Lilica spent the rest of the time focused on the garden. She was able to recognise quite a lot of plants by distinguishing them by types one by one with the large book opened next to her.
“But it seems like there are even more weeds.”
“Why don’t you plough everything and plant new ones to your liking?”
“I can’t do that, I’m not entirely sure, but Atil had treasured the key all this time. There must be a reason. I want to restore it to its original state as much as possible. Of course, it can’t return back to its past state, but…”
Brynn said to Lilica, whose nose was glued to the book and diligently reading.
“In that case, I think it would be faster to get help from a gardener. This place is too wide for a person to manage alone.”
“Yes……can I ask for a gardener when it’s a secret garden?”
“All you have to do is look for a gardener that can keep a secret. I don’t think just reading books is enough.”
“You’re right.”
Lilica sighed.
The book she had was just a guidebook on plants, and not a book about how to grow certain plants.
“Then can I leave this to Brynn? I hope that you can find a good gardener.”
“Yes, I’ll shortlist the candidates, so Princess, please check if they are a bad person with your intuition.”
Lilica nodded loudly. That’s how the events of that day were settled.
Lilica only recalled the book in her pocket when she returned to the White Dragon Chamber and was changing her clothes.
“Oh, wait a minute!”
Lilica only thought about it just as Brynn was about to touch her clothes, and as such, she rushed into her bedroom and stuffed the book under her pillow.
She wondered about what she’d do if Brynn questions her about it, but she didn’t say or ask anything.
It was the behaviour of a trusted lady-in-waiting that noticed her master was trying to hide something.
After dinner, Lilica laid down in bed and asked Brynn not to turn off the lights.
When Brynn closed the door and left, Lilica, who was pretending to be asleep, quickly got up from her position and took out the book under her pillow.
‘A collection of magic for a girl that has fallen in love—’
She roughly skipped the preface, scanned the table of contents, and headed straight for the section she’d seen earlier.
‘Methods to make an amulet for the person you love—get your loved ones out of the woods!’
This is it!
Lilica read the book diligently. It was so that she could make an amulet for Atil.
‘Ingredients, gold coins, gold coins? How do I get gold coins?’
She ran into difficulties from the onset. Gold coin? Where would she be able to get gold coins?
Lilica has never seen gold coins before.
‘First of all, the gold…’
Wash the gold coins until they are clean and place them within a glass bottle, then add clear water from a well and fresh herbs (refer to the types listed below) in the bottle and allow it to bask under the moonlight.
Chant ‘Fairy, fairy, please protect OOO (the recipient’s name)’, while wrapping it in a white handkerchief, and that’s it!
It was a simple method. The effect seemed to be relatively decent. From the anonymous review at the bottom, it seemed quite good. Atil definitely needs this!
Herbs seem to be available in the secret garden, and she could prepare the well water, glass bottle, and white handkerchiefs, but the problem lay in the gold coins.
‘Gold coins, my allowance from working in His Majesty’s office… No, I can’t. I don’t want to take it.’
She did it because she liked doing it. She didn’t do it to get paid.
‘Is there any way to earn gold coins?’
As Lilica pondered over it, she suddenly thought of Uva. By now, he was probably working hard travelling through the Sea of Forests.
Lilica clasped her hands together.
‘Please let Uva come back safely. Please protect him from danger and allow him to be unharmed. Please let him stay healthy and bring back a lot of good things.’
As Lilica prayed, she added.
‘Also, please let me find some gold coins.’
* * *
Lilica wiped the ink bottle clean and placed it on the desk. She also organised the documents neatly.
She had even draped a blanket onto the sofa. Was His Majesty, Lat, or Tan sleeping?
“You’re working hard today, Princess.”
Tan grinned at her as he entered quietly with documents in hand.
“I heard you managed to persuade the Crown Prince?”
“It was a request.”
Tan laughed again when Lilica corrected him. Lat asked.
“Persuade him about what?”
“He said he’ll pick an escort.”
“Well, that’s wonderful. Princess, you’re amazing.”
Lat praised her with a smile. Continuing to refuse getting an escort was a problem for both the Knights of the Imperial Guard and a matter for the Imperial Family.
Altheos stared at her and beckoned for her to come closer. When Lilica trotted over, his hand swept against her forehead roughly.
“Why aren’t you energetic?”
Lilica raised her arms out of surprise.
“I’m full of energy though? I also ate two sausages in the morning.”
“So the food wasn’t enough.”
“No, it was.”
As Lilica shook her head, Altheos opened the drawer. Her eyes were suddenly blinded by something dazzling.
‘Why was there a pile of gold, silver, and gems in the drawer?’
Lilica’s mouth widened in surprise, while Altheos randomly grabbed a fistful of the pile of treasure and held it out to Lilica.
“Go get something delicious.”
“Hold on, Your Majesty. If you give it like that…”
As the bewildered Lat stood up from his seat, Lilica quickly took out her coin purse from her pocket. It was the wallet that her mother gave her as a present.
It was the precious wallet that she’d carried everywhere. Lat saw the wallet and returned back to his seat.
Altheos took the wallet from her and began to fill it with gold coins. Lilica spoke flusteredly.
“Your, Your Majesty, it’s about to burst!”
Her face turned teary out of fear that the wallet she’d received as a gift would burst open. Altheos tried and failed to close the purse, and so he held out the open purse to Lilica.
“Here. Go and get something delicious.”
“Thank you very much.”
Lilica lowered her head at the allowance she’d received unexpectedly.
Altheos patted her head gently a couple of times again.
Just like he’d heard nagging that puppies and kittens should be touched gently.
Lilica giggled because she felt his affection. Though it was rougher than this, Atil also liked to stroke her hair like this.
It’s a clumsy method from people that didn’t know how to do so, but Lilica found it rather nice.
The corners of Altheos’s eyes softened at her smile. He removed his hand and spoke.
“Off you go.”
She’d gained gold coins from an unexpected place, so Lilica’s steps became light.
‘I’ll make one for His Majesty, I’ll make one from Mother, I’ll also make one for Brynn—’
As she had sufficient gold coins, the list of people to make an amulet increased.
When Lilica left the office hurriedly, the waiting Brynn welcomed her.
“Did something good happen?”
“Yeah, take a look.”
Lilica showed Brynn her purse as she spoke.
“His Majesty gave it to me to buy something delicious because I looked listless.”
“Oh, my.”
It was indeed an imperial gift from the emperor, but what should this be called?
Brynn said.
“Shall we go back and look at what’s inside?”
Lilica quickly emptied the contents of her purse onto the desk once she returned to the White Dragon Chamber.
There were several shiny gold coins and something white and round.
“What’s this?”
“These are pearls, Princess.”
It was her first time seeing a real pearl. So it was actually this pretty. So it was actually this beautiful.
She finally understood what the description pearl-like skin was referring to.
Lilica really couldn’t believe that this came out of shells.
“It’s so pretty…”
Brynn touched the jewel in admiration.
Transparent diamonds that sparkled colourfully, sapphires the colour of Atil’s eyes, rubies as red as roses, emeralds that were like summer gardens.
They were all high-quality jewels.
“I think it would be great to invite a craftsman to make ornaments.”
“Yes, but they’re still very, very pretty like this.”
The jewels that glittered underneath the sunlight were so pretty that it made people exclaim. Lilica said.
“Why is it kept in his desk drawer though?”
“Dragons like to hoard gold, silver and treasures.”
Lilica nodded, instantly convinced. She carefully pressed on the slightly swollen purse to turn it back into its original shape.
“Is there a place to store these?”
“Please give me a moment.”
Soon, Brynn brought a velvet pouch and a jewellery box. The jewels were arranged neatly in the jewellery box while the gold coins were placed into the velvet pouch. Lilica secretly took two gold coins and placed them into her raspberry coin purse.
‘I managed to secure gold coins with this.’
Now, all she had to do was prepare the herbs and well water. The glass bottle had something within.
‘I should be thankful to Tan.’
Even if she ate all the candy, the beautiful glass bottle remained. Once it was washed and decorated, she could use that.
‘What herbs were needed again?’
She’d intended to check the booklet, but cold sweat dripped from her back.
Didn’t she fall asleep after placing the book underneath her pillow?
The bedsheets were arranged by the maids every day. What if they’d discovered the magic book?
The anxious Lilica got up from her seat.
“Brynn, wait a minute.”
When she entered her bedroom, she was faced with neat bedding as usual. With a tearful face, Lilica placed her hand underneath the soft pillow which she’d originally placed it.
‘It’s not there!’
Like a maid that was straightening out the bed sheets, Lilica fumbled under the pillow, and eventually lifted the pillow, but she didn’t spot the book.
Her vision went pitch-dark.
‘What should I do?’
“Princess, are you looking for this?”
Brynn closed the bedroom door and held out the book cautiously.
Lilica quickly picked up the book that’s covered with a white cloth and opened it.
It was that book.
As Lilica looked at Brynn helplessly, she smiled and brought her index finger to her mouth.
“I will take the Princess’ secret to the grave, so please don’t worry. The title of the cover was too obvious, so I’d placed a new cover over it…”
Lilica’s voice trembled emotionally. She hugged Brynn tightly, and Brynn laughed.
It was a booklet that was popular amongst aristocratic young ladies a few years ago.
Other than this, fortune telling with flowers and names were once popular, but Brynn doesn’t know where the princess had obtained this.
‘I can’t believe that she already has someone she likes.’
Brynn had thought that she was too young for that, but as expected, the Princess was different from the rest. Brynn nodded inwardly.
Since she was mature, her crush might be an adult.
‘Is it the Knight Commander or the Chancellor?’
Brynn started to feel excited at the thought that she could watch the progress of flitting feelings beside her.
The title was blatantly saying that ‘I have someone I like’, so Brynn secretly placed another book cover over it.
Wasn’t this the virtue of having an excellent trusted lady-in-waiting?
“It will be difficult for you to finish the spell alone. Please allow me to be of assistance. What kind of spell do you have in mind?”
When Brynn whispered her question, Lilica quickly opened up the booklet and found the right page.
“To make an amulet. I was worried about the gold coins, but His Majesty has given me so much. I’ll make one for Atil, I’ll make one for His Majesty, and I’ll make one for Brynn!”
“Oh, my.”
With a low exclamation, Brynn looked at the princess’ serious expression.
The princess seems to believe that this book was a real magic book.
‘True, it’s too early for our princess to experience romantic love. Yes, at this age, being loved is enough.’
Brynn threw all the previous thoughts she had out of the window and smiled.
“I’ll strive to be of as much assistance as possible, Princess.”
“Thank you, Brynn.”
Lilica thanked Brynn sincerely.
Now, Lilica didn’t have to worry about how to sneak herbs or well water in.
As they sat side by side in the bedroom and discussed the contents of the magic book in soft whispers, news about the arrival of a letter came from a maid outside.
“Could it be from the Barat Duchy?”
Lilica jumped up from her seat at Brynn’s words. She left the bedroom and found a palace messenger standing at the entrance to deliver the letter.
Once Lilica came out, the messenger greeted her politely and held out a letter.
Once the messenger receded, Lilica opened the letter with a letter opener.
Was it because the Duke of Barat’s seal was a flower? The scent of flowers was emanating from the paper.
The words that were written beautifully inquired about the scheduled date of the visit, and said that it would be alright to begin tomorrow.
Fjord Barat was the sender. Lilica wrote back immediately.
No matter how hard Lilica tried, she was unable to write beautifully like him. She tried her best to keep the ink from staining the paper.
She wrote as concisely as possible, that beginning tomorrow was alright, around tea time would be perfect.
This was because if she wrote for too long, ink stains would definitely be created.
The excess ink dried sufficiently after sprinkling powder, and the letter was placed in an envelope, sealed with a wax seal, and passed onto the messenger.
Barat wouldn’t cause a disturbance with the imperial family inside the palace, but Brynn was still worried.
Isn’t he that Fjord Barat?
Brynn persuaded gently.
“Why don’t you go to the Knights of the Imperial Guard to look for an escort with His Highness the Crown Prince? I think the sooner the better.”
Lilica nodded as she thought that Brynn was right. Since Black Dragon Chamber wasn’t far away, she decided to go over immediately.