Chapter 5. So I became an Emperor (5).
Eventually, the foreign minister returned home safely that day. With his head down and admitting his mistake, I sent him back as promised.
Then, a few days later, he was dismissed as the head for taking a bribe.
Cecil had a hard time finding his secret account. I also spent a few nights tracking down the property of Marcos, who is already dead.
And I, by organizing emergency funds, compensated the Zilton Empire.
It was a waste of blood money, but when I thought of Gripton, who was waiting for the split between Seven Hills and Zilton, it couldn’t be helped.
Hence, after finishing the matter with Zilton, I wrote Cecil a long letter praising her hard work, and a week had passed by since then.
Edwin came to pick me up, his pink hair fluttering.
“Sister! We’re going to the stadium!”
“Okay, let’s go.”
I was so moved that I got up from my seat.
At last.
Finally, I can get a worker who doesn’t run away.
In dealing with this matter, I ran the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as it was. Over the past week, seventeen letters of resignation arrived only from the ministry.
Most of them were about to be fired, but the vacancies were a big blow to the foreign ministry.
I could see Caleb getting thinner and thinner running through between my office and the foreign ministry’s. I need to get engaged quickly and give Caleb a day off.
And I want to take a day off too.
“Sister? You don’t look well. Where does it hurt?”
“No, I’m just a little tired.”
“Sister, work is good but don’t overdo it. You can play, you know, sister’s the emperor.”
“When the emperor plays, the empire is ruined, Eddy.”
“What’s the use of an empire when you’re sick?”
Edwin pouted his lips and grumbled.
“If I had known this, I wouldn’t have started a rebellion, even if you wanted to. Please don’t get sick, sister.”
I reached out my hand to pat my brother on the head. Edwin naturally bowed, and lowered his head towards me. 1
“It’s because there’s a lot to sort out. When I’m done cleaning up, I’ll be free. Don’t worry.”
“If you’ve left almost all your soup, you should at least eat a lot of rice.”
“Ah, that’s right. What the hell did you put on the soup today?”
I asked, recalling the unusually gruesome breakfast. I have a dull taste buds, so I eat everything well, but I almost spit out a spoonful of soup today.
Edwin, who raised his head, turned his eyes away avoiding my gaze and murmured in a small voice.
“You don’t have to know that much.”
“Good for the body, sister.”
“Your sister needs a worker, more than medicine. Bring in talented people who are good at work, not those. I think that’s going to be more helpful than medicine.”
Edwin stroked his chin and said again.
I wouldn’t have said that if I knew what he was going to do when he heard this, but then he’s just a cute little brother who is trying to help his sister.
I laughed and changed the subject.
“Young Lord Pagos and Duke of Dehart reached the finals?”
“Ah, hm.”
“I don’t like the second son of Pagos. He doesn’t look like he’s going to listen to me.”
“Don’t worry, sister. Duke Dehart will win.”
If Edwin says so, then he would. I shook my head and asked.
“And Eddy, you seem to like Duke Dehart? Weren’t you the one who authorized the duke to participate in the battle?”
Edwin, who suddenly disappeared before the opening of the tournament, visited the Dehart Dukedom.
Everyone wondered what he had said to persuade the Duke to join the battle.
So am I.
Edwin can’t be close to Duke Dehart.
He shrugged and said silly things.
“Oh well. He’s the strongest in the North.”
He’s my brother, but he’s always the same.
After chatting with Edwin, I arrived at the arena.
More people filled the stadium than on the first day. I climbed onto the podium with a little excitement.
Finally, my husband.
I can send him to imperial events as my deputy, and I can preside over important meetings, and the best thing is that there will be a faithful worker who will never leave my side until death separates us. 1
I looked at the Duke of Dehart, who bowed his head before me.
Edwin predicted the winner, so there was nothing to worry about, but even if Dalton won, I would still choose the duke as my husband.
One madman is enough in the family. Our Eddy was not a character who would break someone’s legs.
Probably not…
Anyway, he’s mine soon. 1
With high expectations, the final battle of the tournament began.
Haven Dehart and Dalton Pagos.
The battle was very fierce, as a match between the strong knights representing each region.
Orange sword and black sword collided, creating a breathtaking scene every moment.
This is the way you risk your life.
Watching the thrilling showdown, I kicked my tongue inside.
After some stifling confrontation, Dalton’s sword broke. At the same time, Haven’s sword aimed at the neck of Dalton.
It was so fast that I couldn’t even see what was going on, but Edwin clapped and declared the winner.
“Duke Dehart, victory!”
A tremendous roar ensued, and the sound of a grunt from Dalton was buried, throwing his broken sword into the floor.
After Dalton, who had been stamping his feet for a long time, left the stadium, Haven put in his sword back and came towards me.
“Haven Dehart, I give Her Majesty the victory.”
“I’m glad to share the glory with you, Duke.”
Haven, kneeling at my feet, reach out to me, and I laid my hand over his hand.
Edwin wondered what he liked as he watched Haven lowered his lips on the back of my hand.
The long battle ended with the declaration of Haven Dehart’s final victory.
I faced my worker, no, my husband in the waiting room in the stadium. I was about to pick him up to return to the Imperial Palace together.
Haven who had washed away his sweat and changed his clothes, stared at me and opened his mouth.
“With all due respect, Your Majesty. There’s something I’d like to ask.”
“Ask away.”
“Is your brother crazy?”
It was an extreme question for the first meeting. I wanted to say no, but my mouth did not open.
I coughed in vain, and asked, avoiding his gaze.
“Did Eddy do anything?”
“If I didn’t leave the North and join the tournament, he said he would cross the border and go to Gripton to riot. He said if he killed one or two commanders, there will be war.” 4
Eddy, you crazy jerk.
If Gripton invades, the North will be hit the hardest in the Seven Hills Empire. Because they are facing the borders, they will be directly involved in the war.
I was wondering how you managed to persuade the Duke and bring him here. To think you threatened him. 1
Though he has a strange side, Eddy is not crazy enough to threatened with war. I’m sure you were just saying it.
I wanted to defend my brother, but I failed to persuade myself.
I wondered if I would get a husband with steel-like stamina, an incumbent duke, and a strong eye-catching beauty.
It was unfortunate but I can’t help it. I had no intention of becoming a tyrant and force a marriage he did not want.
“If you were threatened and forced to participate, I’ll give you a chance to return. You can go back if you’re unwilling.”
“No, Your Majesty. Come to think of it, I thought it would be okay to push it away and feel comfortable.” 1
Push? Push what? Where do you push?
“In fact, you’re still at war with Gripton, aren’t you? When I become the Emperor Consort, Your Majesty won’t just watch your husband’s hometown get caught up in war, right?” 1
Haven came up to me and stared down with his black eyes.
He smelled familiar.
It’s the scent of a madman. My brother is running around. 3
I’m telling you, two lunatics in one house called for trouble.
I stepped back away from him and told him.
“…I think it would be better to choose a consort among other candidates.”
Haven took my hand. He pulled it and put it over his chest. It felt as if I could feel his heart beating under my palm. 1
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He smiled, replacing his cold-looking blank expression, as he saw my flustered face. 1
“What for, Your Majesty. I’m already your man.” 3
Wait, don’t do this.
I think I stepped on something.