Chapter 6
The Monster Lord saw Leticia, making him rise up from his seat while holding a weapon.
Leticia almost screamed.
At that moment, a glint of excitement caught her eyes.
It was a book.
Only then did she come to her senses.
The interior design was small when she observed it.
This is a study room.
The fireplace was warming up the chill of the ancient castle. The Monster Lord sat in the chair next to Leticia while reading a book.
She was surprised a monster could read.
Leticia thought it was absurd, but she still felt scared.
‘What do I do?’
A dull heavy sound came from behind the frozen Leticia’s back.
The door of the study room had slipped backwards. It sounded like a coffin lid was closed.
In the silence, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of burning firewood.
After a while, the Monster Lord moved. He went to the desk and placed the book down.
The masked part of the Lord’s face suddenly turned to face the shivering Leticia. He stared at her for a moment and then made a gesture.
It seems like he wants to leave.
She was so scared that she didn’t dare to question him.
The Monster Lord left first with a lamp in his hand.
Leticia followed shivering.
Where are we going?
The Lord holding the lamp went down a dark corridor.
They left the main building and went to the deserted roads that are unusually spacious. It was like they were visiting a deserted place.
Her fear grew larger by each step.
-The Lord likes to hunt by himself.
The voices of the old witches looked like they would say those words.
You should keep your head on straight. Even if you are bitten by a tiger, you will live if you have the right faith in God.
‘Naturally hide your hands, and then, stab him in the middle of his eyes.’
She then practiced eye-catching moves in her head.
The Monster Lord suddenly stopped.
Leticia followed suit.
A cold breeze blew up the hem of her skirt.
They were in front of the passage leading to the outer court of the castle.
The Monster Lord pointed somewhere beyond silently.
I could see a horse and a carriage, as well as a horseman. It feels like it was waiting for an emergency service at night.
What does he mean?
Leticia looked at him dumbfoundedly; she didn’t quite understand what he was pertaining to.
He pointed over there again and just blinked.
A cold voice came from the Lord.
“Run away quickly!”
Leticia doubted what she heard.
Did he just tell me to run away?
The unexpected remark made her think for a moment.
As soon as he stood there, he said everything.
“What are you even doing here? Run away quickly.”
“Your efforts were fictitious, but you can’t get out of here by yourself. You still needed help from adults. There’s nothing to worry about, they are all nice people unlike me. If you’re scared and want to run away, I’ll take you home safely.”
I didn’t mishear it.
And now, he is misunderstanding everything.
He thought that Leticia wanted to run away and accidentally entered his study room.
But she just couldn’t understand.
‘Why did he come to me instead of being angry?’
As soon as he stood there, he spoke again.
“What? Are you saying that you are even scared to walk all the way there all by yourself?”
“N-no, it’s-…”
“Okay, then I’ll stand here with the light until you get yourself to the horseman.”
“It’s not-…”
“I’m just doing this for myself too, I can go back to my study room only if you leave quickly.”
He held the lamp high in a curt manner. At this rate, he was about to push her back.
‘Listen to me first.’
Leticia mustered up her courage and spoke clearly.
“I don’t have any intention to run away!”
It was a timid but loud voice in its own way.
This time, it was the Monster Lord who was surprised.
He turned his head to Leticia and was puzzled.
On the other side of the aisle, the sound of the conversation stopped suddenly.
The horseman finally noticed their presence.
The Monster Lord hurriedly hid the lamp in the dark.
“You don’t have to look around and lie.”
He turned around after speaking bluntly. He also said that he had nothing more to do.
“Please wait!”
Leticia followed quickly. She was afraid of him, but she doesn’t have a choice but to follow him because she didn’t know the way back.
“It’s not a lie, I just walked out on my own and got lost. I have no intention of running away from here.”
The Monster Lord stopped at the horse.
“I don’t understand.”
He looked at Leticia as if he saw something truly amazing.
“Didn’t you hear the rumors about me?”
“I did.”
“Then you know I am a monster. I look scary and horrible. And you’re saying that you weren’t running away?”
“When I look at myself in the mirror, I scream as well. I think God still hasn’t fixed my face.”
“Don’t lie, you’re a daughter of a Count from the capital. You shook your hands as soon as you saw me. You’re still shaking because you’re scared.”
“I won’t deny it.”
Leticia said resolutely.
“But it still doesn’t change the fact I don’t want to run away.”
“I don’t want to leave. Whatever happens, it’s better than going back to the house. So…”
Leticia stared at him.
“Take me as your bride!”
She asked with all her strength and courage.
He refused without a second thought.
Leticia was discouraged.
Although she expected it, it was different to receive such a final notice. She looked like she was sentenced to death.
“I see.”
Leticia said in sorrow.
“Okay. But don’t tell me to run away. I’d rather be a sacrifice than leave.”
Again, his reaction was absurd.
“What did you just say?”
“I’d rather be a sacrifice.”
She felt like she could do what she wanted. Leticia poured out her words into even more painful words.
“That’s my situation. It’s either I become a bride or a sacrificial flock. It’s a fate that I have.”
“No, neither are true!”
“How come?”
“First, my favorite foods are chicken and bread pudding. Second, that doesn’t make you my bride.”
He spoke solemnly.
“I’m a minor too, so I can’t.”
“Ah, yes… what?”
Leticia once again doubted what she heard.
Did she hear that wrong?
For a moment, she forgot her fear and asked.
“How old are you?”
He became ill.
He spoke like an adult, but still… Fifteen years old?
She was so ashamed that she couldn’t understand for a moment.
How much is the age difference between 12 and 15? One, two, three—.
“What are you doing?”
“It’s nothing.”
She quickly hid her hands behind her back. But he had already seen Leticia’s action and spoke to her.
“Three years is a long time. The four seasons need to pass three times.”
“Yes, it is.”
Leticia replied in an ambiguous tone.
‘It’s so weird.’
She was still scared. But before solving the questions that came to her mind, her intuition didn’t seem to work out.
Finally, she asked with courage.
“If you are a minor and you can’t take me as your bride, why did you bring me here?”
“Ask my father.”
The Monster Lord answered.
“My father was always worried about his successor. My family’s customs have been like this for generations. The demons are going to swarm, and he is determined to have a successor to protect the castle in the north.”
“Of course, heirs are important.”
“But do you think I need to use a ruse to get married? I don’t think so. If I subjugated the demons with my battalion, I don’t need a successor, right?”
He spoke words that were full of courage. Leticia replied feeling under the pressure of the situation.
“Well, that’s true.”
“But, we already have our families involved, which is why I contacted you first to avoid the curse. We can just fake the wedding and divorce when a good opportunity arises. I can’t believe it, I don’t treat people as brides or sacrifices. There’s no such custom in our castle!”
“Then why did the chef tell me that I’m nothing but bones and that I need to fatten up?”
“Because that’s a chef’s job!”
“You think Mrs. Cassaro was doing bad things, but it’s not actually like that. They aren’t professional employees, they were people who my father saved from a devil’s hands. That’s why they aren’t as kind and courteous as normal employees. But rest assured that when someone new comes in, they are all scrambling to be nice.”
Leticia is speechless.
He is right in what he said.
The meal was just a meal. The bath was just a bath, and the light clothes were likewise.
But there was still a concern in the corner of her mind, it was the voice of her cousins.
-Is that so? I don’t know anyone who’s gonna be nice to a kid like you?
-There’s a reason. You’re just being fooled again, aren’t you?
Leticia shut her eyes tightly. She opened her mouth and spoke with a faint voice. Even if there was a knife near her neck, she had to ask.
“So what’s the room of sacrifice?”
“The room of sacrifice?”
“A locked room. The scary room that my sisters told me about was really in this castle. I asked them what room it was, and they were all flustered. So I took a peek and the butler was scolding some servants and preparing an altar on which the offering will be made…”
Silence prevailed for a moment.
He hesitated to answer.
Leticia grew sensitive to other people’s senses since she was a child. She could roughly guess how others felt.
The Monster Lord was at a loss. For the first time, he is in the position of not knowing what to do.
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As expected, the room is suspicious.
‘This time I hit the nail on his head.’
Leticia gave the Monster Lord a shot of remorse!
But she wasn’t happy at all as what surrounded them was complete darkness.