“I’ll ask the questions.”
“Just don’t make any promises to the merchants. If they ask to talk to the elders, run away.”
“Oh, I will.”
Sharing advice with the village chief while heading to the merchant ship, I parked in the beach opposite from the rocky ground that houses the merchant ship.
This is a hut (workshop) owned by me.
Because taxes are paid to the village in a lump sum, it doesn’t apply to the land and buildings. So, I can build whatever I want as a long as I have the village chief’s permission and the village allows it.
Well, even if I call it a hut, it’s mostly made of stone. It’d be more accurate to call it a studio over a hut.
In such a workshop, baked shellfish caught last year off the rocks are grinded into a powder to make fertilizer, spices, or a fish sauce.
Since fishing is a job requiring physical fitness, children and the elderly don’t go out to sea and only work on the landing. Still, fish handling and drying are considered the work of ladies. I can only afford to work during a big catch. Well, I also help the settlement, but not every day. Children can play, but old men only have to look at the sea once (to see it’s a bit much).
When I was eight, I realized it’d be a waste not to utilize that labor, so I built the hut (workshop) and launched a marine commodity trading business.
There is a highway along our village, and there are rest areas where we can cross the ridge before crossing the village, so caravans come frequently. So, we sell leather shoes, throwing knives, leather bags, etc to adventurers and mercenaries from the seas and mountains.
Well, instead of working in earnest, the kids and elderly come in their free time to work arbitrarily.
Today, I mean, there are four people. Eight year old Ribs, Twelve year Old Dali, and the elderly Gigi who is sixty. (TN: It says four people but he only mentions three here)
“Good work, how’s it going?”
I go inside and say hello.
“Oh, it’s going well.”
Amaria-chan gives a greeting on everyone’s behalf.
“What are you doing today?”
“We’re making fertilizer today.”
“Have you collected it already?”
Normally, it takes about twenty days, but this time it is fifteen. They must be getting good at it.
“Oh, there was a good place, I caught a big catch.”