Chapter 15: The Restaurant was Smashed
“Mom, I’m back!” Tang Xiu sincerely smiled and could not help but loudly shout when he saw a few words far away from restaurant which was next to his home.
Soon, his smile disappeared.
His mother would usually go out of the restaurant to meet him when he loudly shouted, but this time she did not. Instead, the surrounding neighborhood sighed and felt sympathetic for him when they heard his shout.
“Did anything happen to the restaurant?” When he saw neighbors’ reactions, he quickly ran into the restaurant.
When Tang Xiu went inside, he saw the restaurant was in ruins. Food, soup and broken dishes filled the entire hall, dining table and chairs were all kicked to the ground, the walls and floors had been designated beyond recognition.
Smacking sound of “bang bang bang” were coming from the kitchen, faintly mixed with crying.
Hearing the voices in the kitchen, Tang Xiu’s blood boiled instantaneously and his eyes projected the spark of anger.
“Black, please do not smash things anymore, all the things in the kitchen are all we have. If you break them, I cannot continue to do business.” When Tang entered the kitchen, he saw his mother holding an arm of a middle age man while crying. Her face was full of tears.
“Now you know how to ask me for mercy? What did you do just now? I let you pay 5,000 yuan before the middle of this month for the protection fee and you still have not paid at the end of the month. You take my words as passing wind. Just break! If I do not give you a lifetime of unforgettable lessons, you will never remember our words in your heart!” Middle-aged man lifted his arm, pushed Su Lingyun to the ground, and then kick the front of the steamer.
A huge steamer overturned to the ground and at the same time, hot steam poured out and the water went all over the floor.
“Mom, be careful!” Seeing the boiling water in the steamer was going to pour on his mother’s body, Tang Xiu rushed into the kitchen to help her up.
“Xiu, you’re back. Are you hungry? I’ll make something delicious for you now!” After being lifted by Tang Xiu, Su Lingyun bursted out of trance then said panically.
At that time, she was reminded of the situation of the restaurant and felt a bit of helpless.
The dishware were all broken by the seven bullies led by Black Three. Su Lingyun cannot make any food for Tang Xiu, even the simplest dish–egg fried rice.
Clearly catching the helpless and hopeless look of his mother in the eyes, Tang Xiu felt sad.
In Tang Xiu’s heart, Su Lingyun not only did the work of mother, but she was perfectly played the role of the father, taking care of him in every possible way.
For more than ten years, his mother has been hard working. She propped up the the sky for him so that he was carefree and had a healthy growth. He almost ignored the fact that not only his mother was a woman, but also a powerless and lonely woman.
Widows would be discussed a lot by others. When thinking of the suffering which was taken by his mother over the years, Tang Xiu felt pain.
“Mom, I’m not hungry, we will be home for dinner.” Tang Xiu tightly embraced his mother’s thin body and said with red eyes.
“Go home? You want to go home? If you do not hand over 5000 yuan today, you two cannot go home!”The black middle-aged man said coldly, interrupting the conversation between them.
Hearing the words said by the middle-aged man, Su Lingyun was scared and trembled. She hurriedly hugged Tang Xiu in her arms and said shakingly: “Black Brother, this matter has nothing to do with my son, please let him go. Give me a day and at this time tomorrow, I will hand over five thousand yuan!”
“Today, you are able to solve the problem with 5000 yuan but tomorrow, it may not be this number.” Black three glanced at Su Lingyun once and said cynically.
“Brother, I remember we only need two thousand yuan for the protection fee before, why did it rose to five thousand this month?” Tang Xiu blocked his mother from behind him without noticing.
The man did not expect Tang Xiu to suddenly stand up to speak and dare to question their charges standards. Reminded of Tang Xiu’s silly look before, he froze for a moment without saying anything and then looked at Tang Xiu surprisingly.
“Fuck you, we do not need you to teach us.” Seeing black three seemed to be stabilize by Tang Xiu, a green hair bully behind black three shouted out loud, and raised his hand, and was about to slap on Tang Xiu.
However, when there were still more than ten centimeters between the green hair bully’s hand and Tang Xiu, a broken glass abruptly flew from the ground, mercilessly went into the green hair bully wrist, green hair bully was bleeding.
The poor green hair bully just wanted to make a show of , did not think he would have this experience, and was punctured under the wrist, he was so painful to shout.
Green hair could not beat Tang Xiu, but it did not mean that Tang Xiu would let him go.
No matter how the students of class 10 to abuse their own, Tang Xiu did not say anything, not because he had a good temper, and not because he was a coward, but because in the eyes of Tang Xiu, they just wanted to abuse him, and did not have real harm to him.
But these bully are not the same, they not only destroyed his mother’s efforts, but also pushed his mother to the impasse, both physically and psychologically harm her, which made Tang out of anger .
The most critical was that his mother was the only emotional entanglement of Tang’s heart.
So at the moment they smashed the restaurant, Tang Xiu already sentenced them to death, not to mentioned his mother was pushed to the ground.
The other bully did not react to what was going on, Tang Xiu had crossed the previous step, stood to the green hair bully’s side, he kicked in the green hair’s knees, and stepped on the face, so that the bully could not speak.
The actions of Tang Xiu were very fast, so that the green-haired bully was lying on the ground struggling for a long time, then the other bully to react to what happened.
“Little bastard, you dare beat us, you don’t want to live?”
“Bastard, quickly let go of my brother, or I scrap your dogleg!”
Being aware of their own people were beaten by Tang Xiu, a group of bully were extremely fury. They all rushed to Tang Xiu almost at the same time, only black three stood in place and did not move, but curiously looked at Tang Xiu.
Black three already lived in the old river street area of more than twenty years, had all well-known for the old river street area, although the restaurant was opened less than six months, black three knew everything about the restaurant.
According to black three, Su Lingyun of the restaurant was from rural areas, but also with a small son. Before opening the restaurant, she had done a lot of work. Moving bags, picking up garbage, supermarket salesperson, as long as she can make money, this woman would rush to do the work. She was the typical foreign households.
A month ago, suddenly there was a man wearing sunglasses looking for black three, paid 100,000 yuan to let him deal with Su Lingyun and Tang Xiu.
Although black three was sympathy to Su Lingyun, he, after all, had no relationship with Su Lingyun, let him make a choice between Su Lingyun and 100,000 yuan, black three did not hesitate to choose the latter.
“Does Tang Xiu not a dumb? According to his past observation, Tang Xiu’s brain really had a problem, how he spoke rationally, and also beat with ruthless, completely unlike a stupid child?”
Commissioned by the sunglasses man, the harassment of the restaurant was only a bait, bullying Su Lingyun was also a trap, the purpose was to lead to Tang Xiu out. Who they wanted to deal with was Tang Xiu, which makes black three had to check what was strange with Tang.
“We have seven adults here, he is a weak juvenile and actually dare to take the initiative to attack us, he is looking for abuse!” Soon, black three shook his head, watching at Su Lingyun.
Before, black three had never seriously looked at Su Lingyun. He just felt poor for Su Lingyun’s experience, worthy of respect, looked carefully at Su Lingyun today, he found Su Lingyun was quite a beauty, more beautiful than most women he had seen, which made him had a bad idea for a moment.
“If Su Lingyun was willing to live with me, I am really reluctant to deal with her, but unfortunately Su Lingyun was too stubborn, and did not agree.” Thought of Su Lingyun’s desperate resistance to him in this month, black shook his head, a burst of impatience arise in his mind.
When the other five bully ran to Tang Xiu, Tang Xiu did not failed to show any emotion of fear, but full of excitement.
Tang Xiu crossed out with his feet, the green-haired bully flied up, directly rushed toward the other three bully. Then Tang Xiu swept out with another leg, kicked the guy who was trying to sneak attack to the ground, and the guy was just lying in the boiling water. He was shouting painfully.
When the last person’s fist was about to hit Tang Xiu’s forehead, Tang Xiu sneered, and he suddenly stretched out two fingers, poked at the other’s wrist, and then fixed his fist in the air.
Carelessly controlling the five bully, Tang Xiu looked toward the black and strong middle-aged man, said icily, “black three, the things in our restaurant are almost destroyed by you, we now discuss the compensation!”