Exactly. It’s a structure that is normally only used for stockpiling, but it is ejaculated when it’s sexually stimulated. Since you’re still a young student, you’re not in a position to have sex, so until you find a partner you can have consensual sex with, you can induce a situation similar to sexual intercourse by stroking the penis with your hand. Socially, there’s a perception of it being dirty, so don’t do it in public, and just do it when you’re alone. Take care so nothing splashes on the floor, and also make sure to wash your hands both before and after you do it.’
‘I understand. Won’t I catch a disease from doing it?’
‘…what kind of unscientific idea is that? Healthy men reach that age at 11 and it lasts forever, so don’t worry about it.’
Sangwoo had never felt embarrassed even when similar things occurred ever since then. Fortunately, his bodily organs tended to be well controlled by reason, so he was able to prevent things from escalating beforehand in most cases or quickly settle them when they occasionally went out of control. There had never been such an inappropriate case such as this one in his entire life.
Sangwoo understood that when a special person caused an erection in someone, it revealed the male desire to conceive offspring. Reacting to a man without a uterus was completely inappropriate for the purpose of the organ. The error that ruined Sangwoo’s past two weeks seemed to have even permeated through his body.
Chu Sangwoo – broken
Like the second toilet stall in the restroom on the 4th floor of the liberal arts college – broken
Sangwoo spent the day absentmindedly lying down without eating or drinking anything. He received such a big shock from not being able to control his own body, that he seriously considered taking a leave of absence this semester. Studies were important as well, but he believed that if he repeatedly kept letting this happen from now on, he would have a much more serious problem than delaying his graduation by one semester.
Sangwoo wasn’t confident enough to go to class the next day. Jang Jaeyoung would either naturally put his arm around his shoulders, pat his head, or whisper things into his ears without restraint, so Sangwoo’s body, which had been eroded by an error, might malfunction like it had earlier that day. Sangwoo turned his alarm off for the first time in a long time and fell asleep very late that day.
return 0;
The next day, Sangwoo woke up at the same time he usually did even though his alarm didn’t go off. The fact that he couldn’t attend his classes was painful and distressing, but he decided that it was to prevent even deeper pain. He stayed in bed even after it was time to get up. While he was absentmindedly lying in bed playing games on his phone, it was time for class, but Sangwoo didn’t take a single step out of bed.
‘What will the professor in ‘Embedded Systems’ think?’
He would probably remember Sangwoo as the type of student who slept on his desk and had a mustache drawn on his face from the very first day of class, but he would just find him pathetic if he even skipped class.
‘I’m going to take the semester off anyway.’
He looked up how he could apply for a leave of absence. The procedure was much simpler than he thought, so he decided to take care of it during the day. The explanation page didn’t give any information on what would happen if someone with full scholarship took a leave of absence in the middle of the semester, so he thought that he ought to inquire about that.
He worked on a new plan since his old one would change due to his leave of absence. He made a plan where he would graduate in the first half of the year he turned 26, and then get a job at a foreign gaming company in the second half. Taking a leave of absence would only delay his plans by six months, so the damage wouldn’t be that significant.
The bigger issue was that he wouldn’t be able to produce a game this semester. He had planned on creating and launching this game in order to build a core portfolio so that he could join a gaming company. However, it was still not too late. If he could only find a designer, then he could produce a game even while taking the semester off.
Sangwoo entered the university’s intranet and reread his recruitment post for a designer. It was now pushed back to page 30, and there were several comments on the post that no one had read.
rless: Fellow students that are applying for this project, contact me first and not Chu Sangwoo, the writer of this post. Visual Design Department Jang Jaeyoung 010-****-****
└ Peking Duck: Jang Jaeyoung sunbaenim! I’ll give you a call^^
└ Choi Sujin: I’ll give you a call sunbaenim ^0^
└ mingee03: Ah, I’m very late… Still, I texted you
└ Scap-jjangS: Has the deadline closed?ㅠㅠ
└ Yoo Hyun Jeong: Is Jang Jaeyoung sunbaenim participating as well??? I sent a text