“Wow… showing off tricks?”
“It’s a skill, bastard.”
It was his friend’s turn again. Just like last time, his pose was casual. While striking the ball he asked: “You said that it’s a hoobae in our department, right? What’s their name?”
“Chu Sangwoo.”
“I don’t know. Well, in our grade, just knowing kids who entered this semester is weird.”
“There is only a two year difference between our grades. You probably know of them… A freshman during the MT in junior year. Heavy drinker, but didn’t accept the drinks you gave them. ”
“Ah, the nut job? Come to mention it, now I remember. I’m sure he’s fucking great at game development. But can that bastard even work on a team project?”
‘That’s what I’m saying.’
Jaeyoung hit the ball without answering. A hoobae that has no concept of being a team player and a senior who gets an erection after just hearing the word ‘hyung.’ We really do make a fine pair, he thought. He hit the ball roughly again this time, but it moved in a complex trajectory and disappeared into a pocket. As his friend had once told him he was quite a lucky guy.
“You’re no joke today.”
His cell phone rang the moment he was going to respond. Jaeyoung frowned and grabbed the noisy device from out of his pocket. It was another unsaved number. It was obvious that he was pressuring him since it was now midnight. Jaeyoung simply declined the call.
They concentrated on playing pool for some time without saying a word. His friend caught up to him quite a bit, but no matter what, it seemed like Jaeyoung would win the game with ease. It wasn’t long before he got another call. Jaeyoung assumed that it was Chu Sangwoo again, but this time it came from a landline phone number. Jaeyoung answered the phone, because there was no way there would be a landline in the studio. Another reason was because Jaeyoung’s maternal grandfather didn’t use cell phones and would sometimes call from places like hotels.
– It’s Chu Sangwoo.
– It’s midnight, but I didn’t get an email, so I’m calling you. Is there a reason for you not to have met the deadline?
A dry voice hit his ear. Jaeyoung was being indecisive in telling him that he just doesn’t want to work on the project any more and wants to quit, just because his opponent was Chu Sangwoo.
“Ah, I’m a little busy.”
– Sunbae.
– I hear the sound of a pool ball rolling.
There wasn’t any sign of criticism in his calm voice, but Jaeyoung had nothing to say.
“It’s fine as long as I get it done by tomorrow.”
– Please stick to the deadline next time.
When Sangwoo went silent, Jaeyoung could hear a crying baby in the background. It seemed like he went to borrow the phone from his next-door neighbor. That persistent bastard.
“I’m hanging up.”
– Yes.
Jaeyong sighed while putting his cell phone away in his pocket. It was a situation where he didn’t want to work on something, but couldn’t quit either. He had lost his will to play games.
“I’ll pay for this. I’m heading out first.”
“Oh, what? How boring.”
Jaeyoung left his annoyed friend and headed home.
Han Soo Young: How is it??
Han Soo Young: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Han Soo Young: hahahahahaha
Han Soo Young: Did I do that from the beginning?? The developer is really stubborn. He kept asking me to fix it so I just did what he told me to^^; you’re just gonna have to properly adjust it, so consider it a good experience.
He was at a loss on how to fix the draft of ‘Yachae Man.’ Jaeyoung felt deep anger while doing this and that at night. Jaeyoung found himself in an impossible situation. Besides beginning to regard his relationship with Chu Sangwoo as a romantic one, he was also stressed out from taking over a project that was difficult to fix.
‘Fuck, this isn’t it.’
He wouldn’t have bothered to commit to a project he didn’t actually intend to complete and certainly couldn’t stand to have his name associated with the mess he was leaving behind. However, it wasn’t right to just be given a few hours to come up with a new concept. Moreover, he didn’t have the motivation to do so. Why should he do his best for someone who didn’t give a shit about him?
Chu Sangwoo. He sighed again just thinking about him. He was somehow hooked on an inhumane dude who thought that he could come up with a design in a day if he was asked to.
‘I don’t want to see him, but I miss him.’
Jaeyoung’s position was in that sense vague. The pen twirled wildly at his fingertips. He didn’t feel like it at all, but he couldn’t just turn up to the meeting empty-handed. Jaeyoung opened the cap of his pen.