fen was horrified, then shook his head in a solemn manner after a moment: “Marshal, General Shen, even if there were internal disagreements among the Eighteen Tribes, whether Jia Lai Ying Huo wanted to bring outsiders to calm the insiders, or simply wanted to burn everything altogether, why bother sending people into the capital city? Just coming to the Northern Frontier station to set off a fire, that will be more effective. Does he have no one else to deploy except for a single guard?”
Shen Yi shook his head. “That’s convenient, but the people currently in power in the Heavenly Wolf Tribe are likely to push one or two people out as a scapegoat, it would not solve anything.”
The Eighteen Tribes have been unified under the Wolf King’s banner for hundreds of years. The Wolf King family has a high prestige in the hearts of the tribespeople. It was a bit like the imperial family of the Central Plains. Those who have ambitions dared not touch Jia Lai Ying Huo, they have made every effort to push the Second Prince out as a puppet. And if it was like the plan Chi Ku Yo had said, which triggered the Bone of Impurity in the palace and controlled Yan Wang, Great Liang would have to go straight to the hinterland of the Eighteen Tribes and ask the Wolf King to surrender the antidote. Jia Lai wanted to force the traitors to either fight Great Liang or hand the Wolf King out and bear the humiliation.
Cai Fen frowned: “Jia Lai Ying Huo is a mad dog, but he may not be mad to that extent. If he can still endure, he would. What does he have to depend on if he initiates a war now? The starving people in the Eighteen Tribes?”
Shen Yi was unable to answer this question.
Gu Yun went to the edge of the sand table and stood for a moment with his hands behind his back: “He actually had something to depend on — if the foreigners in Jiangnan want us to shift our strategic focus to the north.”
Shen Yi and Cai Fen were both surprised.
Gu Yun stretched out his hand and swept across the sand table: “The supply routes were blocked, rations and resources were exhausted, if it continues, there is only death, either surrender, or fight till the end — unless the North and South both join forces to take this risk, not letting Great Liang have any room to rest. A sudden and unexpected penetration into the hinterland, launching a surprise attack, forcibly re-opening the supply routes, that way, there will be a way out. If I were to be Jia Lai Ying Huo, perhaps I would also be willing to take such a risk, if the foreigners are willing to cooperate.”
Cai Fen: “Marshal means…”
Shen Yi suddenly came to a realization, “Westerners are occupying the fertile soil of Jiangnan, continuously using wars to feed more wars, scraping the ground three feet under to rob the civilians’ hard work and also capture a large number of laborers to dig the mines for resources to transport back to their country in exchange for domestic support. They also have the intention of resting and recuperate.”
“Recently, General Zhong constantly adjusted the deployment of the naval force in Jiangbei, Ling Shu Institute had also transferred a new batch of Dragons to the Jiangbei frontline, these actions had made the foreigners uneasy, thus the Pope had deceived Jia Lai into using his full force, pushing the Eighteen Tribes out as a shield. Once our strategic focus shifted northward, we would have no time to look south. At that time, when the Pope sends a message for peace talks, the court will be forced to accept it, the south could then rightfully belong to them!”
Cai Fen was stunned, “Marshal, what should we do now?”
Gu Yun laughed: “We wait, the foreigners are not the only ones who know misdirection.”
Three days later, the secretly assembled Black Iron Camp appeared on the front line of the Northern Frontier, the ambiguous atmosphere at the front line due to the peace talk suddenly become tense.
The Eighteen Tribes had a deep fear towards the Black Iron Camp. On the same day, unable to sit still, they had sent someone over at top speed to inquire about it. Gu Yun ordered his men to bind the messenger and spread the news about the rebellion of the Man envoy, Chi Ku Yo. At the same time, using the Black Tiger emblem to order Jiangbei to lock down the water, stop the daily patrolling routine and withdraw a large force at the south distributed by the Ling Shu Institute, creating the illusion that the two sides were discussing a truce.
The barbarians also had their own eyes on the south side. After a few days, the news along Liangjiang had arrived.
The Eighteen Tribes exploded, General Cai’s spies reported back that there were two internal conflicts in the Eighteen Tribes alliance within a day and Jia Lai Ying Huo’s tent was enclosed tightly, no one was allowed to approach.
The next day, the barbarians hastily gathered a part of Ziliujin and sent it to the front line of the Northern frontier along with two heads. Gu Yun collected the goods but threw the messenger out. At the same time, the Black Iron Camp was pushed forward ten miles, obviously unwilling to stop.
The enemy’s civil conflict was on the verge of eruption.
Shen Yi was very anxious, barging straight into Gu Yun’s tent. “What about Miss Chen’s side?”
Gu Yun was discussing with He Rong Hui and Cai Fen. As he heard these words, he looked up leisurely and asked, “Which Miss Chen?”
Of course, General Gu would share this kind of gossip with the others. He Rong Hui and Cai Fen obviously already knew everything. He Rong Hui only smiled silently while General Cai shook his head helplessly.
Shen Yi could not take so much into account at this moment and said frankly, “Stop pretending! I’m afraid Miss Chen had already arrived in the Eighteen Tribes. They’re in such a mess…”
Before he finished, a person wearing a veiled hat came in from the outside.
Shen Yi: “…”
Chen Qing Xu brushed aside her veil and asked, “Was General Shen referring to me?”
Linyuan Pavilion had its own wooden bird communication, Chen Qing Xu had received the news on the road and directly rushed to the garrison in the Northern Frontier.
The generals burst out laughing, He Rong Hui laughed until his face reddened. He went and put his arm around Shen Yi’s shoulder, already prepared a belly full of jokes.
At that moment, a Black Eagle suddenly fell down outside, the dust flew high and almost knocked over half of the marshal tent. if it wasn’t for the cushion of the protective gear in the Eagle’s armor, this fall would have caused someone’s life.
Black Eagles were well-trained and seldom had such accidents. The generals were quiet for a moment then laughed aloud, asking which recruit of the scouting team he belonged to. This time, He Rong Hui turned from red to purple, he let Shen Yi go and was about to give a good scolding.
Before waiting for him to open his mouth, the Black Eagle who fell to the ground raised his dirty face. He Rong Hui was stunned on the spot — this was a veteran in the three scouting teams and was once registered with him.
“Marshal,” the Black Eagle scout ignored the laughing and teasing of others, took out an urgent letter from his bosom and said quickly, “An urgent document from the Grand Council!”
There were three kinds of urgent letters sent by the Grand Council to garrisons all over the country. There was a ribbon at the tail of the carrying tube — yellow for the emperor’s order, green for the copied document when something major had happened to the court, black for the military affairs, and red for the emergency military affairs. For example, when foreign enemies invaded, Gu Yun’s Feng Huo Order issued to all places was marked with the red ribbon.
The Black Eagle was holding a red marked letter in his hands, making people’s scalp itch. Gu Yun stood up violently and his heart suddenly emptied. It seemed that his steady heartbeat suddenly met a threshold then rose and fell randomly. His mouth dried up for no reason. He Rong Hui did not dare to delay, He quickly took over the letter tube and brought it up.
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There was no telling how many words the letter had to cause Gu Yun to look at it for a long time. Everyone had stretched their necks. For a while, even the idea of the capital being surrounded again had manifested, only then did he slowly put the letter down.
He Rong Hui was quick-tempered, he immediately asked, “Marshal, isn’t the red label meant urgency? What the hell is going on?”
Map of the Song Dynasty
SPL timeline is loosely inspired from the events of Song Dynasty, thus we’ve attached a map of the Central Plains during this period for everyone to have a geographical image of some events. The phrase “Manjing to Ouyue” from this chapter refers to the westernmost and easternmost state of Central Plains.
Other notes:
• -bei refers to North, -nan refers to South, -dong refers to East, and -xi refers to West, e.g. Jiangnandong = Eastern Jiangnan, etc.
• Taiyuan in the north is where Miss Chen’s family manor is located
• Chang Geng and Gu Yun’s reunion in Sichuan is located in the Zizhou-Lizhoi-Kuizhou area of this map.