She practised horseback riding in the afternoon.
Lilica had fun riding the pony. She walked and ran in harmony with Saebyeol.
Brynn smiled happily as she watched from a distance.
“I’ll have to order a few more horseback riding suits, too. If she gets used to it, she should also learn how to ride sidesaddle.”
Lauv was a little confused on whether she was talking to him or not.
His gray eyes glanced at Brynn before turning back towards Lilica.
“Isn’t she so cute?”
Lauv agreed to the words that were spoken ecstatically with hands clasped tightly together.
“You’re right.”
“Gosh, that scared me. What, you know how to speak?”
In an instant, Lauv wondered what he should say and responded flusteredly.
“I know how to.”
“Ahh, me too. I’m quite good at mumbling to myself, so you don’t have to reply.”
Then, she smiled broadly and waved at Lilica, who was waving in this direction.
When Lauv waved with her, Brynn said.
“Don’t be mistaken, will you? She’s waving at me.”
“I’m soliloquizing, ‘Alright.’”
Lauv replied. Brynn’s eyes narrowed. Lilica came over in an instant and asked.
“How was it? Doesn’t it seem like I’m pretty decent at riding now?”
“Yes, your back was also straight, and you rode so well.”
“I think I can gallop at full speed now.”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
As she answered with a bright smile, she spotted a servant running from a distance.
She could see it clearly as she was seated at a high spot.
The servant that rushed over hurriedly stopped and said.
“Apparently, the grand theatre is on fire, Princess.”
“The grand theatre?”
The moment she thought, “That’s bad,” Lilica soon remembered that her mother went to the grand theatre earlier.
Lilica couldn’t help but spur the horse on. Saebyeol immediately responded and began running.
Brynn exclaimed in astonishment, and Lauv shot out like a flash of lightning.
In an instant, he ran faster than the horse and blocked its path.
Lilica yanked on the reins in surprise. Fortunately, she wasn’t running at full speed, so Saebyeol stopped immediately.
She’d almost hit Lauv, and Lilica thought her heart was about to rise out of her throat.
Lauv shouted.
“Where are you going?”
“Where else, obviously—”
“You’re going to the Grand theatre, aren’t you? I’ll call for a carriage.”
Brynn quickly caught up with them and said. Only then did Lilica realise that she didn’t even know where the grand theatre was.
There’s no way she could have gotten there on Saebyeol’s back.
“I’m sorry, I… I mean.”
Her hands trembled as she tried to stay calm.
“Excuse me.”
Lauv hugged her off the horse. Brynn squeezed Lilica’s hands tightly.
“The Empress also has a talisman, doesn’t she? I’m sure that she’ll be fine. Come on, let’s go.”
Lilica thought that she was good at taking care of herself, but that wasn’t the truth.
While Brynn arranged for everything, Atil, who’d heard the news, ran over.
Lilica suddenly felt like crying.
“Are you okay? You’re going over now, right?”
“Y, yes.”
“Let’s go together. Horses are faster than a carriage. You can sit in front of me.”
“You can’t.”
Lauv objected. He continued as Atil glared at him.
“Horses are too exposed. Besides, it’s all the more so if two people are riding on a horse at the same time.”
Atil’s expression hardened.
‘Don’t tell me. The fire in the grand theatre? On purpose?’
Lilica came to her senses at that. She wanted to dash over there immediately.
If she knew the way there, she would’ve rode on Saebyeol and headed there, even if she was all by herself.
But you shouldn’t do that.
An outstanding princess would,
An outstanding princess would.
Lilica looked up.
“Then please prepare the carriage quickly.”
“It’s ready.”
When a servant rushed over and delivered those words, Brynn spoke in a voice that wasn’t loud but sounded very clear.
“Let’s go.”
Atil pulled Lilica along by the wrist.
The carriage was one that could travel swiftly, and there weren’t any emblems.
But it seemed rather sturdy.
The carriage ride was rather rough, but Lilica only found it to be too slow. Atil held her hand tightly.
“It’ll be fine.”
At that time, the sensitive Atil noticed the signs and said.
“It’s raining.”
Lilica opened the carriage’s small window with a snap. Raindrops were falling.
Tap, tap, tap.
‘A little more, a little more, quickly—’
As soon as Lilica made a wish, it began to rain.
The carriage slowed down. It was a great downpour.
The sound of thunder could be heard very closely. The sound of the rain was loud.
“It’s Uncle.”
Atil said lowly. Lilica looked back at him in surprise. Atil grinned crookedly.
“Who else is capable of making it suddenly rain like this? At this time, just like that.”
He looked back at Lilica.
“Everything will be fine now.”
* * *
It stopped raining when she got out of the carriage. Nevertheless, the acrid smell was everywhere.
More than half of the grand theatre, which was boasted as the empire’s most majestic place, was burned down.
Rescuers and spectators crowded the area surrounding the theatre.
However, it wasn’t difficult to locate Ludia, as there was a place where the knights formed a circle and kept guard.
Lilica ran over with a loud cry. Ludia, who was seated in a portable chair, looked up.
She burst into tears at the sight of her mother’s face, who was safe and sound.
Soot was all over her mother’s damp face and body, indicating the urgency of the situation.
Lilica threw herself into her lap.
“You, you’re alright. You’re safe, hic.”
“Mother is alright. I’m alright. It’s all because of the talisman that Lily gave me.”
Ludia patted Lilica’s head. Then, she looked up, found Atil and smiled.
“I didn’t expect the both of you to appear here like this.”
Ludia patted the approaching Atil’s arm lightly, and sighed.
“The flames were really huge.”
“But thanks to Her Majesty the Empress, the casualties have been greatly reduced. Do you know how worried I was that you didn’t come out until the last second because you were directing people to escape?”
The head lady-in-waiting sighed and spoke like she was airing her grievances. Ludia smiled.
“But it’s fortunate that it rained like this.”
“You must be fortunate to have a husband like me.”
“Oh my. Altheos.”
Ludia looked surprised.
“What are you doing here?”
Altheos strode over, grabbed her chin and tilted it around.
“Did you get hurt?”
“I’m fine.”
Altheos let go and folded his arms.
“Then get up.”
Startled by those words, Lilica immediately jumped out of her mother’s lap.
“Are you hurt? Are you not feeling well?”
“A little on my ankle, Altheos, I’ll make you regret it if you try to lift my skirt up right now.”
Altheos, who had an outstretched hand, stopped. He looked at her quietly and spoke to Lilica.
“Your mother is such a reckless person.”
What are you talking about in front of a child? Then, Ludia raised her voice suddenly.
The people in their surroundings craned their necks and listened in on their conversation.
“Is His Majesty here?”
“Did Her Majesty the Empress get hurt?”
“I heard that it happened while she was saving people. My goodness……”
Tears started falling from Lilica’s eyes again. It was scary. She was scared, really scared.
She only had her mother.
If even her mother disappeared.
If even her mother disappeared.
Ludia rose from her seat and scooped up Lilica. Astonished, Lilica said.
“Y, your leg.”
“It’s really just a slight injury. Here, isn’t Mom standing properly? Hmm? Mom’s fine. It’s alright.”
As she stroked her head and patted her back, Lilica burst into tears in her arms again.
Altheos said to the sniffling Lilica.
“You don’t have to worry. Now, I’m protecting your mother.”
At those words, Ludia made a pathetic expression for a moment and she quickly told her daughter.
“That’s right, His Majesty is the strongest man in the Empire. Lilica doesn’t have to worry so much. You were really shocked, right? So you were frightened.”
“Bring the children to this place,” although there were many things Ludia wanted to say, she held them back. Altheos spoke.
“Let’s go back to the palace for now. It’s too chaotic here.”
“In any case, that would be nice.”
When Ludia said those words, Lilica squeezed her mother tightly once and dropped onto the ground.
Atil clicked his tongue and handed her a handkerchief.
As Ludia turned her head to look for a carriage, Altheos lifted her up.
“I heard you hurt your ankle.”
Ludia sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck.
The appearance of the emperor and empress getting on the carriage left a strong impression on the people.
“Long live the Empress!”
“Long live the Emperor!”
For some reason, Lilica couldn’t follow behind them. She twisted her handkerchief and stood there quietly, watching the retreating silhouettes of her mother and His Majesty.
“What’s wrong?”
Atil asked, causing Lilica to startle and shake her head. Atil looked around.
“I think I’ll have to roughly settle things here before going back. Go back first.”
“No matter what, there’s nothing you can do right now. Since you’ve shown your face. Since His Majesty left like that, I should handle the matters here.”
“I’ll help you, too, is there anything I can help you with?”
“Never mind. It’s too dangerous, so go back.”
“Still, still…”
Lilica wanted to do something. Atil spoke firmly.
“I’ve already told you that it’s fine.”
Lilica answered softly and stepped back. Brynn said next to him.
“With all due respect, Your Highness, I would like to say something. Now that the princess making an appearance here is known, it doesn’t seem appropriate for her to leave immediately.”
Atil’s brows furrowed. Lilica raised her head up in a flash and raised her voice.
“I can also do it.”
“What can you do? Don’t get in the way—”
Brann, who was standing behind him, cleared his throat. Atil held back what he was about to say.
“You aren’t trying to hurt her, are you?”
He recalled Pi’s words and took a deep breath.
He wasn’t trying to hurt her.
“Lilica, the things that have to be done here are things that you can’t do yet. And there are so many people outside. Lauv, a single escort, can’t handle that. I’m really worried for you, so go back.”
Lilica’s shoulders drooped. She nodded.
Brynn placed a hand on Lilica’s shoulder as a comforting motion.
Lilica climbed into the carriage and took a backwards glance.
The figure of Atil, who was skillfully giving instructions to the gathered crowd, entered her eyes.
A rainbow appeared over the collapsed grand theatre. Puddles of water glimmered.
For some reason, it was devastating, and yet stunning.
The carriage door closed. The carriage now moved in a much smoother manner than before.
Brynn, who was riding in the carriage with her, asked carefully.
“Are you alright, Princess?”
“Yes, I’m fine. Mother is safe too. It’s a relief.”
Brynn smiled as she watched Lilica smile and speak bravely.
“If you grow up a little more, you’ll be able to work with His Highness.”
Lilica nodded.
When she returned to the palace, Lilica stood beside her mother, who was being examined.
His Majesty nagged the doctor about this and that.
There was a terrible look on Lilica’s face, so Ludia comforted her several times.
Ludia had sprained her ankle slightly, and there was a small burn, so she applied ointment.
“You could have just watched the fire burn there blankly.”
“Who would have just watched it burn? They would have evacuated the people. The damage would have been greater if I hadn’t stepped up.”
“That’s right.”
The head lady-in-waiting beside her agreed.
“Her Majesty the Empress brought the situation under control with her status and evacuated the crowd. When women dressed in crinoline fell to the floor, they were trampled on without being able to get up. There’s nothing they could do even if they were on fire.”
It was a terrible thing to think about again, and the maid shuddered.
Those wearing crinoline were helpless once they were caught on fire as it was an outfit that couldn’t be worn or taken off by themselves.
As the crinoline would obstruct each other, other women couldn’t help them, and the fire quickly spread from one wide skirt to another wide skirt.
Just one person was enough to block a passageway.
Fortunately, following the trends, more than half of the women who were dressed in bustle-style clothes. Their movements were much faster.
“If the Empress hadn’t popularised bustle dresses…’
The head lady-in-waiting’s body trembled.
If all the women present were dressed in crinoline, it would have resulted in a huge sacrifice, no matter how hard they tried.
Ludia clenched and unclenched her trembling hand.
‘I knew about it and let my guard down.’
The fire blazed so strongly and spreaded everywhere in an instant.
Her body stiffened at the sight of people choking on the smoke and the fluttering flames.
The blazing fire
The flames at the stake
The moment when fear set in,
Lilica’s talisman fell onto the floor, making an absurdly loud sound amidst the chaos and screams.
Startled, she was able to come to her senses.
The moment she spotted the talisman, the strong thought, ‘To live and return to Lily’s side,’ appeared in her mind.
Since then, she shouted and waved hurriedly.
The imperial family’s seat was structured so that could be clearly seen from every direction, so everyone saw her standing there.
— I will stay here until the last person escapes!
That cry captured the hearts of the people.
A section in the middle of the grand theatre had collapsed, which obstructed the flames and bought them some time. But if it didn’t rain then……
Goosebumps rose all over her, and Ludia rubbed her arms.
“Anyways, Mom is really fine. It’s all thanks to Lily’s talisman. And thank you, Altheos. I would have been in trouble if it hadn’t rained.”
“It would have become a larger problem if my wife had burned to death there.”
When Ludia signalled at Lilica with her eyes, Altheos shut his mouth.
Lilica smiled.
“Then I’ll take my leave now. Mother, please rest well.”
“Shall we sleep together tonight? Hmm?”
Ludia suggested with a smile. Lilica glanced at Altheos and shook her head.
“No, I’m fine.”
Lilica spoke bravely and left, “I’ll be back tomorrow morning.”
Ludia looked anxiously at her daughter’s small back.
‘Am I still unreliable?’