How could Pavian be here?
‘And why?’
Why on earth did he come here? Watching Looking at Pavian running towards him, Soo Hyuk felt a bit embarrassed.
“Did you get hurt?”
As soon as he arrived, Pavian started to inspect Soo Hyuk’s body. After taking a look at him, Pavian stood straight and let out a sigh of relief.
“Fortunately, I don’t see any injuries.”
Saying that, Pavian let out a smile.
“How did you get here?”
Looking at the man in front of him, Soo Hyuk asked. He was wondering why he was here and what his purpose was.what his purpose was to be here.
“Oh, it’s because.”
Pavian opened his mouth to answer the question.
Inside Kale’s room in the tower situated near the dock.
“…Uunderground waterways?”
Kale, who was reading the report, narrowed his eyes.
“Well, that’s strange.”
Kale shook his head and let out a laugh.
“Hadrac is a big city…”
Hadrac, a big city, mostly known for mercenaries. The report was about detailed with the reports on how Chimeras were creating havoc in the Hadrac’s underground waterways.
“This is supposed to be a sample.”
Reading the report, Kale turned to his left, towards his left and focusingsed on the transparent bottles near him.
Each contained various different samples, including the skin of the chimera.
Kale began to examine the samples.
“Oh ho.”
Kale, who was checking the samples, couldn’t help but express his admiration.
“It’s powerful.”
While examining, he found a bit of poison remaining onwas left from the sample. The poison left by the species was admirably powerful to the extent that Kale, the head of the Tower of Poison let out a praise.
“I think I’ll have to check it out myself.”
Though a request for assistance did come from Hadrac. They hadn’t thought much about it, however,But with this level of poison, he felt like he needed to step up.
It was just then.
Knock! Knock!
“Sire, this is Reinkar.”
It was Reinkar, a first-class mage, who came looking for the master of the tower.
“Come in.”
Upon the command, Reinkar entered the room. His face was full of urgency. Looking at his empty hands meant that he had rushed down to report something.
“What’s going on?”
Kale asked.
Reinkar stuttered immediately blurted out at the sudden question. He had to organize his thoughts before he could report, sensibly. It was not the time for him to get lost in his thoughts, so Reinker pulled himself together thenand said.
“Soo Hyuk as of now is in the Underground Waterways.”
Listening to the verbal report, Kale narrowed his eyes.
“Soo Hyuk?”
“Do you mean that underground waterways where the chimeras are creating havoc?”
“Yes, sir. Rhino, the Branch Manager in Hadrac, reported so.”
As the report said, Soo Hyuk right now must be inat the underground waterways ofin Hadrac. Rhino did suggest he take their help, but he firmly refused. So, with no other option, Rhino returned back to the branch…
By the end of his report, Reinker finally looked at Kale.
“…I understand. Go out.”
Kale, who was deep in thought,dismissed him once he finished the report after the report dismissed him. SAnd so, with a bow, Reinkar left the room.
“So, you are in the underground waterways…”
Lowering his head, he looked at the samples. The samples consisted of the very powerful poison from the chimeras based in the underground waterways.
Kale, who was once busy while fascinatingly observinglooking at the samples, got up from his seat at once. Leaving his room, Kale headed towards Pavian’s chambersroom.
Knock! Knock!
“Spiremaster! It’sThis is Kale!”
When he reached the destination, Kale started to shout while knocking.
Hearing the loud ruckus outside, Pavian let Kale enter the room; upon. And hearing the words, Kale right away entered the room right away.
“What’s going on?”
Pavian, who was concocting various poison inside, stopped as soon as he saw Kale had entered the room.
“We’ve got a problem.”
Answering Pavian’s question, Kale went straight to the point.
“Yes, it’s about Soo Hyuk.”
“What’s the situation?”
“Soo Hyuk is in the underground waterways in Hadrac.”
“Underground waterways? Why is that a problem? Oh, the chimeras?”
Pavian askedsaid, knowing the situation in Hadrac.
“Yes, and here’s the sample of those chimeras.”
Kale handed the sample to Pavian. Checking the sample, Pavian’s face was hardened.
“If you look at the poison remaininged in the sample–”
Looking at Pavian’s stiff expression, Kale opened his mouth.
But he was cut off by Pavian.
“This poison here, are you sure it’s from the chimeras of the underground waterways?”
Pavian continued.
Kale nodded, suspicion filled in his voice.
“That’s a very big deal.”
Pavian answered Kale’s uncertain nod.
“Ramos, that little rat. This poison.”
“Huh? Ramos?”
Kale was surprised with the name that came out of Pavian’s mouth.
“Yes, this poison is definitely his creation. Obviously, this poison is to kill me. A bit enhanced but I am sure, it’s his.”
How can he forget this poison? Though the sampled one is a bit stronger, it evidently belonged to Ramos.
“Did you say Hadrac’s Underground Waterways?”
PFavbian asked.
“Yes, are you thinking of going there?”
Kale answered him back with another question.
“Yes, because I have no clue what Ramos is up too. Soo Hyuk might be in danger.”
They didn’tdon’t know what Ramos could do. Saying that Pavian left his chambersroom, heading straight towards Hadrac.
Upon arriving in HadracWhen they arrived at Hadrac, Pavian wasted no time and headed towards the branch tower.
“Who are you?”
The mage, who was in charge of the entrance, asked.
Pavian took out his token from his sleeves, and showed the mage, providing the proof needed to enter the tower.
Inspecting the token, the mage was so shocked he jumped out of his seat.
“O-Oh my god, I am meeting the Spiremaster himself.”
He was shockedso surprised, onlyhe somehow stammeringed out a few words. Soon, anxiety dawned upon the mage.
In fact, even if it was someone else in his shoes, they would have felt the same. Without any notice, the big boss himself came to the branch office, it was natural to be worried.
Not knowing their Spiremaster’s face, wasn’t the young mage’s fault. Not many in the tower knew the face of their Master.
So, it was quite natural for him, as a mage of athe branch tower, not to recognize the face.
“Can you take me to the branch manager?”
Pavian didn’t mind such treatment either. But right now, he had a much more important matter to attend.
“Yes! I’ll take you now do so.”
The mage shuffled into the toweron his own feet and, quickly leadingled them towards the branch manager’s office. But, soon his guidance was cut short.
It was because Rhino ran over.
The young mage, who suddenly was relieved of the great pressure of leading Pavian, bid his farewells, and returned to his post at the entrance.The young mage, who suddenly had such pressure on him, that was to guide Pavian, greeted his farewell and returned back to his post at the entrance.
“Welcome Spiremaster.”
Rhino bowed as soon as he arrived in front of Pavian.
“Long time no see.”
Pavian answered Rhino’s greeting.
“Ever since that day, today must be the first time.”
In such words, Rhino was dumbfounded.
“I have a thing to ask.”
HearingSeeing the silence coming from the other side, Pavian, took out the sample that contained the chimera’s poisons and asked.
“Take a look if it’s Ramos’ poison.”
Rhino was surprised.
Pavian continued to stare at Rhino, being scared Rhino quickly opened his mouth to clarify.
“No, never!”
Pavian smiled at Rhino’s answer. Even though the smile was calm and warm, it contained no apology for doubting him. Though Rhino was angered by such behavior and lack of apology, his position didn’t allow him to lash out at Pavian.A smile even if it was calm and warm, it contained no sorriness for doubting him. Though Rhino was angry at such behaviour and with no apology, his position didn’t allow him to lash out at Pavian.
But he couldn’t do anything, though it was not intentional, the crime he committed couldn’tcannot be washed away.
“I need to get to the underground waterway. You’ll have to guide us.”
“…I understand.”
“That’s what happened and so, here I am.”
Pavian’s endless explanation finished was over.
After hearing the entire storyall the stories, Soo Hyuk let out a sigh.
“Then Ramos, that man…”
Just as Soo Hyukbegan speaking was about to speak, his questionwords waswere cut off by PFavbian.
“He is not a man.”
Thinking that Ramos didn’t deserve any respect to be called by his name. It was better to name him ‘the man’.
“Ok, so where were we. Yes, so the reason you are here is because of the man who tried to kill the Spiremaster thenand ran away after failing his failed attempt, came here to do his experiments?.”
Soo Hyuk who carefully placed his words this time, called out to Pavian.
“Oh, yes, right. But that’s the second reason! The first reason being you!”
PFavbian replied with a nod.
“But I was worried for nothing. You’ve already destroyed three circles.”
Now, Pavian went on about how it was unnecessary to worry about Soo Hyuk for his part. Soo Hyuk was much stronger than he expected and Ramos’ preparation was weaker than his expectation.
Everything would have been fine, even if he didn’t come for help, Pavian thought.
‘What the hell are you up to? Chimera Summoning Magic Circle. Were you trying to do a massacre?’
Though, he wasn’t required here. Pavian can’t say the journey wasn’t fruitful, he got a lot of information abouton the magic circles before destroying them.
It was Soo Hyuk who called him.
Pavian, who was momentarily lost in his thoughts, answered Soo Hyuk’s call.
“Can you leave the remaining Magic Circle to me?”
The reason why Soo Hyuk called Pavian was to destroy the remaining magic circle on his own.
‘I can’t let you have it.’
To be exact, the one who destroyed the place becomes the new owner. So, it didn’t matter if Pavian is the one who destroys it.
‘But I need to level up my experience.’
Though the magic circles didn’t matter. The chimeras did,. aAnd the main reason why he couldn’tthey can’t give up on the chimeras was all because of the experience.
“Huh? The Magic Circle?”
“Yes, I’m trying to gain some experience by killing the chimeras.”
“Oh, if that’s the case. I don’t think it would be that dangerous.”
PFavbian nodded, understanding what he meant. Upon hearing Pavian’s reply, Soo Hyuk, who was worried about beingPavian’s refusedal, was relieved.
“Then I’ll head back to the branch. When it’s over, stop by the branch!”
Pavian commentedsaid that before heading out.
Soo Hyuk knew he couldn’t say no, so histhe answer was already set. Hearing his answer, Pavian with his small team disappeared from their sight.
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As soon as Pavian’s disappearance, Soo Hyuk turned back to the Koma Guild who was silently staring at him.
Perhaps, they were still in shock seeing how Pavian vanished into thin air.
In Pangaea, there are a few particularly famous places. Filled with famous NPCs that were famous among the other NPCs, the tower belonged to that particular categoryplace. And with Pavian, being one of the most famous NPCs out there. It was also natural for them to be puzzled, suddenly an infamous NPC appeared in front of them.
Soo Hyuk smiled at the four pairs of eyes staring at him and said.
“Let’s go.”